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  • I bought some fancy havarti with dill seasoning, going to greet the new year with that and some swanky crackers.
    At the grocery store currently and it is a madhouse in here. Places like this are where civilization ends.
    I remember one time during a storm warning the grocery was packed with people stocking supplies..and I played REM's "It's the End of the World" from my phone. I got a few weird looks but a couple of laughs from the ones with a sense of humor.
    I need some weed to get through the next couple of days. I do not want to feel anything at all right now.
    I hate this time of year, especially this year. All bad memories come back to me as family and friends try to monopolize my life.
    I really wanted some time to myself this week, but people in my life are completely denying me any of that, and that angers me.
    Ouch. Why do so many people try to micromanage you? Are u too nice to them?
    I assume most people think I have an intellectual disability, so they try to steer me around since they assume I am too stupid to take control of my own life. I hate most people. I am rapidly becoming a misanthrope.
    That reminds me of K-Flays song- I hate everybody---which l listen to because l feel like that too on bad days. I hate people who try to manipulate.
    I feel subhuman. Like the scum of the earth. Maybe I should start a band and ride with this feeling, but I already am too old to join the 27 club, so that would be pointless.
    You should seriously start a band. Do you play any instruments? It's a lot of fun
    Human Avatar
    You should who cares how old you are
    I feel like making super spicy chicken soft tacos for lunch today. Unleash my inner masochist. Breathe fire.
    I can't get enough Jalapeño ranch dressing, l put it on tacos, coleslaw. I need to buy the Korean red chili powder, l like the heat.
    I feel the need to buy some beer. But it is late and the weather outside sucks, so comfort trumps breaking my sobriety tonight.
    Beer on a hot day with tacos. I am sticking to caffeine drinks and seltzer that has a little flavor like grapefruit. But l bought two pkgs of Mexican hot chocolate. It's hard circular chocolate, that you break up, then mix. It has cinnamon also.
    Congratulations on maintaining sobriety. It looks to be slowly getting easier for you. I remember a time when you would feel the need and nothing would stop you. I came across something today you might find interesting. You are not an alcoholic. You actually suffer from Chronic Ethanol Abuse Syndrome. Or at least did.
    My hat is off too you. What a great way to finish up the year. Sadly, liquor isn't good our bodies, so you will be youthful gamer giving up this
    I wanted some alone time on my week off to play my games, but my friends have been denying me any alone time because they are worried about me.
    My sponsor is hounding me to downgrade my Internet service since I have a gigabit connection with unlimited data and he disapproves of that.
    I was thinking he was probably not familiar enough with anime to
    know there is wide variety.
    Dang, remind me to never get a sponsor :D
    You are a grown adult holding a responsible job, at what point did this idiot think you can't make responsible choices???? I hate people who micromanage me. You gave up liquor, (congrats on that :)). That leaves money for great internet service.
    I just watched Evil Dead Trap. It was tasteless and offensive. Oh, and I see they made a sequel. Anybody want to guess what I am watching next?
    Listening to NWA’s song about the police right now. One of the greatest protest anthems of all time.
    German band Sodom also had a song by that title. There's also the infamous Body Count song that pretty much got eliminated from its album's rereleases.
    I like that Body Count song with a similar message
    Grey and pouring down rain outside right now. It is profoundly depressing having to take the bus in this weather.
    Because of the color? Because you get wet?
    The scene as described sounds very cinematic/atmospheric.
    You're in Seattle, right? ;)

    I did my time in Edmonds....three years. And a few in Oak Harbor.
    I'm near Seattle, yes.
    I have a week of gaming planned between Dec 26 and Jan 2. Paid time off will be time well spent doing what I love the most.
    Excellent. Let us know if you watch any new movies, and if you liked them. Happy holidays also.
    What are you looking forward to playing the most? I'm kind of planning the same!
    I plan on playing a lot of SMT III Nocturne.
    I am craving Jager shots and bad bar food, with dim lights and loud bar music. I'm too old to want something like this. Not to mention, too alcoholic.
    Just a curious question about giving up the drink - is it saving you money?
    Oh dear. Nostalgia, and just checking out of our dreary existence. December is a highly charged month because we had to endure horrible relatives.
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