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  • I get really upset when people complain or are mean to me for being "childlike." My childhood and innocence were stolen from me, so I had to be mature, responsible, tough, defensive, and parent myself when I was way too young to worry about any of those things. So I'm being childish now, when I'm more than a quarter through my life, because now I'm happier living life with the joy and curiosity I was never allowed.
    Commendations to you for doing what's really important - things that make *you* happy.

    I am reminded that so often people are focused on "doing" that they forget about "being" and "living".

    I wonder if your critics are throwing shade to cover the lack of happiness in their own lives.
    Mr. Stevens
    Luca, give them a solid face slap. Like Robin does to Alfred when Bruce isn't home.
    I am child like too especially when I get really excited. I can’t help but flay my arms and hands around when I’m happy. I’m glad my parents don’t hold me back and make me feel normal and understood. I wish I could somehow give that to you in return and to people who don’t have that in their life. Everyone has an inner child like attitude!
    I hate asking for help, and I NEVER ask for favors from friends because I feel guilty (even though they ask me for favors all the time.) I’m not feeling well and I’m running out of food because I haven’t gone grocery shopping. I texted a friend and reluctantly asked for help and her response was literally “No. I can’t help you. That’s so selfish.” So I just spent almost $50 on a delivery order. I’m so angry.
    Oh, and something else that has made it harder to ask for help is that whenever I ask my mom for help, even if it’s just a little thing, her response is always something like “No, too bad, I’m putting my foot down.” Even though I very rarely ask her either.
    I grew up the same way @Luca
    Doing everything myself.
    Your mother has proven herself to be very unkind and self serving. Think of all the favors and support and help that you missed out on when you were younger, and consider cashing them in slowly for the rest of your life. Learning independence is important, but learning to lean on others can be equally useful.
    I had short hair for most of my life, and when it was short, it was straight. So naturally, I assumed I had straight hair. But SURPRISE! It’s super dense and curly and I have no idea what to do with it lol. It eats hair clips and attacks my detangling brush. I have wavy extensions right now which I think is exacerbating the problem…
    Dry brushing turns curls into frizz. I'm probably a 3a or 3b in curl structure. My hair has a life of its own sometimes and looks different after every wash.
    Love your freckles :) Are they natural?
    Yes, they are mostly natural! I do use a freckle tint though to make them more visible when I’m wearing foundation.
    My dogs are all howling right now. Enzo is always the one who starts it. People always ask me if Pointers are quiet dogs. They are not. They howl, bark, whine, sing, yodel, grunt, snort, groan, squeak, and "talk." They are the most vocal breed of dog I have ever had. No one can even go near my front door without Enzo barking or howling. Sure, it's annoying, but it's typical. Pointers are not a low maintenance dog lol
    Omg, that’s terrifying!! And also shocking, Irish Wolfhounds are huge but they are supposed to have very gentle and docile temperaments. That poor woman. I was almost killed by a German shepherd so I know how scared she must have been :(
    The last time I saw an Irish Wolfhound was with a family inside a Walmart. The dog was much taller than their kids! Of course no one in store management dared approach them to ask them if this was a service animal! :D
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Wolfhounds are freakishly huge. :fearscream: Five of them is a lot of hound to handle. They were in crates in a car and actually broke out of the crates and the car. Gotta be a little impressed by that.
    More GI upset after going out last night and getting cold brew coffee and a pretzel hotdog. My girlfriend ate the same stuff and isn’t sick so I know it’s a “me” problem. Someone recommended an IBD/Crohn’s medication to me (starts with an E[?] but I forget) but the side effects sound horrible and I’m wary of a lot of meds with bad side effects. Not sure how to proceed.
    Focus on reducing stress where possible. Easier said than done I know. My stomach has been angry for over a week now, but my stress levels have been extremely high.
    Sounds like you should at least consider getting a diagnosis, regardless of what it might be before taking any specific medications. Just to be on the safe side. But yeah, stress can tie your stomach into some real knots. Especially if it is something prolonged. It's how I got shingles some years back.
    Bored and unable to sleep so we went out lol

