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  • I’m out with my friends for a birthday party, and all of a sudden I’m super nauseous and my stomach hurts. I didn’t even eat anything yet and I’m not drinking alcohol. I’ve been in the bathroom for like 10 minutes :(
    That photo has such a cool effect. How did you do that, if I may ask. Hope you're feeling better! ❤️ edit: you don't look at all pregnant, from my vantage point.
    @Loren Thanks :) I used an editor to blur the background because I didn’t want to post my friend’s face without his permission lol
    Love your hair. I was just trying to make you laugh. It has nothing to do with your body.
    It is so hot in my house right now, holy crap… Normally, this time of year is still pretty cold. But it’s going to be about 80 degrees again today.
    I haven’t been as physically active since I broke my nose a few weeks ago, and I’ve been eating a lot, and my stomach looks pretty big. I don’t personally care that much but I know people will say stuff about it and it does hurt my feelings. I wish people could just accept that all bodies are different and leave everyone alone.
    Mary Terry
    I'm still wearing the orthopedic boot when I walk, applying ice to my ankle when I'm not walking, eating like a pig because I'm bored, and have gained at least 5 pounds since all this started with the injury to my Achilles tendon. Bleh. I'll drop the weight when I can walk normally again.
    I hope you are fully recovered soon! What a nightmare :(
    Mary Terry
    I can start weaning off the boot now. I can reduce the boot time by one hour a day as long as my ankle doesn't hurt. I can't wait to get rid of the boot. Boot the boot, so to speak.
    85 degrees (Fahrenheit) here today. It’s a beautiful day but just going to the park with my friend was exhausting! I think I’m going to make some fruit smoothies.
    I still feel guilty for not responding to some messages, but I should probably mention that I feel more comfortable with real-time chatting (like using a messenger app) than writing long-form messages or emails. I end up writing way more than I can keep up with and I have an easier time expressing myself and getting to know people in a live chat. I already do this with some people from here. PM me if you'd like info.
    Aww, thanks. Sometimes "exuberant" is a word that gets used about me in a negative sense lol, either that or "intense"
    I think sometimes the best thing for us to tackle is the guilt, and not getting back to everyone.
    Oh dear, l never felt comfortable with this, my insecurity rears it's ugly head.
    I haven't really been on here today. I'm doing slightly better, just still upset about the stuff I posted about earlier. I feel really bad for not giving anyone longer responses right now but I'm still pretty burned out. I'm going out to a bowling alley and a nightclub on Friday for a friend's birthday and I'm excited, but I know it will drain me even more. I am definitely not going to drink even if everyone else is.
    Oh dear. I missed the mess from earlier, but you take care and rest up--Get some rest, sleep, breathe, hang out with your dog friends. We all have your back.
    Hey, I know the feeling better than anyone else in my house. You aren't making anyone here upset with your posts; this is a place made for just that, and anything else you need. My bad days are no more bad days than yours are or anyone else's here.
    Good plan to not drink if you don’t want to. Stay hydrated, have fun, get outta there and rest and recuperate. We are here for venting.
    I will never be capable of hating a human being the way my extended family despises me. I hope I never see any of them again because they are well aware of the trauma and terror they have inflicted on me and they are happy about it. I know this from hearing what their response was to me not going to Easter. I don’t know why it matters to them because most of them have said they wish I was dead.
    Well, that right there is not something any human being should say to another human being--Luca, you're making some huge strides in your life right now and if you quit exposing yourself to them so they don't trip you up, I think that's a good thing. Let me tell you a secret. There are people I don't like, and they probably think I didn't go to Easter either. (I went to a different town.) Their opinion doesn't matter.
    You can't choose family. I know what it feels like :(
    But we do have our tribe of people out there in the world.
    Mary Terry
    I went "no contact" with my narcissistic, histrionic, psychotic father three years before he died. It was the best decision I ever made. I'm trying to do the same thing with my youngest sister who was our father's flying monkey and chief gas lighter in the family. I still have to communicate with her on occasion via text or email about family probate trust matters.
    Beautiful. Was feeling down since yesterday. Thanks Luca and Enzo getting me thru this with a lovely picture telling me to stop and smell the flowers, or at least look at them.
    Sun rays on Enzo Angel.
    Usually finding daffodils is a sign that a place was an old homestead site. They were easy to bring and plant.
    Whatever humans did on that site long ago is gone but now it is beautiful again & has sun, fallen leaves, spring flowers, & a pointer-dog.
    Hope everyone had a happy Easter (if you celebrate.) I discovered that Enzo is mesmerized by golf lol
    Dog V4 likes watching dogs and cats on TV. Best moment was an advert involving a cat. I nudge Dog V4 'look, cat'. in a heartbeat he runs at the TV and stands there nose against the screen watching the animated cat dancing.
    A long time ago we were watching a TV program on the natural history museum where they CGI'd the creatures 'alive'. One was a Yeti and Dog V3 was growling and going nuts because of the noise it was making!
    So cute. Sigh of happiness heard.
    I’m exhausted. Both physically and mentally. I have been sleeping for hours.
    I hope you feel better soon Luca. Remember that you have genuine friends in here.
    Wishing you rest for mind, body, and soul.
    Happy Easter weekend!!!
    Enzo got the VIP treatment at the Easter buffet lol
    You and Enzo are a stunning match made in heaven
    What a gorgeous picture of you and Mr Enzo. Thank you for sharing. Very regal of Mr. Enzo. Your beautiful pictures inspire me to stay in shape and wear beautiful dresses. Now if l could get a cat to pose like Enzo.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gorgeous. Nothing wrong with long legs. I am a little self conscious of having short lags and a long torso. And that dress is very pretty, showing the both of you and enzo off quite nicely.
    Apparently I’m the first person who has seen and identified this particular Steller’s sea eagle in a long time! You can find a lot of articles about him online. He hasn’t been sighted in my area in over a year.
    It’s really special that I’m the only one who saw him. Animals always have a way of finding me at the right times.
    I didn't know there was such a thing as a master's in Leadership for Sustainability, and in Vermont too? That's awesome.
    Congratulations on a rare & interesting eagle, Luca. Good luck with your potential education.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I've been trying to find a bobcat who has made its home on my property. I set up a trail cam today where it has been marking a downed tree.
    I would love to see the footage you capture of the bobcat! :)
    I use the command “paws up” to get him to pose like a person lol
    It is starting to look and feel like spring here, but this conservation land is desolate all year round and looks like winter until June lol
    Enzo, he is thinking, mom, l ordered tacos twenty mins ago, what the hey?
    Super cute.
    A Steller’s sea eagle has been sighted frequently in my area and I just had an encounter with him. Note the dark head and white shoulders.
    I feel special lol
    This guy is enormous, way bigger than the bald eagles I was photographing a few minutes before.
    I’m not telling any locals about this because I don’t want them to bother him or scare him away.
    I feel so invisible. Nothing I do is ever good enough for anyone, and people are always moving on to someone else because I'm not interesting or attractive. It's starting to break down my confidence. It feels like I put so much into being myself and being a good friend and I'm still not enough.
    How do you determine when you’re ready to let your significant other move in with you? Especially if they’re already there a good amount of the time and you have good boundaries and respect each other’s space
    This impacts your future, so you have to be clear on your boundaries of what you won't tolerate. Congrats, very happy for you.
    I didn't interpret her comment that way. I honestly don't care what my girlfriend does in my house as long as it isn't dangerous, gross, or rude. If she makes a mess, that's hers to clean up, I'm not going to nag her about it. She's an adult lol
    Communication is the key.
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