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  • I want my mom out of my life.
    I have a complex relationship with my mom. She says a lot of horrible things (even when I was a kid), she can and has be violent and it can be very difficult even despite her medical condition. I do love her but I am also understanding how complex it is with her. I dont think I will ever fully have a relationship like others have with their moms.
    so I guess I have complex feelings there. Don’t really have a good answer for this, because I am still trying to work it out aber I do sympathize. I know that it is not easy. And most people do not fully understand the difference in relationships except saying “shes is your mom, you have to love her“ wich is not always Understanding the situation.
    Mom mom and l bang heads, it's definitely communication, she was raised in a different era.
    Would it ever be possible for there to be like, a meetup group for people from the forums to meet irl? Obviously most of us live nowhere near each other, but I wonder if there would be a way to formally get a bigger group together in a more widely accessible place for a lot of us. I'm located on the East Coast US and I think there are a lot of us from the East Coast. Would anyone be interested in something like this?
    It's 5am here and I'm having fish n' chips and chicken tenders for breakfast. It's going to be one of those days I guess lol
    I went to bed at 4am. Just thinking and overthinking. Guy from Bronx, New York is opening a pizza, bakery, deli just up the street. Pretty exciting, he had a famous place in NY.
    That does sound exciting! Hope you get to enjoy the pizza soon!
    Sure, why not? Bon appetite. ;)
    My “dwarf Pointer” who was the runt of the litter, and had stunted growth, has turned out to be 26” tall and almost 70lbs, approaching 3 years old. Pointers can get up to 28” and 75lbs. So 6 out of my 7 dogs are extra-large.
    He is actually my second tallest dog… look at those kangaroo legs!!
    Maybe I should’ve censored his balls lol but at least he’s not a person!
    Do not censor the balls. Blow them up on photoshop to x50 the size.
    What a baller.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I think he is bragging... look at how he is posing, he's just trying to brag and intimidate us. He's not shy, I'll give him that. :)
    I'm pretty sure I have a nasal polyp right in the front of my nostril, so I had to take my septum piercing out and I'm scared it's going to close. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday so I will ask her to look at it. I *really* hope it's not a polyp because I think the only way to get rid of them is surgery. I just finished recovering from my last surgery, I don't want to go through another one.
    I hope it ends up being something that perhaps some antibiotics can help with. I hope your piercing won't close up. From what I understand usually once they've healed they don't tend to close up but they can shrink so you can use a thinner stud and work your way back up to the usual size. I hope it will be good news at the docs! :-)
    I'd never heard of nasal polyps before. Fat people get similar things in their arm pits and the removal of those is easy. Tie a bit of cotton around them, a couple of half hitches pulled very tight, then cut the ends off the cotton. Two days later the polyp falls off.
    The things mental illnesses and eating disorders do to us are so weird. I felt so much fatter and uglier at a size 0 and a size 2 than I do now (L/XL, between size 12 and size 16, depending on the brand.) Obviously I wasn't fat at all then, I'm "fat" by some people's standards now obviously, but I feel so much better about myself. It's interesting to have the perspective now.
    Finally started packing and now my house is a disaster. At least I got almost everything off the walls. They keep giving me less and less time, the people in the new house are moving out in like 10 days and they're giving me my keys on the 13th.
    Guess I won't have an intact house when my girlfriend sleeps over for the first time. Might have to go see a movie or go to a club so we're not stepping in a box minefield.
    Is the box packing going well? It's tough packing up and getting ready to move--but hopefully things are going well. You seem like you've had a ton of interesting things happen all at once--This is good.
    I ran out of boxes >:[
    Now I have to go buy some more… or go dumpster diving…
    Behind furniture stores & behind liquor stores are good places to get boxes! Also, you can often go into a grocery store & ask employees for boxes. It's always hard to justify spending money on cardboard.
    Enzo is obsessed with my girlfriend. I literally had to pry him away from her when she had to go home lol... He is a very standoffish dog and doesn't get attached to a lot of people, so it means a lot to me that he loves her so much, and it says a lot about her character as well.
    That is too sweet. 2023 is looking like your year.
    Hi Enzo, what beautiful eyes.
    I like to think that dogs can be as discriminating as people. :cool:
    Official move-in date for my new place is March 1st but it will probably take until March 3rd. I’m so stressed out because I haven’t packed anything lol
    Packing is a headache.
