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  • Does anyone else get really bad headaches from ponytails? I really only tie my hair back when I’m going to bed, or working out. Otherwise it is always down, or braided. But putting my hair up really hurts sometimes.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I also prefer to keep my hair just down. It's more comfortable.
    I do. I've been told if you have thick hair it puts a lot of tension on your scalp and traps heat. I find that I can't do loose ponytails because the weight of my hair causes it to fall out front first. I usually get the headaches across my forehead and kinda across the tops of my eyes. Hats also can cause this with me sometimes.
    @Luca helps me be comfortable with being feminine no matter what my age.
    I’m normally very careful with money but I treated myself to some nicer stuff than usual today.
    I couldn’t pass by that purse without picking it up. The pink, purple and blue ombré is so cute. I’m thinking of getting lash extensions instead of false lashes though.
    I don’t think cosmetology, hairdressing and fashion are very typical special interests but I think they’re fun.
    Thanks April!
    @Aspychata That purse would look good with the hot pink dress I wore the other day to the cookout.
    That's a great ensemble. And your hair is so pretty down also. I gave up hairdressers because every cent goes to car and house repair. Lol. Or IRS. But l do have a really cute comfortable dress in the softest shade of blue. I need to snap a photo and share it private with you. I am a little nervous to do on my profile.
    I don't think I am meant to have irl friendships. I can put the blame on others all I want, but the problem is me. I'm weird, I'm impossible to relate to, and I never say the right thing, I don't have a filter, and I always end up causing problems when I don't mean to. I always end up saying something stupid that makes people mad. Pretty much every group of friends I've had has given up on me for these reasons.
    One on one is the way to go. Most valuable thing you can find in life.
    My only real life friend is my wife, and we are very lucky to have met each other. I would like one or two more real life friends, but I'm pretty picky and not good at "being out there".
    You're unique, keep it that way.
    There will be someone as unique as you are out there.
    My outfit today, made almost entirely of thrifted items. Sorry for the streaky mirror lol
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I agree! You always have such great outfits! I wish I had your talent.
    Since volunteering at the thrift store, I’ve been getting a lot of good stuff. I’ve been getting clothes for my mom because she has lost some weight. I got her some nice yoga pants that are worth 80 dollars. They are old navy. I love thrifting!
    @DaisyRose thrifting is great as well as finding bargains, the randomness of what's on offer seems to trigger the creative part of your brain :-) A few weeks ago I found a really cool small TV that would be great for my computer's. It was £10 but had no stand, so I made some legs for it and it functions great :-) Would normally be £100! :)
    The various stages of trying to read with Enzo

    Screenshot 2023-06-01 100635.png
    Screenshot 2023-06-01 100749.png
    Screenshot 2023-06-01 100716.png

    Screenshot 2023-06-01 101649.png
    I would not be surprised if he figured out how to read. He uses talking buttons that say "treat," "walk," "hello," and "I love you."
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I'm guessing treat is probably the one pressed most? :P
    Trying to type when Dog V4 wants a beef treat is nearly the same with the arm nudging and the silly noises. If he's on my lap he keeps sitting up to make things impossible!
    I got a new mirror yesterday. Now it looks like I have a window in my bathroom lol (I actually don’t have windows in my bathrooms, but that’s probably a good thing!)
    Nice....especially the optical effect of it as a window.
    Wow, that really does look like a window. I dont think I've seen a mirror with a design quite like that before.
    Currently sitting on the beach with Enzo. We walked here from my house. And I just realized I forgot to bring a book to read :/
    I walked almost 10 miles today. Not totally unusual for me, but I have bad hips and they hurt a lot right now :( I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep yet for some reason.
    And after all that, got home in time for a party (I bought this dress in a store on the way back lol because I realized I didn’t have time to go home and get one)
    This wasn’t intentional, it’s a long story but today ended up being like “Let me test the limits of my service dog on every form of public transportation in existence” (ferry, bus, train, subway)
    Why are women so competitive? Some of my friends seem to feel like they HAVE to be prettier than me and they will do anything to feel that way, including giving backhanded compliments and sending me pictures where they’re like “omg I look SO good today.” I don’t know why it matters, I’m in a serious relationship and I’m not even interested in dating men so I’m not competing for dates. They can have all the men lol
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Doesn't sound like friends to me. Guys compete differently. Some who I had thought of as friends would brag to me about their sexual exploits with girls/women, knowing that I had no prospects of a relationship. That led to my thinking that I was damaged, unattractive, worthless, to explain my failure. I detest the social posing that you describe.
    I have a friend like this.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Luca, you said: "I don’t try to compete with them at all. Maybe they’re jealous that I’m confident being myself lol" Exactly! You are very inner-driven, Luca, and not needing external validation of your worth scares the insecure. I was in my mid 20s when I stopped looking externally and I fed my passions for travel, fossil collecting and outdoor adventure and became more myself.
    Apparently the reason I’m sick is stress. I had no idea it was this bad.
    I really hope you get some answers Luca! I know exactly how it feels to have lots of unresolved symptoms without any apparent reason. Sometimes I really don't care if it's something serious, just so long as it leads to treatment that will help. It's really frustrating to have to keep plodding along with no resolution or solution :-(
    Sometimes it's hard for docs to figure it out. I had a life threatening situation and it took a good two weeks before somebody finally figured it out. By then they told me, you need to check yourself in, or you will die.
    Well, whatever it is, it’s gotten much worse over the past couple of hours, so I called the hospital and they said I should come in. Hopefully I can get some actual answers this time.
    If I’m not around the rest of the day, this is why, but I will update in the afternoon once I have an idea of what is going on.
    I don't think I actually have food poisoning. I'm starting to get concerned because whatever mystery illness this actually is has become a pattern. There have been multiple times in the past few months where I've felt like I had a virus or food poisoning, weeks apart, when I haven't even been eating all the same foods or eating at all the same restaurants. It's definitely not anxiety or depression related either.
    Dizzy, disoriented, shaky, cold, and faint sound like low or falling blood sugar.

    Also reaction to food that you are allergic or sensitive to.

    Cow milk would make me cold, confused, cry...for example.
    Does it happen if you don't eat out?
    I had stomach flu off and on for about six months one time. I kept getting reinfected.
    It’s been happening a lot but I do have an explanation now
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