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  • Pictures of me from college are so cringey and the captions are even worse. I was so weird and not in a good way lol
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I even have something better than the faux hawk brace picture. For a while in the 1990s I had Tom MacDonalds haircut... Long braids on top, shaved on the sides. Bleached of course, it was the roaring 90s. :D
    Now you are just teasing us.
    Human Avatar
    Me age 21 I don’t have that guitar anymore but I still have the guitar strap!
    Enzo and I are going for a "pack walk" tomorrow with the local kennel club with about 50 other dogs. This will be interesting, I have never done that before. I have walked multiple dogs at once but not more than like 10 or 12.
    I will not be walking all 50 dogs lol, they will all be walking with their individual owners.
    My girlfriend and her mom are teaching me to speak Polish and I’m actually learning really quickly!! And we taught my dogs Polish commands. So now I have bilingual dogs lol
    Enzo impressed me again with a perfect dumbbell retrieve over 20 times, 5 minute sit stay and down stay while I walked around the facility doing other things, immediately coming to heel without me calling him to heel, and ignoring another dog although they were nose to nose until I gave him his release command. Holy crap, he is everything I’ve ever wanted in a dog.
    I wish I could have posted more today. I was busy all day. Going to go to bed now because I can't keep my eyes open lol
    Happy to hear you are wiped out due to be productive and not something else. :)
    Hex is fully recovered from her ACL surgery! We’re back up to 4 mile hikes, running, and competing in obedience trials. She is in really good shape now. Obviously conformation dog shows are not my priority but I think I will show her a couple of times in the summer in addition to competing in rally obedience and earning her Fit Dog title.
    My mental health is so much better now. I’m actually doing really well and feel like I’m alive instead of just surviving. Having breaks from work sometimes, working out, not being hard on myself about my body shape, dating, making friends, and working harder to earn titles with my dogs and competing, have all made a huge difference. I’m so much happier than I was for the past few years.
    I'm glad your mental health is recovering. It can be very difficult to leave the "survival only" mode and start living socially.
    Going to do a quick grocery run at Stop & Shop. That store gives me more anxiety than any other store and I haven’t been in there for over a year. We will see how this goes…
    How did it go? I’ve started going to the grocery store around 8pm, fewer people then.
    It was okay! I was so happy I could use the self checkout. I didn’t have to interact with anyone!
    I actually just bought some dresses and crop tops. I hardly ever wear women’s clothes but I want to have some options for going out, and I’m going on vacation in June.
    I‘m also meeting up with that girl later this afternoon but I don’t know if I should refer to it as a date yet.
    I rarely buy dresses or other “women‘s” clothing. It’s never been my thing: although I do cosplay in dresses. Good luck with your meet up.=)
    Hope it goes well!
    Went for the best hike I’ve been on in about a year. In my own town! It was a trail that I didn’t even know existed because it was in a rural neighborhood and hidden. I thought it was a driveway so I never tried it until now. I will be going back to this place frequently.
    In a surprising turn of events, a girl gave me her number. She said she sees me around all the time and has always wanted to talk to me so she was actually out there waiting for me this time. She is from Poland and speaks kind of broken English. I seem to attract Polish people for some reason since a lot of my irl friends are Polish. What a weird day lol
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Attracting Polish people, to the point where they wait outside for you so they can give you their number. That's an unusual talent. :)
    Maybe she thinks you are Polish?
    I think Polish folks are pretty interesting. They have good food too.
    I sort of understand this in a way. I always attracted really tall women. Note the distinction here, I'm not particularly attracted to tall women, it's a case of they are attracted to me. Have no idea why, that's just the way the world works sometimes. Never had a girlfriend shorter than me and I'm 5'8" and pushing 60 years old.
    In case anyone didn’t see my post about the 5k in the “weird or random” thread, we completed in in under 35 minutes, didn’t come in last, and even jogged part of the way. Even in old running sneakers that were too small. I’m very proud but very tired! And now I’m going to get takeout and go to sleep lol. Hopefully I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.
    Also satisfying that I was the only person there who wasn’t skinny or ripped and I still completed the race. “Not skinny” does not always equal “unfit.” My weight constantly fluctuates and it doesn’t really affect my athletic ability or endurance.
    Maybe putting on weight isn't the worst thing that could happen to me. Having big, fluffy thighs is actually kind of comfy lol
    I have considered putting a towel in the bath tub as a cushion, for
    sitting or laying down. Bone-y + bathtub = ow.
    I went thru that binge eating cycle in high school, as my life had so much uncertainty.
    It's YOUR body and it's YOUR choice, girl :) If you want fluffy thighs, then get'em! :)
    For specific context about my mom, earlier tonight she came over to drop something off, and noticed that I'd gotten paneer tikka masala for dinner. She was like "Eww, is that tofu?" and I told her "No, it's paneer." She looked it up and was like "Why would you eat that? That's DISGUSTING." Like that is not necessary to say to me at all! If you're going to judge my food so rudely, just leave me alone!
    I'm sorry you're in that situation too! Every time you post about your mom I feel so bad because my mom is the same.
    Hey, it’s nice to know that there are people who also get it.=)
    Serial gaslighter moms, apparently there a lot of us that have experienced this.
    My mom is so rude that a lot of times interacting with her just makes me want to cry. I find myself ruminating about things she said that were hurtful and feeling embarrassed that I said something to initiate it, and wishing I'd said something different. When I point out to her that she has hurt my feelings, she gets defensive and yells at me.
    I did think I had gotten everything fixed with the estrogen replacement therapy, but the “false pregnancy” symptoms are back with a vengeance. I’m so uncomfortable. I doubt I can get a doctor’s appointment before I have to do the 5k tomorrow but I hope I don’t feel awful the whole time. I did a lot of research online and the side effects I’m having aren’t unheard of. They’re TMI so I won’t share in a profile post.
    @Stuttermabolur “Too much information,” usually about something unpleasant or gross
    When a person says that what they, themselves, have been saying is TMI,
    they figure it's a topic that concerns them, but supposes the listener has no
    use for or can't relate to, and may be embarrassed by or even disgusted to hear.
    My LA friend did hormone replacement with estrogen but stopped it because of weight gain and other side effects she didn't want.
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