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  • OK, I just heard some smug 12-stepper tell me that my sleep health problems are actually all my own fault.
    I'm sorry. The same thing happens to me almost every night (except about childhood trauma, not a divorce)
    Yeah, this guy told me that I should not have stayed up late Friday night at the concert because that screws up my sleep schedule more than the apnea does. He’s a moron.
    Concerts are a good excuse to stay up late. And it has nothing to do with sleep apnea, that would make it hard to sleep anyway. Definitely a moron. Don't listen to him.
    I wish I could take a pill and fall asleep right now. I understand why doctors are reluctant to prescribe sleeping pills, though. Especially since they won’t work in my case due to the apnea. Maybe I should drink a bottle of Everclear to sanitize my tonsils and then rip them out with a pair of pliers.
    I had fun at the concert, but some of those songs triggered my depression in ways they never did before.
    Between the Tool cover band playing “Prison Sex” and “Sober”, and the Metallica tribute band playing “Fade to Black”, I don’t know, those songs filled me with sadness tonight.
    One thing I noticed at the concert - it does not take much screaming out of me for my vocal chords to become raw.
    This was how close I was to the stage for the Metallica tribute band. It was fun.
    Hearing this tribute band hammers in just how badly Lars’ skills on the drums have deteriorated.
    My IQ is decreasing rapidly as I am at somebody else’s house and she is watching Divorce Court.
    As someone who went thru a particularly horrendous divorce of almost 3 years, costing me 18,000 dollars in attorney fees, yes, sometimes l watch.
    I’m sorry, that’s awful :(
    I was under the impression that the Divorce Court show was staged/scripted, but maybe I’m wrong.
    @Luca: American daytime "courtroom" shows were the earliest version of "reality TV": semi-scripted but without a rigid "script" that requires professional actors to perform according to it. There are outlines but then the "actors" have free reign to interpret the outline. It would be a good idea if the outcome wasn't so brain deadening.
    It sucks that the only person IRL who wants me around all of the time is my boss, who spit upon sick notes in the past and claims the office is never able to run without me. All of my local friends have partners, I am an extremely low priority to them.
    Summer without cold beer seems like an oddity to me, I thought I would be used to it by this point.
    It is 10:30pm, and a jerk of a neighbor now decides to pull out his leaf blower and use it near my bedroom window.
    That seems to be carrying the idea that it's cooler in the evening to an extreme.
    10:30PM is dark.
    Oh no. You live next to a inconsiderate jerk? I have dealt with vandalism from my on neighbor. Now the owner changed, it's people who have no furniture and no car, like extreme poverty. Pretty weird.
    Outrageous! So rude.
    I just bought a concert ticket - two tribute bands, one for Metallica, the other for Tool, this Friday night. It is an excuse to get out for the evening.
    Got a five year old laptop that was gifted to me so I could do more writing without typing on my phone. My friend gave it to me in exchange for teaching him how to build his desktop.
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