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  • I love when my dogs just lie down in front of the fireplace at the end of a good day :) It looks like a classic painting!! Lol
    The Halloween bandanas I got for my dogs are so cute! :) We got lots of compliments and my dogs played with some kids, their favorite!
    Someone yelled at me because my dog was running around playing and he thought I was letting her misbehave :( :(
    To clarify, collar not harness- needs velcro for patches to identify her as service dog, and not quick release buckle, she’s 100lbs. Thanks!
    Does anyone know a specialty shop where I can get a collar with handle for my medical service dog? Etsy is expensive, not much on Amazon
    I was so busy on my computer that I didn't realize it's 11pm and I didn't eat anything today. Fed the dogs at 8 tho. Time to cook something!
    I just saw a bus go by and I was like “what the heck?” Then I realized it’s almost 5:30am and people are going to work now. Still awake :(
    My youngest dog is 65+ pounds. She went up to a toddler very gently and licked his face. The parents weren’t scared. It was very touching :)
    I feel a lot better today. My parents took me to a mountain park. Almost everyone wanted to play with my dogs. Mine love kids. Made me happy
    I still manage to rub everyone the wrong way when I’m trying specifically not to. Maybe my issue is more mental illness than it is Autism
    Thank you, I didn’t mean that post to sound rude. I just get frustrated with myself
    How could it sound rude?
    I was just worried I made it sound like I was mad and it could’ve been misinterpreted or something. I overthink too much, that’s all :)
    I feel like I'm getting worse and worse at making sense when I'm talking.
    I can experience the same, when I am feeling anxious, or, overwhelmed. It subsides as anxiety dissipates, in my case. I hope you find it to be temporary. Have a lovely day, Luca.
    Thank you, I’m sorry you also experience this :(
    I hope it is temporary.
    Have a lovely day too!
    Thank you, Luca! :-)
    Just listened to some creepy music at 4am and now I’m scared to sleep in case I summoned an evil spirit lol
    Feeling slightly better today. I talked to a friend who said I really am a nice person. I just need to learn to be less overwhelming.
    I had a good birthday but the cake was not very good and made me pretty sick (too sweet!) but my mom's friend made it so I feel bad...
    Also totally forgot it's my birthday... as of a few minutes ago, I'm 27!! Yikes
    You are most welcome. :) Thank you, as well! Do you go by Luca, here? Or, do you prefer crewlucaa?
    I go by Luca! Thank you for asking :) Do you go by Loren?
    Thank you for asking, as well :-)
    Yes, I go by Loren.
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