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  • Entered my dogs in a dog show for the first time in about a year. The timing made it so it’s the biggest regional show though… high stakes
    It just happened to be that the first show we are able to attend is the biggest one in New England… when really all I’m trying to do is put points on a 9 month old puppy. Lol.
    When I was at the hospital, everyone commented on how well behaved my service dog is! :) And thank you everyone for caring about me <3
    The dentist said I have to get braces again in January because I didn’t use my retainer and my teeth got crooked again over the years :( :(
    Oh no!
    Ignore the dentist. He has a deal with the orthodontist that he gets a kickback for everyone he refers.

    My daughter has a beautiful straight smile, and the dentist has been saying for her to get braces for years.
    Oh, that sucks! I got off braces about four months ago (age 29) and my dentist said I have to use the retained all the time for now, but sometimes I forget it. I hurts a bit if I don't wear it for too many hours.
    I should probably stop trying to justify and defend my parents when they’re actually gaslighting me.
    To clarify, they’re not always like that, it’s in really specific arguments about things I’ve called them out for that they don’t like/don’t realize. But that sounds like I’m defending them again :/ I refuse to believe that they’re abusive because they did save me from extreme abuse. They can be really wonderful. But I don’t think they know much about PTSD.
    I know I’ve been pretty inactive here lately… just getting some health stuff sorted and busy because of the holidays! I’m still here! :)
    My dogs are much better so I’ll be on here again :) One has a hip problem and the other has a chronic illness. Thank you all for the support
    Have been dealing with some medical issues with my dogs so I may not be on here a lot for a while. They’re ok but I need to focus on them.
    Sarah S
    Sarah S
    Im sorry that youre dogs have some health iccues i do hope they will get better soon. Of course, you need to focus on youre family we'll be here waiting for you when you return
    Good luck keeping up with all that. Sickly dogs are a handful sometimes--
    I hope they will be alright!
    aww im sorry i hope your ok and i know how you feel
    i hope you feel better soon and i hope everything goes ok with the dental appointment
    Thank you Smilie! I’m feeling a little better :) I really appreciate your message!
    I haven’t been posting a lot lately. The holidays have got me feeling pretty burned out :( But I don’t want to be negative and annoying.
    Idk what’s going on with me but I’ve just been feeling down :( I haven’t been feeling well either and that doesn’t help…
    So sorry, Luca. I hope you feel better, soon. ❤️
    Thank you Loren <3
    Also almost forgot to mention that I’m having an invasive dental procedure in the morning :( I’ve always had issues with my teeth
    I always try to be positive but I always feel like I’m annoying. Sometimes this thought is hard to extinguish :(
    Pointer Dog has clearly NEVER been on a leash. Trying to teach him leash manners has been a nightmare! But he’s here to stay regardless :)
    The downside to feeding dogs raw food is that you sometimes have to pull really gross parts out of it. Yuck!!
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