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  • Well-behaved, registered service dogs have access everywhere. Even the country club
    I thought he was already the official mascot? ;)
    His fun at the country club was cut short though, since after that he had to accompany me to the hospital :/ Totally my fault for eating foods that I shouldn't eat (see my most recent status)
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Could we also add Huxley and Dogv4 in addition? Who says we can't have multiple mascots! :D
    Yes, I agree 100%!
    I love weird supermarkets with weird food.
    I got this lychee drink, ginger salmon, marinated steak, and butternut squash mac n cheese.
    Interesting side note - where I live now pawpaw salad is an exotic food from the far north and it's very expensive, up in Darwin it's cheap street food. It's better in Darwin too, genuine asian people that grew up eating this and know how it should be, often growing all their own ingredients too.
    @Atrapa Almas Lol, I will eat a lot of things, but I draw the line at drinking salmon and steak... :eek:
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Drinking salmon :)

    Sounds like there are (military?) helicopters flying around outside, I wonder what the heck is going on. It's 4am. But weird stuff happens here all the time, like some of you probably remember when I posted about having to report a small private plane that was having difficulty landing. Par for the course when you live near a major international airport, I guess.
    This dinosaur jumpsuit is the best $7 I’ve spent lol
    My girlfriend has a cute blouse with Christmas dinosaurs on it :-) She's now convinced that dinosaurs a Christmassy! :)
    I've been experimenting with my webcam for the past couple of hours. Turns out that when I speak on video, it's just verbal diarrhea, much like my long, sometimes chaotic posts on here. Oh well, at least it gives me a reason to practice talking.
    Better you than me! I hate the sound of my own voice. Always have...
    A question for the tech wizards on here: Do any of you know how to use the built-in webcam on an Asus VivoBook 17? I tried all the basics, like disabling/enabling it, installing drivers, etc. But nothing worked. It's not a big deal because I have an external webcam at home too but I'm just annoyed that it isn't working.
    Wow, I have been here for a year and a half! Thank you all for welcoming me into this community, and helping me to learn and grow and make friends, which I will continue to do! Hopefully I've been helpful and taught you things as well. One of my biggest missions in life is to show that no dream is truly unachievable, and I will keep being that annoying driving force of hope and positivity until the day I die lol
    Everyone gets what they give in life. You will never be without friends.
    Thank you! That means a lot to me. If I'm being honest, I have made more meaningful and memorable connections with some people on here than I have in real life. You will never be without my friendship either @Outdated
    I don't get how people can watch true crime content without crying. I try to avoid it because it overwhelms me with sadness. But I'm definitely just really sensitive in general, since animal rescue videos make me sob too. Like I've said before, I have such a big heart that it overwhelms and hurts me sometimes. I know it's good to be empathetic and I wouldn't want to *not* be empathetic, but it can be painful.
    I don't watch true crime (or animal rescue for that matter) as I'm not really into it, but as a fellow empathetic person, I can watch and read about distressing issues or events by dissociating, and going into "analysis" mode.
    Some stuff is bad enough to get through that however, like long form interview with people who have suffered terribly or lost people dear to them. Of course the quality of the interviewer (or writing if they are divulging their experience directly) matters a lot in terms of emotional engagement.
    I majored in crimes at the highest level. Totalitarian systems and mass authoritarian movements. Where the number of dead can be staggering. What really gets to me though isn't so much the history of such events, as that they are still happening in the present.
    The actual 5k was unfortunately postponed, so I took all of my dogs for our own 5k walk today. It was a very warm and sunny spring day so it was perfect.
    I’m scared to post this but I’m being brave because I always want to be 100% authentic with you guys. So this is what I look like with makeup washed off, no filter, after a shower and getting ready to go to bed. It’s good to be yourself!!
    I braided my hair and it didn’t come out terrible (for once.) It helps to have long hair even though not all of it is my natural hair. I probably have over a foot of actual hair but my extensions make it 28”
    Okay, I’m back. I needed a couple of days to recalibrate. I’m feeling much better now and hopefully I can continue to be helpful to everyone here!
