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  • About 80 degrees (Fahrenheit) today and we decided to take a trip into Boston. I normally avoid cities but my girlfriend wants to see the tulips in the Public Garden.
    So who got to pahk tha cah ?

    When Mom and I visited Paul's house a few years back...lol. (We're in front of the Impala.)

    The tourists are coming! The tourists are coming! Paul wasn't home, but we saw Mark Lindsay. :cool:

    Paul's House.jpg
    Sorry- Boston.
    I went thru the expensive tunnel. Lol.
    Just kidding about Mark Lindsay....as in "Paul Revere and the Raiders" for anyone who wasn't aware of who they were....lol.

    I had literally nothing to worry about with the support group. Everyone really, really liked me and wanted to talk to me. I shared pictures of my artwork and jewelry and they said it was amazing. Enzo was a big hit too!
    It’s that time of the morning…
    His body is such a wonderfully perculiar shape in that photo. Stalwart.
    He has a lot of poses.
    But now my favorite pillow stinks because he always sleeps on it. He is a dog after all.
    Prints of my artwork that I am offering for sale
    (I cannot bring myself to part with the originals)
    I’m pretty sure that more than one of my dogs has just farted lol
    And they’re all in my bed!
    Let's face it, they're probably blaming the human for it...;)
    Don't light a match. Remember the Halifax harbor explosion?
    People always think Enzo is a puppy. He's almost 3. But I think he thinks he's a puppy. Right now I'm sitting on the couch and he is curled in a ball next to me with his head on my leg. He definitely acts like a puppy.
    Your dog is almost as cute as mine! Of course, I say this smiling knowing that we dog parents all tend to see our own pets as the best. Your dog is adorable!
    Thank you! And I truly believe that all dogs are cute. Feel free to share pictures of yours! :)
    I slept all day. But the nightmare I had traumatized me so much that there was no way anything productive was going to get done. I’m awake for the day now at 2am though, and I have work in six hours so I will try to get some stuff done now.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Yesterday was one of those special days when I remember my dreams. My daughter's teachers had convinced her to jump into the crocodiles pool to swim there. So I jumped, got half eaten by the crocs, saved my daughter, lectured her about using her own criteria and died angry because I had no time left to throw the teachers to the crocs or tell my daughter how much I love her...
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Then as I waked up I reminded myself that my daughter could have lied to me about her teachers to protect herself or some friend, or just for fun. And got more angry about how easily she can play with me ... Yeah. Nightmares...
    Sorry about your nightmares, Luca. I know what that is like. This world can be so overwhelming for sensitive, caring people. I hate it when the stressors come out in our dreams. Hope you sleep better tonight.
    A middle aged woman in the market said my outfit was “childish” lol, I really don’t care because I would rather dress how I want than have to conform to standards even if they are “age appropriate.” There is no law that says people in their late 20s and 30s have to wear suits all the time!
    Totally forgot to mention that I finally found an in-person autism support group and a group for LGBTQ+ women. That doesn't mean I won't need the forum anymore, since I still want all of you in my life, but hopefully this will help me feel less lonely and unwanted irl. Trying to navigate friendships with mostly non-autistic people can be really difficult and I need to meet people who are more like me.
    Mr. Stevens
    That's awesome news and I really relate. There are non-Autistic people I really love, but it's hard to connect with most (even if I ignore the condescension or other issues I deal with). I hope you like the support groups.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Im glad for you! Its always great to have more people you can depend on and having some people to be there for you offline can be very helpful!
    I’m so happy for you. I hope the autism support group is helpful for you. It was a life changer for me!
    No makeup/freshly showered/natural hair selfies are scary to post but here we are lol.
    Mostly just wanted to show off my favorite childhood pajamas and that I shaped my eyebrows earlier.
    He made me buy this toy yesterday in the store because he was so obsessed with it that he was squealing and panting. The toy has not left his side since lol
    He’s very particular and selective about who and what he likes, but this toy and Mr. Snail are his favorites, and he won’t get in the car without his fuzzy bed.
    It took a ton of work and I spent over an hour on my hair and makeup, but I finally figured out how to do a high ponytail lol
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