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  • L
    I couldn't find a picture of the magazine I saw, but I think it was at a Barnes & Noble and it had a picture of a toilet on the cover. It may have been a magazine for plumbers like that one, or some type of "how things work" magazine. I wish I had taken a picture of it!
    Mr. Stevens
    "The top 10 ways to please your toilet."
    I actually just read something earlier today about a woman who was caught defecating in a store, who was wearing a shirt that said "dropping a load."
    I think it would've been even funnier if the shirt said "pull my finger."
    Somehow, someone always manages to make me feel like I am mean, selfish, and a bad person. It’s hard to not believe that sometimes.
    Likewise :)
    I say be yourself Luca. Masking all the things that makes us ND is a headache. Like mouth bombs, which l have been guilty of, or my bad jokes that really seemed right at the time. We are here for support for you.
    Thank you. I’m also very guilty of making jokes that are very inappropriate or rude without meaning them to be. I would never intentionally make a joke at someone else’s expense (unless it’s like a celebrity or a scummy politician or something lol)
    In a world with so much meanness, I just want to say how much I appreciate your kind, open, authentic heart. I know you have had a lot of hurts, but you still have a special way of expressing friendship that I admire.
    Thank you, that is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me! You are a wonderful person too!!
    Caught up on private messages again. I know I go for long periods between replies and I always apologize for that. I'm exactly the same irl, I often go for hours or days without really responding to text messages. Definitely something I need to work on.
    Mr. Stevens
    I've never had a good handle on that phrase (conventionally attractive). Most dudes don't look like Brad Pitt. They look like:

    Cheers: Norm and Cliff | Know your name, Facts, Weird facts

    Also, there are so many factors in attraction.

    Perhaps I should start a conventionally unattractive movement. :D
    I think when most people talk about "conventionally attractive" women, they often mean tall, slim, with symmetrical, mature looking faces, etc. I am clearly none of those things lol. But I don't want to look like a Kardashian...
    There are a lot of different factors in attraction and it's pretty subjective, so I think the "standards" for what society considers desirable are kind of closed minded.
    Mr. Stevens
    I was going to say there are so many factors, too, but ran out of space. Sometimes people use biology to justify their shallowness.
    He looks like a statue, so perfect. You look very stylish. I have to go thru 50 combos to feel put together because l can wear the same thing until it literally falls off me. Lol
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    @Luca, It seems things went well. Circulation is back, bur sore where the incisions are and where the vein was threaded around rhe shoulder from the brachial to the carotid.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    He looks so nobel
    My Pointer necklace looks great layered with my gold necklaces (I did not make the other two and they were pretty expensive. The basic gold chain was a birthday present.)
    I’m going to wear the Pointer one every day and it will be particularly appropriate to wear when competing in dog shows!
    This is my favorite piece I’ve made so far, for obvious reasons! The Pointer charm was very difficult to find and pretty expensive but I really wanted a Pointer necklace. This one is just for me personally but I will make other dog breed specific ones.
    Most of the things I have experienced should probably never be talked about with anyone other than a professional. Most people obviously don’t understand and talking about it just pushes them away or makes them look at me differently. Like what I just got out of a conversation I just had with someone is that it’s apparently closed minded and conservative of me to be triggered by torture porn movies and serial killers
    Though why they get so ANGRY about it, I'll never understand. Bunch of loons, the lot of them.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    That sounds...scary. I didnt know such a thing exists but i guess i also would hate torture porn.
    Luca, these are very reasonable things to dislike. These words you heard from this someone need not carry any weight.
    My GI issues have been pretty bad this week, and I’m also kind of pale, which isn’t normal for me. I wonder if I’m just dehydrated because it’s been quite hot outside and I’ve been hiking and walking a lot (went for an 8 mile hike yesterday, and walked around Boston for 5 hours today.) So I’ve bought a lot of orange juice and Gatorade and I hope that helps. I wonder if my iron levels are also too low.
    Hope you feel better soon. GI issues are a bummer.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Sending an army of bunnies for you to pet to distract you until you feel well again! Hopefully that is soon!
    Dehydration is a sneaky beast. It causes so much trouble and it can be easy to miss the connection between feeling badly and the fact that it’s actually just dehydration. Drink up!

    My latest art project, I am very proud of it!
    I can definitely make more of these if people want to buy them, but I would probably have to source the bottles from the town dump or something, because these ones were just sitting around my uncle’s basement for years, I don’t have an endless supply of them lol
    If you want lots of bottles--check with local bars! Tell them about your art, show them samples, & they might set you up.
    You could sell them back to the bar! Sweet creativity.
    @Rodafina That’s a great idea! I wonder if a bar or a restaurant would like to use them as decorative lighting.
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