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  • If people are going to be mad at me for rescheduling plans because I woke up feeling sick, then I don’t want to be friends with them.
    I get it that you need to reschedule. How about next week? I will bring the hyperactive dog and the Starbucks.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Luca, I think real friends would be concerned for your health and want to follow up with you later.
    Don’t worry, some did. Some people I hang out with are just not good friends.
    Once again battling sleep deprivation. I need to go to sleep now but I have to be up early again.
    My brain goes through this cycle every few months, it seems.
    Hmmmm. We both have this problem. Nyquil helps me but I feel to groggy if I have to work the next day.
    Mr. Stevens
    What do you think causes it for you, Luca? I usually get one or two nights a week with poor sleep. I think it's from sensory overload. Either pure (light, noise) or impure (social interaction, where it's sensory but with other stressors). That and not enough time to engage with my interests. It's like my mind will force me to wake after 5 hours, so I can "play" quietly.
    That sounds rough :(
    For me, I think it’s probably stress.
    Not sure exactly what is going on here… something obviously happened…
    I don't think your firetrucks are big enough.
    Oi bruv! You can't park there--
    Maybe don't find out. We had a accident today, pretty little car had serious damage. But everybody survived.
    @maycontainthunder I saw your post about Sprinter vans but didn't want to derail the thread. I'm considering buying one (or something nearly identical.) What info do you know about them? (In layman's terms lol) I currently have a 2015 Toyota Sienna.
    Thanks. Still haven’t 100% decided on something but I need something a bit bigger than a minivan!
    Advise that you have a look around your area and see if there is a dealership where you can take one on a test drive. Also, if you go for one, get one with the slightly higher power output. The base models can be a bit slow to accelerate.
    Oh, one other thing. The most recent versions seem to all be keyless ignition. Keep the keys in a shielded box while at home so the signal can't be copied. An awful lot of modern vehicles 'vanish' because of this little flaw.
    A more “flattering” video lol but this is what I look like and sound like irl
    My voice used to be higher pitched but it has changed since I had the hysterectomy (has this happened to anyone else?) But I’m fortunately feeling less insecure about it after finding a lot of female Youtubers with deeper voices.
    I just heard what I can only assume was someone dragging a very large trash bin around outside. It's 5am. I'm often awake way before anyone else is around here but I guess I'm not the only one who takes my trash out before dawn. It was loud and startling though.
    Saw this and thought of your poor client....

    Omg. That is definitely something that they do. Belgian Malinois are probably the highest-maintenance dog breed and they're not for the average dog owner.
    Okay, I think I’m finally caught up on private messages. If I’ve missed anyone, let me know.
    It has been a long few weeks…
    I’m looking back and cringing at the video I posted of myself yesterday, not just because of my voice, but because it was a really unflattering angle and didn’t even look like me :/ I know that’s a really trivial thing to worry about but now I’m dealing with the double insecurity of hating my voice, and having an ugly image to go along with it lol… I’ll try to do a better one sometime…
    Luca, I think that you and I may share a similar problem where no amount of external praise can break down our inner critic. If we look at your previous post logically, you got so much support and positive feedback from that. There is no one who thought you looked poorly, and people took time to notice the awesome things about you…
    …Also, appearance is not static. Still images in a photograph will never be what we really look like, because life is dynamic and that video captured a moment of the real you. And we loved it. We really and truly should not be so hard on ourselves and listen to negative things from our own minds.
    There is suddenly a huge snowstorm here. I was not expecting that
    I've been watching all this on the news for a few weeks, a strange anomaly where it's too warm to ice skate in the north and it's snowing in LA.
    The weather man predicts I will get a few inches of snow tonight, followed with rain and freezing temps that will cover the roads in ice. Bloody hell.
    I look terrible here lol, I was about to go to bed, but I figured it’s about time you guys know what I sound like… I hate my voice and my tone and my accent and everything, ugh
    Just hearing your voice for a bit, it didn't sound like it.
    Human Avatar
    The timbre of your voice is very pleasing,Sounds fine to me .

    I hate the sound of my own voice as well , I think I sound like Ray Romano , mixed with Egon Spengler with a dash of Kermit the Frog .
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    You are far too hard on yourself. You present very well with a nice demeanor and voice.
    I had super spicy chicken for lunch and now my intestines are paying the price lol
    I am jealous, I wish I had some spicy fried chicken right now. Maybe I should fix a healthy dinner instead of imagining what I would rather have tonight.
    I honestly could go for some tikka masala right now.
    Starting to think I should go get my foot injury looked at again. It should probably not be this hard to walk on. I don’t think it healed correctly.
    One of my coworkers has a foot injury as well. She gave her orthopedic doctor her custom made inserts and now she is without them for about a month. Walking hurts for her to do without inserts in. I think it would be the best thing to do, Luca. Wishing you the best
    I know it’s not the best picture, but I didn’t want to get too close and scare the little birdie. I couldn’t help but think of you, Luca, settling into a lovely new home. Everyone needs a nice place to call home.

    I never realized until this winter how many white birch trees we have around here. They’re kind of rare around here since they’re native to Europe, and I believe they’re endangered in Massachusetts. They are so pretty.
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