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  • I just looked at my college transcript, and I misunderstood it. I thought I had six *classes* left, but I have six *credits* left. So that's only two classes!! I didn't realize I had completed that many credits. I can finish my degree in one semester if I go back to the school I was at a few years ago. I'm doing this because I want to, not for anyone else, but now people can stop judging me for not having a degree.
    College is hard not only because of the work, but also because of the artificially charged environment. It's difficult to thrive when the college experience militates against thriving--unless you're capable of fitting in to the conformity.
    I'm glad to see you returning to this one. The field you are studying needs good people.
    I’ve always said that I go to college because I want to learn, not because I want a social life. I have plenty of opportunity to make friends in environments that are less hostile. Bullying was the reason I stopped 6 credits short. Schools are honestly terrible environments for socializing, ironically.
    Education is always best pursued when you're doing it for yourself. Anything else you can get out of it (vocationally or otherwise) is a bonus. :-)
    I'm glad people don't expect women to wear eyeliner as much as they did in the 2010s, because I have huge eyes with heavy eyelids and eyeliner always looked terrible on me. I wish I had realized when I was younger that I look better with less makeup. I use mascara and lip color and that's about it. Some people can do really interesting things with makeup and they look amazing, but I think I'll stick to hair lol
    I actually had no idea that today/yesterday was April Fool’s Day lol. Sometimes I forget what day it is. I wish I had thought of a prank.
    Luca, I think April 2nd is the best day for pranks. They are REALLY unexpected!
    I would have totally fallen for that! The kitty theme would have been a perfect ruse. Put a cat in front of me, my higher rational brain switches off! :-)
    I really like your new profile picture Luca! :-) The flower crown just works so well! :-)
    I ate way too much food for lunch and now I just want to stay in bed all day lol
    I look like I’m pregnant and my stomach is still sore lol. But I was really hungry!
    Another date with someone, pizza salad nite. It should be interesting.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    It is nice to hear you are getting out, Aspychata. Pizza & salad, wtf, when you can probably have anything from Ceviće to blackened grouper to crab claws where you are! I am looking to enjoy your seafood when I am around Homosassa next week.
    I just recorded my Q&A video, and then when I went to edit it, I realized the fan was on and it ruined the audio. I tried to fix the audio and I couldn't. So now I have to re-record it! I'm so mad!
    When my girlfriend and her friend were taking pictures of me, some girl pulled her car over to tell me “Girl, you look fire!” (A compliment)
    Other girls would usually rather cut me down than compliment me so I appreciate that she had strong enough character to lift another woman up. Girls can be really brutal to each other about appearance.
    For one of my girlfriend's photography school projects today, I have to wear a traditional Eastern European folk dress (which is funny because I'm not white European at all lol) and for the other one, I have to be a "fashion model." I'm always up for a new challenge so this will be very interesting. I have never really modeled before. I have been in magazines, but they were focused on the dogs and I wasn't posing.
    You might change your mind if you consider the ethnicity of Eastern Europeans closer to the Mediterranean and Black Sea. They aren't all "White Europeans" either. You'll do just fine. :)
    Any other 90s kids (or 80s or prior) remember making prank phone calls before people had caller ID or the ability to reverse phone search? That would be pretty much impossible to do now lol
    I remember them with using film soundboards. Websites which would have lots of buttons with quotes from films.

    My all time favourite prank call used an Arnie soundboard to ring Murphys plumbing. I won't post it due to NSFW language.
    I recall when an ex-friend and his cohorts made obscene phone calls to my own mother. Of course she didn't need caller id to determine who it really was, either. :rolleyes:
    Excuse me, is your refrigerator running? Gee, you better go catch it then!
    So my girlfriend's project didn't get done yesterday, since we both just ended up going to sleep at like 3pm because we're exhausted from the past few days... so we're going to try again today. Hopefully we can get the pictures and videos done and edited together in the next couple of days. I will obviously share it on here.
    I just met my newest client, an elderly woman with an adorable Swedish Vallhund, Rosie. Swedish Vallhunds are one of my favorite breeds, and one of the breeds I have handled professionally in dog shows. They are rare so I'm really surprised there is one in my town. I will obviously post pictures of her once I get back to working regularly. I'm still kind of supposed to be resting but I wanted to meet with the client.
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