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  • Weird nightmares in my sleep tonight. If I had the money, I would make horror movies out of them and inflict them upon the rest of the world - why should I suffer alone when I can make the world suffer with me instead?
    "Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose."
    Sometimes I am able to take control of my dreams and steer them into more positive territory, but not tonight.
    Watching horror movies probably does not help...
    I am struggling a bit to stay awake at my desk, and I do not want to pump myself full of caffeine to get through this.
    Next time this happens, you could try eating carrot sticks.
    They help keep a person alert.
    In my family, they were a thing that the driver on road trips ate.
    Rather than drinking caffeinated cold drinks or coffee.
    Muscles are sore from lifting weights yesterday evening. No pain, no gain. I will lose my belly at any cost necessary.
    Going to see a personal trainer at the gym this afternoon. If I keep this up, my beer belly will eventually go away.
    Why does it go to the belly? Why can't it go to my back side? Lol
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    To keep your balance and gravity center the same, and make your walking as energy efficient as possible. Thats why.
    I curled up and read a Salman Rushdie novel today on my couch. It was great.
    You finally found some alone time and the peace you need. That's fantastic.
    Anybody want to join me for tacos and a private home viewing of The Woman King tonight? Those are my plans this evening.
    Kimchi ramen noodles are awesome!
    Kimchi flavored instant noodle cups
    Made with real kimchi
    They sell it at my local Korean market
    I have kimchi ramen noodles right now from Walmart.
    Oh, nice. I make my own ramen on occasion, as I eat low gluten and soy, and I enjoy ramen. I had never thought to add kimchi. Perhaps, as the ramen I have had at Japanese restaurant, did not contain kimchi. Thanks for answering.
    I want to get a moving van, stuff my possessions into it, move to the other side of the country, start a new life away from my family.
    Those moving pods sit on the street and you load them up. And then they pick them up and move for you plus they can sit in warehouse until you pick them up.
    Sounds like you may be doing this? Do you have a timetable? Have you applied for jobs in the New location? So many employers are begging for workers.
    Right now is a good time to do this, in my country too. Everybody is going through life changes after covid and lots of places are understaffed. Like a giant game of musical chairs. Best to do it before the music stops.
    I feel my addictions calling me back tonight. Perhaps I should go to bed instead.
    Man. It's tough. You got this. You are doing so much better. If you stayed in your -funk- you may have never entertained the idea of moving away. :)
    We would just be swapping mom stories.
    I want to hit the gym today after work. Build up a massive sweat and burn off some of my belly, then sit in the sauna for fifteen minutes. Then go home and take a nap. That sounds like a lovely afternoon to me.
    Great you are signed up at gym. Can't tell you how many times the gym has gotten me out of my funk, (my stupid brain replay). In fact just yesterday, and l left the crappy thoughts on the treadmill. Lol
    Working out is the best remedy!
    I hoard video games like Scrooge McDuck hoards gold coins. If I could, I would create a vault with a pool of my video game collection, and dive in and swim around in them just like Scrooge McDuck and his gold coins.
    Less than 24 hours after my sister gets her used car back with a new engine installed, some jerk breaks her windows and loots the inside of it.
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