    But the new place should be great. Can you throw a moving party?
    Moving sucks. No other way to put it. I think that's at the top of the risk for not moving, no matter how ugly my rent continues to get.
    @Aspychata I would love to have a party but I’m so exhausted lol. Hopefully the burnout won’t last until then
    I already asked a friend and got an opinion on this, but I thought I'd throw it out there generally: at what point would it be appropriate for me to invite my girlfriend to sleep over? She lives with her mom in very close quarters, so me sleeping over there is kind of out of the question. I visit her and her mom twice a day; for dinner, and when I get out of work. Her mom really likes me so no issues there.
    Thanks everyone :) I’m over there right now actually. I’m going to wait a few days to ask I think. Maybe Saturday.
    Wow. Just ask her over for a movie nite. Popcorn, blankets on the couch, and maybe the furry family friends with their own movie nite in another room. Lol
    When it feels right to you. If we all adhered to the same silly social protocols we'd all probably be profoundly alone!
    Enzo just earned his Fit Dog Bronze (FITB) title! On Sunday he is being evaluated for his Trick Dog Novice (TKN) title. In March we are hoping to complete the next two levels of these titles.
    Yay Enzo. This is so cool.
    Give him a giant behind the ear scratch for me please. :)
    Can you have carpal tunnel without having any pain? My right wrist cracks constantly but it's not swollen or painful.
    That joint popping and cracking usually happens when you've started a new discipline/exercise type. Using your wrist in a new way, new muscle developed. The tendons relax in to their old configuration when relaxed and snap in to their new alignment when you start using them again. No harm will come of it, eventually it will stop happening.
    Thanks :) I was afraid it was something to worry about. Now that you mention it, it might be because I usually use my laptop on the couch, but lately I've been sitting at the kitchen table while I'm using it so my wrist is at a different angle.
    Technically the answer would be "yes", in that there can be other symptoms involved such as a tingling sensation and numbness.
    I'm moving in about a month and I have not packed anything yet. I haven't even packed any clothes or taken anything off the walls. But lately I've been working from about 6:30am until 10pm. I really am happy with my life but it's very chaotic lol. Today I went to the obedience school with my friend, worked the rest of the day, and a friend came over at 10pm when I got out of work, and she just left. No free time...
    I worked with my friend’s Border Collie today. He is very different from my dogs but it still went well. He’s getting used to me because we’re going to compete together sometimes.
    I can't sleep because I'm laughing about this. When I was working as a supervisor in a store, it was right when the pandemic started and we weren't allowing customers to use our restroom. One customer had a tantrum and threatened to take a "huge stinky crap" on the floor because I wouldn't let him use the restroom. I had to tell him he had to leave or I was calling the cops. But I really wanted to laugh.
    One time I was at a show and a guy was determined to bash me down on the price of something only I wouldn't move. He came back three times and on the final one he says 'I'm going home now' like this would force me into a letting him have the item cheaper. My response was 'Bye then'. He did not look happy!
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    You're lucky he only threatened to use the floor. When I worked in a store, I heard customers actually did use the floor...!
    I would have died laughing if someone made that threat :D
    A lot of my irl friends don't want to talk to me anymore and they have made it pretty obvious. I'm not just assuming things, they are very clearly acting like they're mad at me. I haven't done anything that should've made them mad. I don't know what I did to make them feel this way but maybe I have outgrown them.
    What's so hard about talking about our feelings. And the fact that they cliqued up against you reminds me of high school behavior. Who does that? Some people act like they are tight with you, then just to be mean, all dump you at the same time. Mean girls is the term that epitomizes that exact drama.
    Understanding people is the hardest thing in the world for me. What you described happened to me so many times i now stopped counting.
    I know this may sound cliche, but IT’S THEIR LOSS! You’re a star.
    The pack walk with the kennel club was so cool! There were so many dogs of all different breeds and sizes. Enzo did really well and mostly ignored the other dogs. There were even three Bull Terriers @maycontainthunder including my friend’s dog!
    I'm glad you're having so much fun. You were pretty stressed out and down in the dumps for a while there. It makes me happy to see you've turned that around.
    I passed a huge dog park and envisioned you walking around in it. Lol
    It was packed.
    Three EBT's???? One provides enough lazy chaos. That must have been mayhem! :D
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