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  • My doctor's appointment was kind of frustrating. They think stress is making one of my already existing conditions worse, and they just increased the dose of one of my meds. I feel like something more than that is going on but I don't know if I'll ever know :/ But fortunately I don't have lupus.
    No lupus. Good.
    Oh boy. Think the doc missed something?
    Possibly. I could be wrong but I have a hard time believing it’s just stress. But a lot of doctors are really dismissive of women so I don’t know.
    Today is my one year anniversary on here! I can’t believe I’ve been on this forum for a whole year! Thank you all for being my family <3
    Someone made me this banner for my website and I love it. I'm going to use it for my profile on here lol
    "We do all of the things" is referencing all the dog sports we compete in; Agility, Conformation, Flyball, Obedience/Rally, Field trials, etc

    do all of the things.jpg
    I just posted a video in the "what is your pet doing" thread, but wanted to provide a pic of this incredibly intense point from earlier today.
    Pointers are amazing. He stood frozen on point like that for several seconds. I have some better quality photos from my camera and will post some as soon as I've processed them!

    Beautiful pic.
    Dogs are amazing.
    You are pretty amazing too. :)
    Remember when I made a thread complaining about one of my dogs' breeders on here? Well, she published an article that had a paragraph in it that was very blatantly taking a jab at me and my kennel, and even referenced the fact that I have a dog with a health defect that I am still competing in shows with (I'm not going to be breeding this dog, so it doesn't matter, she can still be shown.) I'm livid right now.
    Yeah, as long as it's not a threat or something crazy you can pretty much talk whatever kind of trash you want in the US, as well as take pictures of anything / anyone in a public area. In some ways that's great, but there are always going to be people who overstep a little bit
    @Shaddock She didn’t use my real name but it was super obvious because of the details.
    @Luca ok. at least. but still not nice.
    I'm on my computer doing work, and Enzo decided I was ignoring him so he jumped onto the couch and dropped a toy on my keyboard. Lol
    He's such a smart dog that I forget he's a dog sometimes. He just seems like some other type of being. Not a human either, just an intelligent life form, lol
    that´s how I think you see your dogs. not as animals, more like friends. that you try to interact and see them more on the same level with you. I think your profile picture illustrates that.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I am convinced that dogs have an innate understanding of us. We have been partners since glaciers covered the North. Cats, on the other hand, are recent. They have developed attention meows that sound like a bawling infant to get our attention. If that doesn't work, everything becomes a toy.
    Like I tend to say, their culture and the way they process the world differently than us, through senses that we don't have the first, it's like a different species, the aliens we have on Earth.
    Finally just got treatment and left, after waiting for almost 10 hours. Sigh…
    He is also stranger-reactive so I had to muzzle him and restrain him so he wouldn’t attempt any funny business with the vet. I’m tired.
    Ten hours!
    He doesn't look like a happy puppy.
    Yeah, he hates going to the vet. He hid under that chair the whole time.
    The emergency vet is a 4 hour wait. I told them Enzo’s ear infection is urgent because they couldn’t take him yesterday, and they still won’t prioritize us even though it’s pretty bad. I’m not having a good day
    Yes, they did. I just gave him the first dose
    Is it topical or oral?
    I had to put goo in my cat's ears for two weeks, twice a day.

    Didn't know there was any problem, but when he went in for a routine
    check up, they swabbed his ears, and said he had an infection.
    It’s topical.

    Ear infections aren’t uncommon in dogs and cats. They’re especially common in long-eared hunting dogs.
    If my physical health gets any worse I'm going to have a complete mental breakdown. I don't know if I can wait until my appointment on Friday.
    Hang in there, do not give in to fear of the tomorrow! Stay stong for your dog!
    "Come, my pups! Are we to fear ice now. He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart. His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dogs company! Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.
    Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words- Seppala, the driver. Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead! ... Well done, Togo! Well done, all! There will be full bellies and warm beds tonight!"
    Thank you everyone :)
    I’m going to call in a few minutes and see if I can go in more urgently.
    One of my dogs has a really bad ear infection, and every vet I called said it's "low priority" because all the emergency rooms are backed up right now, and I can't get an appointment until Tuesday :( I'm also not doing too well and I constantly feel like I'm going to pass out.
    If you have anyone who can come and help you out, I hope that they can. Best wishes for you. Hope that you feel better soon. :)
    Aww, sorry to hear you and dog are not doing well, and the vets are unavailable and have to rate disease. Sending get well wishes and strength to you guys. It's no fun being ill.
    Thank you :)
    @Owliet The appointment is tomorrow, Tuesday the 6th
    I finally slept normally but I woke up feeling terrible. I’m glad I have an appointment next week because I need to know why I feel like this.
    Dog V4 sends supportive ear snuffles.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Luca, I hope that you will feel calmer because you are looking out for your health by scheduling that appointment. My hope for you is that you will experience a good collaboration with your physician.
    I have a doctor’s appointment set up for next week. Hopefully I can get some answers…
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I hope that you will get closure for what you are feeling and your physician is a good diagnostitian. I sympathise, having a series of health issues since May. Being off balance with respect to health is taxing.
    I just had (consecutively) the worst night terrors I’ve ever had in my life and woke up crying. But I woke up with my dog literally on top of me trying to pin me to the bed. So I must have been physically having a nightmare which he noticed. Dogs are pretty amazing.
    What a sweetheart! Animals are really amazing, so supportive.
    I hope you are feeling better now.
    They are!
    Thanks April :) I’ll be ok
    Hope you’re ok. When I’ve had a breakdown, I’ll always have a cat who’ll flop down and try to nuzzle up as close as he possibly can. Animals are so supportive.
    This is what I was afraid of :( I answered all the questions honestly!
    My mother has ADHD and my father is very fit and active, so I had a very diverse upbringing where I got to experience different cultures and thinking. I would have been very different had I grown up elsewhere.
    However, how I think and analyze situations is very atypical, and there is loads of behaviour from my childhood I later hid but are clear indicators of autism, even though people wouldn't guess so now.
    I wouldn't take the results too seriously from a quiz that has font from Microsoft Word 95.
    I’m really not doing well physically, but I have a lot of responsibilities so I kind of have to push it aside for now.
    I keep falling asleep and randomly waking up. Insomnia + long work day = exhaustion :/
    I have the strange thing that when I go to sleep and fall asleep, while I was too less tired (but barely able to fall asleep), that I wake up every 1-2 hours and I have 100% nightmares. I can continue sleeping then, but everytime I fall asleep I have a nightmare then and it´s annoying.
    don´t know why, but my theory is that it´s stressing for the body to keep sleep on going, when you´re too fit for sleeping and so the stress results in nightmares and the body wakes up, to tell "you´re too fit for sleeping." don´t had this when napping in the past, only when going to bed 2 hours earlier. anyone else has this too?
    I'm not sure, but nightmares are often caused by stress and anxiety.
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