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  • Almost exactly a year ago. It deserved its own frame in my new house!
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I hope you are able to have a good time with your friends!

    Would love to see more when it is convenient to you, of course.
    Congratulations! That’s so cool and I am happy you shared this moment with us. I am looking forward for future achievements. You are awesome!
    Thank you so much!! <3
    I have the best job in the world <3
    Forgot to mention that the red Border Collie is one of my mom’s dogs, Leah. And yes I do make my parents pay me for daycare lol but they get a discount!
    And Enzo is on a leash because he hates swimming and I didn’t want him to run back to the car, because then I would be chasing him while stepping on rocks. It happened twice prior to these photos lol
    I probably won’t be around much this summer because I travel a lot and I work a lot in the summer. I already have very little free time. I will try to check in every day though.
    I spent most of the day updating all the very old pictures in my house from when I was younger and before some of my current dogs were born. It looks much nicer now especially since this is a brand new house.
    It was date night for us. My girlfriend said black is definitely my color (my name on my necklace is spelled how she originally thought it was spelled lol)
    Mr. Stevens
    That's very sweet (the necklace). It sounds like you had a great evening.
    Love your purse. Black with pink looks great. I can't pull that off. I an too pale.
    I agree with @Aspychata, the contrast looks very good. It's a color combination I don't see often, but it works.
    The traffic finally let up and I got on the highway and just stepped on the gas lol. I’m in Rockport now for the rest of the day (coastal town on the North Shore)
    I’m stuck in traffic in Boston and it’s been pretty much at a standstill for over an hour. There is a basketball game at 3:30. That’s why, I guess.
    I was considering not showing Enzo again (I entered him in two conformation shows last summer and he did very well, but I thought that was that because he is more of a performance sports dog) but after seeing how he has matured as a full adult (he will be 3 in a few weeks) I have decided to enter him in some shows this summer. Especially since he does not nip at judges anymore lol
    I will not be breeding him though, ever. He has an extremely high-strung, high drive temperament that I don’t really want more of because most people can’t handle a dog like him, especially if they just want a show dog or a hunting dog.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Is temperament so much genetic?
    Yes it can be. It doesn’t dictate the entire personality but there are traits that run in families.
    My best friend gave me this Pointer pin for my birthday a few years ago, to wear at dog shows. I don’t really wear pins or brooches so I made it into a beautiful one of a kind necklace instead!
    Also, one of my closest irl friends came over earlier and I made her a Pride flag necklace. She loves it!
    This is exactly what a Pointer’s head is supposed to look like. This is called a “dish face.”
    This is why he got awards the few times I did enter him in shows lol
    Enzo finally went swimming!!!
    Those swagger men, they always pose, good he doesn't operate keyboards, some woman would be out of her inheritance.
    @Judge he actually did swim around for a few minutes, and I’m very glad he did because at least now I know he knows how! So I can worry less if he ends up jumping off the boat this summer. I was worried he couldn’t swim because he never has.
    He is in the river by the way, not the ocean. I don’t really let my guys swim in the ocean because I don’t either. I do swim in the river though and the water is pretty warm right now.
    I got a display rack for my jewelry crafts in my studio and it looks amazing and so professional!!!
    That looks great, especially with the flower crown on top.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea

    Side note i love that the dog statues are looking at it and admiring it!
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