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  • I desire a glass of absinthe so I can drink like the great poets of old time. Then again, look at how those guys eventually ended up.
    don´t know if you mean this, but absinthe was forbidden in germany for a couple of years in the past, because it was in suspicion to cause blindness or similar, but now it is safe (so safe how alcohol can be) and legal again. I drank it in the past and it´s definitely better than "Jägermeister" (herbal liquor which is very common and popular here), which tastes way too artificial.
    "At the climax of its popularity, the drink was in the call to make dependent on its Thujon content and to cause serious health damage. From 1915 the drink was banned in a number of European states and the USA. Modern studies have not been able to demonstrate injury to absinth consumption beyond the effect of alcohol;"
    "the health damages detected at the time are now attributed to the poor quality of the alcohol and the high amounts of alcohol consumed. Since 1998 Absinth has been available in most European countries. The production and sale of Absinth has also been allowed in Switzerland since 2005." (wikipedia)
    Got a Mega Millions ticket. With that kind of jackpot, I could afford a full tank of gasoline.
    Are you sure about that? I hear musk needs the fuel for his batteries and these gas engines will just have cough it up
    All illusions of acceptance from my family are gone now. I am starting to move on with my life.
    Oh gosh, it's a true mommy dearest and way worst story. @Metalhead could probably sell the screen rights to this story.
    I have been stretched way too thin by life itself. I am about ready to break.
    When enough is enough - tell people. Vocalise. These situations that are spreading you too thin - no longer agree to being a part of them. Say "no". Tell people when it's too much. Give voice to the struggle within.
    I feel an ache in my lower right side. It is intense. Not sure where it came from.
    Apparently the pain went away without further incident?
    Apparently so. Not sure what that was about.
    I feel like ordering a box of cigars and smoking one this weekend.
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Do you..love it when a plan comes together?
    a-team horreur GIF
    I need a jacuzzi with some street tacos or flatbread pizza waiting on the side this weekend. But l did run at my gym today. For two weeks l have been a couch potato.
    I have been in low key meltdown mode ever since my mother showed up at my door unannounced 12 hours ago.
    If you were acquainted with any of the history involving Metalhead's family,
    you wouldn't ask that 2nd question.
    Yeah I’m really sorry about that, that was a little callous.

    I scrolled down the profile to see a post about you feeling that your family being dismissive towards your feelings, seeing you as someone with severe cognitive defecits, and you therefore feeing angry and resentful. I’m very sorry to hear that!
    I have high functioning autism so I’m not sure if it’s the same sort of thing you talk about, but when i get overwhelmed people think i’m incapable and all that
    There is a bar a few blocks away and I have $60 cash in my wallet. The possibilities are endless. Maybe I should stay home instead.
    Thank God I don’t really like alcohol!! But i DO like chocolate cocktails, go to a chocolate cocktail bar one day please ❤️
    I want a few drinks, I want to escape reality, reality sucks.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Drinking sucks more.
    Drinking makes me feel depressed even if i was previously happy. Not entirely sure why
    Flooded with a lifetime of resentments and anger, and the hopelessness that comes along with it all. These people are always going to be vicious in their dismissal of who I am and what I lived through. The gaslighting will never end with them. Nobody in my blood family recognizes that I am human.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    They are NPCs bro. The only character your controller works with is yourself.

    In the game of your life, you just can control yourself.

    You do have value by yourself. That you need them to validate you is a LIE. You dont need need.
    Here's a question: do you NEED to interact with them at all? If not, I'd say just cut ties all at once. They're clearly just a source of toxicity, from everything you've said.
    I do not need to interact with them, but my mother made it clear today she knows where I live by showing up at my door without warning and inviting herself in my house, demanding I close the windows and turn on the heat for her, then smothering me with unwanted questions and telling me I am rude when I say I am kicking her out after an hour of that.
    The holidays were extremely stressful for me. Hanging with extended family who my mother has convinced that I have severe cognitive disabilities was stressful. Having to keep a straight face throughout all of this was stressful. I need to change states ASAP.
    I picked up a pint of churro ice cream. OK, this is not how somebody loses weight.
    Omg. I bet that tastes good. I have tried churro's from my local hispanic store. Minneapolis had a thriving area of great bakeries and restaurants, and my daughter loved picking out treats. I love flan so l was stopping to pick that up.
    I’m having trouble losing weight too but churro ice cream sounds amazing.
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