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  • I’m done making discussion threads. I will stick to media content and commenting on other topics from now on. I always end up doing the wrong thing somehow. This is absolutely my fault, I’m not pointing the finger at anyone.
    I rarely speak my mind, but, in doing so, I inadvertently may have caused this. Unrelated to comments regarding children, my disheartenment was with the person's judgement of the shoppers. Every walk of life in this world is valid, and shouldn't be spoken about in such a way. I could not see his comments and say nothing. I am sorry if this is what you are referring to, here/ what upset your thread.
    It’s not your fault, Loren. You have not done anything wrong and we already discussed this. You’re fine :)
    I just don’t ever want anyone’s feelings to get hurt.
    Think just start your post with a request, ***l would like to stay on topic with this post, thank you in advance**People can always start their own post instead of going south with your post.
    My client cancelled on me today, so I know what I'm going to do (other than charge them a cancellation fee.) Definitely just going to hang out in bed recharging from the previous week. I still have some pizza left over from yesterday.
    Human Avatar
    @Luca My band needs a Drummer ! Drum set is provided! But I know u have a Ludwig
    I'd think a major consideration in deciding such a policy would be based on whether or not your competition does the same thing. Food for thought, anyways.
    Just realized that I somehow forgot to grab some lunch or dinner during all the time I spent making my vlog with Enzo today. So I have not eaten since breakfast... I spent 4 hours editing that video, so I think I'm going to make something to eat, watch some creepy/paranormal YouTube videos (my favorite type of YouTube content, opposite of the content I make) then go to bed since I have to be up for work in 6 hours.
    As much as they terrify me, it doesn't stop me from wanting to learn... but I draw the line at gore, torture/body horror, and most true crime stuff. That's a good way to get me to sleep with every light in my house on all night.
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    I am not a believer either but I had a few strange things happen to me that can’t be explained and put my logical brain into knots trying to figure it out.

    It is definitely interesting
    Honestly if you want someone to talk about that particular interest with, paranormal stuff and whatnot, I'm all ears (well, eyes, it's text here) it's one that interests me as well though I usually dont mention it (at least, not to most people). No seriously, I never get to discuss that topic.
    I fell asleep so early tonight that now it’s almost 2am and I’m wide awake. Hopefully I can go back to sleep.
    I went to REI on the way back from a hike, and as a random act of kindness I held the door for some guy, and he was like “It’s not every day that a cute girl holds the door for me” LOL

    I think it’s the outfit…
    @Aspychata It does have one, but I have never attempted it.
    Okay. It's fun to try. I had a lot of difficulty in the starting point. Just getting my feet into the grips. My daughter went up far. I finally got up after a couple of months.
    Human Avatar
    It is extremely rare a girl would hold a door for a guy .
    Breaking the standard social conventions !

    The comment to you was well deserved
    I just found out that one of my friends passed away. It was very sudden and unexpected. She was 25 years old, and I just talked to her last week. I don’t know how to feel right now. I’m in shock. I want to cry but I can’t.
    So sorry Luca, please take time to work thru this.
    Sometimes I ponder why so many have to die so young. It is the tragedy of our existence.
    I’m sorry for your loss.. I went into work today to find out a fellow coworker had unfortunately passed away.. take as long as you need to grieve
    We went to Marshalls in search of a dog-proof (fake) house plant. No luck, but we found a dress and a bathing suit. Oops.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    If Enzo lived with me he would be spoiled rotten. Because he has that sad face all the time, his happyface is a sad face. Everytime I looked at him he would get treats and backrubs and everything he wanted. :)
    Enzo thinking, "Wait! I need my makeup before you take the shot." Gotta love his expressions.

