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  • Somehow my hot chocolate K-cups were on a shelf I can’t reach. I’m the only person who lives here. Maybe my parents did it at some point?
    Pointer Dog is doing really well here. He needs a name. I didn’t like the name his owner gave him. I’ve just been calling him Dog.
    I knew some people with a canine whose name sounded Italian to me: "Dioggi." Turned out his humans had named him "D.O.G."
    Haven’t been able to sleep because Pointer Dog fell asleep in my lap when I am in a sitting position. He’s still sleeping. I however am not.
    Pointer dog is settling in pretty well at my house but he does NOT stop whining! And wants to sprint around the house but has a bad hip :(
    To clarify it was not my friend who didn’t want the dog. Dog’s owner didn’t. He wants me to rehab the dog and keep him.
    My friend who breeds dogs had a dog returned to him. Dog got injured and owner didn’t want him :( He wants to give me the dog. Should I?
    I live directly across from a major airport and my mornings are plagued by planes.
    OMG. Sorry about that. I wonder if the noise stress is contributing to your medical issues.
    Thank you. The noise probably doesn’t help! :(
    This week has seriously been a rollercoaster. I think I’m getting to be out of the woods with my dog. People on here make me feel better! <3
    so.. you're saying you were in the woods with your dog, and there was a rollercoaster there? Neat! ;)

    Seriously though, glad people here make you feel better! :D
    I keep forgetting that I’m 27… I feel like I’ve always been 18. Lol
    Time flies. I think when we stim we might as well be children again - it feels that energetic and carefree at times. Hand flapping and weird noises certainly help you feel young again.
    I still feel like an older teenager rather than a young adult, it's a little embarrassing sometimes.
    Somehow one of my dogs swallowed a toy and has barfed it up all over my house. She’s fine, but I’m stressed out :(
    Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts and prayers. My puppy is 100% herself again. I’m so grateful for all the support <3
    My dog has suddenly become afraid of her water bowl. She is completely healthy and active and will drink out of anything but. Any ideas?
    Dogs get spooky sometimes, I met one that was spooky about electric cords, he wouldn't walk over one. Check around the bowl I guess and maybe wash it. Dogs have a keen sense of smell
    Thanks!! She will drink out of a water bottle so maybe something’s up with my tap water… the other dogs don’t seem bothered tho so I’m not sure. I’ll try cleaning the bowl and the area it’s in.
    I have not been doing very well :( :( But I missed everyone while I was gone from here!
    I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you begin to feel better!
    Thank you Butterfly!! :)
    The ranting room is the only place on this forum you can sort of be displeased, you can't really be angry or reality will exist
    Going to a beautiful state park in Rhode Island with my parents and my dogs in the morning :) Which means I have to be up early, so bedtime!
    I was told that I can come across as facetious, especially when I’m being friendly- nope, that’s really me! :) I’m just not super articulate
    My dogs are being perfectly behaved while I’m making cheeseburgers. But drooling. They’re using every ounce of self control they have lol
    Lol I wonder if you didn’t give them any of it.
    I didn’t!! Lol
    Good. As much as I love dogs, I’d be the same. They wouldn’t be getting any.
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