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  • There’s a lot of stigma about large “aggressive” looking dogs and it impacts my life pretty much daily. Because I appear to be a young girl holding these massive dogs on a leash people assume I can’t control them, and people are either terrified, or angry/defensive. What they don’t see is how well trained my dogs are, how much goes into training them, and our huge accomplishments. Misinformation is a dangerous weapon
    3/4 of the population are just plain stupid. Because they are unable to train a dog to behave they believe all dogs are inherently vicious. A woman came running in to the pub at Dundee years ago in a panic "Help Help, a dog is attacking my baby." We raced out front, 10 year old kid is laying on his back giggling, Ruby is licking his face.
    While there are nasty dogs out there the majority just aren't trained right. When people see a dog barking most cannot tell if it's because of excitement or aggression. With a wag of his tail and a flick of his ears Dog V4 can pretty much get attention from anyone.... and treats.
    There’s a snowstorm here and I hope it doesn’t affect the plans for me to do the 5k on Sunday. I typically walk way more than 5 kilometers in a day but doing it formally will give me a bigger sense of accomplishment.
    I was just compelled to say hello. Hello! I hope your day has been a nice one, Luca! :sunflower:
    Hi Loren! I was very busy yesterday, sorry for not checking in on here. Hope you’re having a nice day!
    No need to be sorry!
    I wasn't here but a few minutes that day, myself. I randomly thought of you while I was here, so, thought I would say hello. Hope you're doing very well! (-:
    It bothers me that most of my irl friends don’t care about and don’t acknowledge my artwork when I try to show it to them. I get that none of them are artists themselves but it discourages me when my friends don’t care about my interests and don’t appreciate them. I do that for them when they talk about theirs.
    Mr. Stevens
    Exactly, @Luca. You become useful to them, so they act friendly.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I can relate 100%

    What bothers me is not that they dont care or directly ignore my hobbies, but that they suddently are there when I fail making fun and enjoying those fails, like my fails had some good impact in their lifes.

    It took me some time, but I put all those people out of my personal life.
    I wish I knew u irl Luca :( but online friends are cool too
    Enzo and I will be participating in a 5K next week! I will be walking, since I can't run consistently without falling... but I think it will still make me feel accomplished! I still make it a point to walk 2+ miles every day and go hiking more than twice a week.
    Good idea bringing Enzo. I'm sure he can point you in the right direction at all times. :D
    Good luck!
    Walkers of the world unite! Before you know it, you'll be doing 10K events, and then wondering where your limits lie, go for the longer distances as well :-)
    I took a selfie in a store yesterday and I didn't realize until someone pointed it out that I was in the toilet aisle and there are toilets everywhere. I look like such an idiot lol
    Someday I want to see what an actual surgeon can do about my overbite. I have tried braces and minor dental surgeries (like having teeth extracted. I am actually missing some.) I know it's a really shallow aesthetic detail that some people probably don't even notice, and it's not like I'm ever going to look like a model even if I did have surgery lol, but I definitely notice the overbite, especially in pictures.
    They may just pull some teeth, and give you clear brace. That would be nice.
    I also have an overbite. I've gotten used to it over time. My teeth are very straight, odd since I never had braces. This I think was caused by wisdom teeth and they kinda pushed everything in line. But my top teeth still overhang. When my lower wisdom teeth appeared it pushed my lower teeth forward. This kinda created less if an overbite, but it does make my lower jaw look small. Though in a way this is ok to me.
    I wonder if getting some sort of dental implants could in effect line things up more to your liking? I guess it would be a shame though to replace perfectly good natural teeth but something like that might enable you to dodge really nasty surgeries? I know that it's about how you feel about it that counts, but I'm sure your teeth look great :-)
    There are so many stupid “trends” every year. Can we make the trend for 2023 and all future years “be nice to everybody?”
    Thanks Luca.
    Let's include be nice to animals too. :)
    Yes, people being mean to animals actually pisses me off way more and I also rant about that a lot on here. I just don't understand why people think they should go around being assholes to people either.
    Let's be nice to the plants and Mother Earth as well (as our First Nations friends would say "all of our relations"). We take of them and they'll take care of us.
    Why do teenagers always make fun of me? I’m probably an easy target because I look like I’m their age but it’s so annoying.
    Can we all just agree teenagers have it tough and they have not developed the life skills to deal with their issues properly, so they react by being jerks?
    It's definitely harder for parents and teenagers to make a go of it.
    @Markness You’re really not that much older than me so that’s definitely very far off the mark lol. But on the flip side of that, people of all ages think I’m Gen Z, and not just that but younger Gen Z lol
    I got good news today. I will be moving into the new place in March!
    I hope it's a nicer neighbourhood that doesn't cause you as much stress and anxiety.
    Same complex but slightly different neighborhood. Hopefully the people are nicer. They are slightly younger for the most part.
    I’m panicking because someone was repeatedly knocking on my front door and it’s the middle of the night here. I didn’t see anyone but I still grabbed a pocketknife and went out there and looked around. Whoever it was, they disappeared. I’m kind of scared now.