    But just to be clear, it's great that you are feeling better and I'm always happy to read your posts. I just don't want you to put unneeded pressure on yourself.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Hugs. I hope your medics will help you recalibrate with the adecuate dosis of hormones/medicines. Sometimes we are not aware how much of our thinking and emotions depends on chemicals.

    Meanwhile, I wish you to be on the safer side and do a lot of self care. Its perfectly ok if you focus on yourself untill you feel better.
    You were never gone from the kind thoughts of your friends.
    Luca! Luca! Luca!
    Mr. Stevens
    Yes, hopefully recharging. I am merely chanting, as one would chant, "USA! USA! USA!" And I might spit on some rude teenager working at Dunkin' Donuts, in tribute to Luca.
    I’m doing okay @Forest Cat . Just needed a couple of days to recharge, like Rodafina suggested.
    Love to all of you as well!
    @Mr. Stevens LOL. Thank you for supporting me but please try not to go to jail :tearsofjoy:
    I'm sorry for posting anything in the last few months that has offended or triggered anyone. Don't take anything I say too personally right now, since I had a hysterectomy in October and I'm going through both sudden menopause, and HRT. My emotions are completely out of control. Sometimes I cry or get angry for no reason. Obviously not an excuse for me to say anything offensive but I'm struggling emotionally.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    And even if you hurted someone like I do from time to time, you must compare how many people you help vs how many people you hurt. So if I (not always so) accidentally hurt someone for every 100 people I help, well, Its not like the end of the world. That hurted person may recover the next day or push the ignore feature.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    We all have some real life problems to face. One wrong line written accidentally by Luca cant ruin our days. You are giving too much credit to your "hurting others" capabilities. You are actually a helper.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    You've never posted anything bad from what I've seen on my short time here. You seem to be a very nice and caring person. Please try not to put all the blame on yourself for how you feel.
    Still not feeling up to posting a lot, but I started with a new therapist today and it was extremely productive. I think I will be able to get a better handle on my anxiety and emotions.
    Like fungi. I keep growing. Lol
    Your therapist's advice sounds very useful. I am pretty skilled at dissociating my emotions from what I'm seeing, but going too far in that direction can also present problems. I hope you'll find a good balance.
    Thanks Luca. We struggle but we keeping marching forward. Warriors all alone fighting our battles.
    I need a couple of days to cool off but I will be back. I’m sorry. I know my emotions get the better of me a lot. Being overly empathetic and sensitive is a curse. Every time someone’s feelings (or my own) are hurt it feels like a stab in the heart and I take it way too personally.
    Mr. Stevens
    I was just coming to post that I hope you're okay. I hope the break helps :)
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Do what you need to do, Luca. You are one of the people here who I see as strongly advocating for themself, so it comes as a surprise that somebody has broken through the strong-willed woman I see. Take care of yourself. Know that there are people here who value you.
    I hope the break helps you also. For the record, you seem very sweet and kind and i can't imagine you saying or doing anything that hurts someone.
    I will keep my private messages open but I’m taking a break. Possibly a very long one. I have a lot of stuff to think about. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone but I need to work on finding in-person support, and I need to find a community of other LGBTQ+ people. If anyone wants to stay in touch, I will still be responding frequently to PMs. But I’m exhausted.
    Take as long as u need Luca
    Thanks everyone. @Outdated you are my close friend as well. I think I might just need a few days to cool off but I will be back soon.
    @Aspychata Not your fault, don’t worry!
    Oh good. You can always call me IRL anytime. I am a very supportive person. And you have inspired all of us here, and so has your beautiful family.
    It is 4am and I’m wide awake because I am suddenly in pain for no reason. Why does this always happen at the worst times?
    Not that there is ever a good time to be in pain lol but it always happens in the middle of the night…
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Wish you to recover soon. I sometimes have breathing issues at nigth. So I go to sleep very early, to have extra sleeping time just in case.
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