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  • So, instead of watching Rambo, I sat through a 9 1/2 hour documentary about the Holocaust.
    Still processing what I just saw. I do not think there is a proper response to a film like this.
    Horrible. I can't comprehend how this could ever happen. My favorite doctor here, is afraid to put her last name on her website. I am very sad about this.
    I am having a Rambo film festival tonight, even though the first film is the only one that has any socially redeeming values whatsoever.
    I watched the one that came out about 14 years ago. It gave me PTSD, I don't think it was necessary to see people being literally splattered over the camera lens. I suppose technically it wasn't "literally" but it was pretty convincing! :oops:
    @MildredHubble I would suggest watching the first one. Rambo only kills one person there, and it is an accident. The first one was a great tragic commentary on the American treatment of Vietnam vets.
    @Metalhead I haven't seen the first one in maybe 10 years, so it's probably time to watch it again. I remember it was pretty good. It was based on a novel I seem to remember.
    Sitting under my AC with an ice cold glass of water in my hand. I am thinking of going to Fred Meyer after the sun goes down to buy myself some watermelon.
    Meh, I just want to not feel lonely. I have been getting out into the world a lot more than what I am used to and meeting other people, though. If I appear whiny here on occasion, this might have something to do with it.
    It takes getting use too, put yourself out there. I never feel comfortable doing it, because l am judging myself and l am judging the other person. And l really don't trust due to a major thing l went thru.
    TFW a straight woman tells me to check out this gay dating site called Grindr. Yeah, about that….. I will eat a grinder sandwich instead.
    Tina Turner, R.I.P.
    Seriously? Her music wasn't really my cup of tea, but she was undeniably extremely talented. :(
    Rest in peace to a legend. The last few years of her life she was dealing with multiple health issues, and passed away due to complications from them at age 83 :(
    She is such a warrior. I love her songs, so much emotion in her voice.
    I am looking for somebody to play through Gears of War, the original 360 game, in co-op campaign on Insane difficulty. It does not need to be all at once. Mic not optional.
    Omg. You are a huge success story at this forum. I bet you feel so much better about yourself, and your confidence is going to be so much better also.
    Maybe if you get time. Help others on what worked for you. Like a post. Alright you!
    I miss being 16, with a couple of good friends hanging with me every Friday night after I rent a stack of movies from a VHS rental outlet, then having Doritos and Mountain Dew with my fellow geeks while binge watching until 4AM. I'm too old for that now.
    I just got chastised by my payee over the amount of money I spent on movie purchases last week. I need to put the brakes on that and watch everything I already own first.
    At least it wasn't other things. Congrats on that by the way.
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