    Too bad. We have a Marshalls/Home Goods that has quite a selection when it comes to silk plants and other furnishings. As for myself, I have a "green thumb" when it comes to silk plants. :p
    Omg. That face of his. He is just saying, you promised me a walk, but not what l had in mind.
    Omg, and now the storm knocked the street lights out and I'm even more scared to go outside. I have to go pick up a dog for boarding in a few hours and I don't even want to walk ten feet out the door to my car. This is why I never leave the house without anything that I can use for self-defense. I know the odds of what happened to me ever happening to me again are basically zero but some things still trigger me.
    I can relate. I can never ever shake the possibility of someone stealing my car again. Something that occurred many years ago.
    Dog V4 offers a hug and a cold nose. This will be followed by stealing the card centre of a toilet roll and running off with it.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    @Judge My uncle had a clever home-made anti car theft device. He hammered some nails through a piece of wood and put it under a thin pillow or blanket in the driver seat. With the sharp, long nails sticking upwards... :) You can imagine what happened when a car thief jumped into the seat in a hurry. The downside was that one time he forgot it was there and he jumped into the seat.
    I wish people would respect that I have a phobia of horror movies and not tell me about disturbing movies. My friend just told me about a movie called "Megan is Missing" and now I'm afraid to go out to my car in the dark. It's sad that people want to keep pushing me further down the disturbing torture movie iceberg when I am a real life victim and survivor of torture and this stuff ACTUALLY DOES HAPPEN to people.
    Uhm, I hope my movie review thread did not contribute to this, if it did, I apologize.
    No, it was someone irl who told me about it. I haven't even looked at that thread, especially since you told me about A Serbian Film (which I kept my promise and did not Google.) You have not done anything wrong.
    Mr. Stevens
    I hate when people act this way too.
    I just ordered a bunch of clothes and jewelry and other accessories online that are pretty close replicas of stuff I actually wore in the early 2000s. I guess it’s “trendy” now. But I get to continue to relive my childhood, yay :) Just what I need in this stressful, disturbing time in the world. I’m taking back my stolen childhood and it helps me cope so I don’t care how immature people think I am!
    That’s pure empowerment, Luca! The littlest, most simple things can sometimes be the most powerful.
    I like anyone that isn't afraid to express themselves, since society tries so hard to sell us being fake. I follow a script just so l look like following norms and therefore won't be questioned.
    This is great Luca! :-) I'm glad you are reliving your childhood the way you want to :-) I'm kinda doing the same! I found my joke book from my childhood online and it just arrived in the mail! There was the joke about the kid with the steel wool right where I left it 30 years ago! :smilecat:
    I guess God/the universe is happy with me right now because I was able to get my hands on the very special thing I mentioned in the Muttering Area yesterday. It was made by a local artist and was the only one left.
    I got into the store two minutes before closing and bought it.
    She even wrapped it for me and said it was the shop’s housewarming gift to me :)
    I can really see why you loved it.
    I’m feeling well enough now that I was able to do some errands, but I’m probably going to go home soon and fall asleep shortly after. I don’t think I have an actual virus or anything, I occasionally feel sick because of my chronic illnesses, and being sleep deprived for the past few days really did me in. I think I will be fine tomorrow.
    Mr. Stevens
    Are your neighbors still bothering you? In the early hours?

    Home Alone' Stars: Where Are Macaulay Culkin and the Cast Now?
    LOL. Not today, but I’m still wondering who left the massive U-Haul outside my house.
    My neighbor diagonally across from decided to a have an argument festival with a woman who l never ever see there. Not sure if she shows up once a year or what. Then my neighbor to my right is a ballroom dancer, and l kept getting strange ballroom party invites when l first moved in.
    Going to the car wash with Enzo was a mistake. I have never seen a dog act so terrified. I feel so bad :(
    The kind of car wash with the flappy things that slap all over the car as it goes through?

    The kind where you stay in the car?
    I would have thought a dog would be delighted to watch stuff in the car wash but then our dog liked water so much she would turn the hose on by herself. At least you know what Enzo doesn't like.
    @tree Yup.
    He’s fine now, we just went to the bookstore (to purchase the thing I mentioned in the Muttering Area the other day) and then to Target to get a clock, so he’s over it. Fortunately he gets past things quickly.
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