    I know that calling the cops won’t do anything because the last time I reported something they weren’t happy about me inconveniencing them.
    but when I woke, I heard the noise so knew that the person who was knocking at the door was probably knocking thinking it Was me having the party. Because I was on my own, I was terrified. I had another knock on the door and looked out the peephole and saw on old lady.
    She told me she had walked over from the house in the next road. Poor woman was in her slippers in the cold and rain. She realized that the noise was not from me, and wanted to know who lived up there. She called the police and they sorted it out. Still, some people Are just selfish and I am glad that you are okay.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I had an unpleasant experience too back in the early 2000s, a loud noise woke me up in the middle of the night, it was two guys kicking open my bedroom door. They had climbed up to the balcony on a ladder and broken into my apartment through the balcony door. They wanted valuables and my car keys. So it's always good to be prepared and have alarms and pepperspray and things like that. Or 7 dogs. :) That helps.
    I know this is tmi, but expressing a dog's clogged anal glands was not a good start to my work day. I guess people seriously don't realize that their dogs have them and that they need to be cleaned. This is basically what my job is, fixing the mistakes that other people make with their dogs. Whether that's a training mistake, a grooming mistake, or something else. There's always something.
    Yep. Dogs, kids....those inevitable "war stories" as a result of taking care of them.
    We have one who needs to get his done at the vet because he's "very dramatic" (their words) and will try to bite you. lol
    I think l didn't have to do it but the vet did it once on our little chihuahua.
    First actual snow of the year! It will probably be gone by the afternoon though.
    It’s not even 11:30 and it’s already gone lol
    @Silhouette Mirage What happened to the movie chat room and the idea for movie nights? I thought that was a pretty good idea. Sorry if I talked too much and ruined the chat for everyone else :/
    I don't think you ruined it at all! I figured the interest was mostly gone and admittedly I'm too lazy to keep up with it. If anyone else wants to take over, that would be cool!
    I don't think I have the time to take over the entire project unfortunately, but let me know if you ever want to watch a movie in a private chat or something! Hopefully we can get a few others to join.
    That's a great idea!
    So, since the suspect has been arrested and police are wrapping up their investigation, I can talk about what happened. A woman went missing in the neighboring town over New Year's, and they initially didn't suspect her husband, but have now discovered that he researched how to dismember and dispose of a body, and that her phone was left behind in her residence when she was supposed to be on a business trip.
    Apparently the average person walks past 36 killers in their lifetime on average. So if you did cross paths with him, it was only one of them!
    Funny that you mentioned that because one of my friends gave me the exact same statistic yesterday. So creepy... Really makes me wonder how many of them are people I know...
    Worrying about it too much is a pretty good way to make it near-bout as bad as if someone'd already killed you. I've got my ideas about who would and wouldn't be evil, in my acquaintance. Most likely the houseful of huge, tough dogs makes you pretty difficult to assassinate unless someone wants to lose his kneecaps to a Newfoundland.
    Not sure if I can elaborate, but there is a crime scene investigation going on nearby and it’s creeping me out so I can’t sleep, although the suspect has apparently been arrested and isn’t a danger to me or anyone else. And no, this doesn’t happen often here. This is a very small town.
    That's exciting and kind of scary at the same time. At least he's not on the loose or anything crazy
    The fact it's a small town and it doesn't happen very often mean that logically something like this shouldn't happen for a long time, and statistically, when it does - it should be nowhere near where you live.
    Glad you are okay. That's creepy. The day l was moving into my area, the police had a body in a 55 gallon can. The guy passed, and his girlfriend decided to keep collecting his checks so she stuck him in there.. There was a ton of police, people were standing out on the street. It's Florida.
    I might be moving as soon as next week. But there is a longer story with this situation than will fit in a status message. Basically, there is an issue with the house (and my management here) and I have been offered a temporary place at a reduced price until I can move in. But, the temporary place has turned out to be my dream house…
    I can still move into the other house in August if I want, but I think at this point I’m going to try to sell it as I like this one a lot more actually.
    Are you sure you want to keep dealing with leases, rent, & landlords? I'd be buying to own, if I were you.
    Stay positive. Make decisions carefully, as you have a big family of sweet faces, wet tongues, and big hearts. Sit down, meditate, and ask for guidance to make the best decision. You got this!! :)
    I slept too much and now I feel awful.
    I get up at 5 every morning too. Then sometimes I go back to sleep. Today I went back to sleep for too long :/
    I learned recently that this usually depends on when (during your sleep cycle) you wake up. Apparently it can be remedied with a gradual alarm of some sort, like something that starts off quiet and gets loud over time
    They also make those sunlight-emulating clocks that kind of allow you to wake up more naturally with light so you don't need those few extra snooze hours
    I told someone she needed to be here by 11 because I have to go back to work at 3 and I specifically said that 1pm would be too late. It is now 12:53. Why are some people so incompetent and bad at following simple directions?!
    Maybe she will eventually offer an excuse?
    Got hit by a bus?
    Sudden attack of diarrhea/vomiting?
    Just plain forgot??
    Dad used to have customers like that. He'd go out about half an hour after the 'appointment' time then come home much later. Inconvenience is a two way street....
    I've concluded that some people think that 12:59 is still "twelve o'clock". A surprising number of people seem to think this way! I will never understand it. I'm sorry they let you down :-(
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