    You guys look like you had a blast!:blush:
    We did! And here’s the outfit I wore
    This is also the most accurate picture I’ve ever gotten of my actual skin tone lol, I am indeed very tan/“caramel” as I have described
    Having my hair layered will not work, unfortunately. It is so thick and bushy that even brushing it or straightening it is a challenge, and I'm constantly losing bobby pins in my hair. I'm a bit surprised since this is the first time in my life I have had more than shoulder-length hair, and when it was short it was very straight. Now it's like a Brillo pad lol.
    my hair gets really wavy/curly whenever it gets long.
    Tbh that sounds like so much work, but when you're done it's impressive, I've never seen hair as healthy and thick. Would you say that the follicle is fine, or thick as well?
    The follicle seems to be thick as well
    Has anyone heard from @Outdated in the past couple of days? I haven't seen him around, and I'm a bit worried since he is usually such a regular contributor. But I apologize if I have just missed his posts since I tend to be online at odd hours.
    Hi Luca. I'm sorry if I worried you at all, there's nothing wrong. In fact everything is right, I met a wonderful lady and she has most of my attention now. I'll still keep dropping in here and seeing how everyone is going though. Everyone here has been an amazing help to me.
    You have nothing to apologize for :) I'm glad you met someone and I'm so happy for you! And I hope you will still drop in here because you will certainly be missed otherwise. You are a good friend and I hope you will stay in touch.
    I will, there's quite a few people in here that are important to me.
    I'm disappointed in myself because I couldn't do the blood test at the doctor's office. I had a panic attack and cried and had to leave. I don't mind getting tattoos or piercings too much, and I can tolerate vaccines, but having blood drawn is just so disturbing to me. The sight of blood makes me really queasy and lightheaded, and it's even worse when it's leaving my own body. I have another appointment later today.
    He eats 4 cans and 4 cups of dog food every day, and I've had to add ground beef to his diet to make him gain weight. This is a breed of dog that is designed to run 15-20 miles a day, it's very hard to make them fat and I think that would make you go bankrupt lol. He eats more than my dogs that weigh 100+lbs. He is about 70lbs. But I do give him a lot of cheese.
    Sometimes he looks more animated lol
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    What a beautiful forest!
    I used to have a dog that was very skinny as well. That's just how some dogs are. Just like how some humans are very naturally skinny.
    I'm thinking of getting my hair layered or something. I don't know if it would look good or bad. I have gotten my hair trimmed, colored, and gotten extensions in the past year or so but I have not had an actual haircut. One thing I know for sure is that I do not look good with bangs/fringe lol
    Have you watched the butterfly cut tutorials on youtube?
    Nope but I’ll look it up!
    Finally caught up on private messages! Yay! Being sick gave me a lot of time to reply to everything lol
    I'm going to the doctor in the morning, but I'm not entirely sure now that it's shingles. I'm on an anticonvulsant medication that can apparently cause painful rashes if you go too long between doses. The fact that the rash has gotten less bumpy and painful in the past 16 hours probably means that's more likely what it is.
    I've had chicken pox twice. Not fun on either occasion!
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I hope you feel well again soon! And I hope whatever the rash is goes away soon!
    As if I wasn’t already feeling pretty down, I think I have shingles :( I woke up with a very painful, bumpy rash all over my lower body. I’m not sure if I was ever vaccinated for shingles or chicken pox because my childhood medical history is mostly unknown.
    The vaccination against chickenpox hasn't been around for a long time. I've had chickenpox as a child and we are the same age group. Shingles can reappear once you get older during times of stress or when your immune system is down. The virus doesn't leave your body.
    Let's just hope it's an allergy to a new soap or laundry detergent.
    I had chicken pox when I was older than most (14). It wasn't painful, but it was very uncomfortable to have blisters all over my body (including on my scalp, so they got tangled in my hair). I've heard that shingles can be very painful, so from what you describe, that's probably it. The good news is that it will pass with time and hopefully it won't reappear. Wishing you the best.
    I’m tired of having to be strong. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep doing every single thing in my life by myself. But when I’m true to myself and stop masking, I lose everyone. Now I understand why some people feel that being autistic decreases their quality of life. All I have ever wanted was to feel accepted and loved, and I’ve lost most of the chance of that. I’m not even accepted or loved by my own family.
    I've been there too Luca, looking for love in all the wrong places. You won't be alone forever, you're just too nice a person. Don't waste your time with people who have no love to give, life is too short. Don't be angry with them either, that only hurts yourself. Leave them behind and search for real people that do love you.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I can relate to family not caring for you. My friends are far more valuable and that's people who actually care for me. And you have many friends here who care for you as well.

    Sentiments echoed by most of us here, I suspect. It certainly applies to me as well, Luca. Where all I can do is to "soldier on". Take care....
    A long time ago, I posted a question about my laptop webcam not working. It's probably been over a month now, but I solved the problem just now. There is a button on my keyboard that turns the camera on and off. Now I feel like a dumbass lol
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I was about to say I've never had a laptop with that but it turns out my current laptop does have a camera button too. So for what it's worth, I also had no idea this was a thing.
    We all fall into that category now and then. Best to have a good laugh at ourselves and know we are surely not the only ones!
    Two people yelled and swore at me today. One person who cut me off while I was driving, who acted like it was my fault. The other was parents of some kids who my friend’s (very friendly, small) dog approached in the park. They cussed me out in front of their two young daughters!! My response to them swearing at me was “He’s not my dog, but have a nice day” (sarcastic) to which they responded with a lot of F bombs.
    I wish everyone could just be nice. Unfortunately it seems to be too much to ask.
    I wonder if the worsening behaviour has something to do with the steroid hormones they are giving livestock. There is no way that this isn't getting into the human foodchain. What effects are they having on us? Could this be why so many people get so angry so quick? This is why organic foods are a good idea.
    I try to mostly eat organic anyways, but that’s a really interesting question. I think there are a lot of potential factors in how unhinged human beings seem to be getting, but I hope someone can figure it out and try to find a solution.
    It got up to 90 degrees today so my hair is in a ponytail now lol, it did not stay straightened…
    Very nice bowling alley. Your life is so nice. I just bought little clips, but they aren't butterflies clips, just plain. Lol
    I was wondering if i tie my hair loose at night if it'll help it stay straight the next day, haven't tried it yet.
    Even if it's a loose ponytail, it still gets frizzy/curly in 80+ degree weather (at least for me.) My hair was very straight when it was short, but now it seems to default to wavy. The worst is when I go to bed with my hair in a ponytail or a bun and I wake up with curls that are almost impossible to detangle lol
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