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  • Gerry Rafferty, Baker Street, Wharfedale Linton 3XPs, Trio Amplifier. A treat for the ears! Magic! (No need for Elon Musk's Ambien or red wine!)
    Slightly annoyed, just went to put a record on and left channel of the amplifier is clipped and has no bass response. Uhhh, so annoying, I was going to enjoy a record after finally getting some tiding done. I suppose it's time to dig out the oscilloscope and do some digging. Suspect a failed capacitor.
    Thanks :-) And if course, if it's something I can answer I will certainly try my best :-)
    Aw thanks! I'm really curious about getting this radio correct. And you are WAY better at this stuff.
    That's cool! :-) I hope you will succeed! :-) But maybe I've had a little more experience with these sorts of things, I don't know if I'm all that further ahead of you :-) You seem to have at least been trying to figure it out :-) Curiosity often gets you there in the end!
    Just seen your post regarding drilling holes. Small drills tend to wander especially in a soft material like wood. The longer they are the worse the problem gets. Bigger drills are more rigid so the problem isn't as bad.
    Also I like the symmetry here. This conversation started about headstocks (the guitar type) and ended up talking about headstocks on lathes! :smilecat:
    If you are ever looking for a lathe/mill/drill you can ask me for advice, I've sold quite a few different ones over the years.
    Thanks! I'm sure I will get one eventually, they are just so useful! :-)
    I got a NASA Hoodie! It was in Poundland (The place that sells the jeans I hate!) But I'm optimistic about this! And! It's Freekin' NASA! :-)
    Wally Schirra, Class of 1946 USNA (Engineering) But they had to do it in three years; not four.
    Ninth man into space, Sigma 7 1962; Project Mercury
    Gemini 6; First Space Rendezvouz 1965, Project Gemini
    Apollo 7 1968; First Apollo crew into space, Project Apollo

    And the one astronaut with the best sense of humor. :cool:
    I was one Apollo Mission out lol! I guess my NASA knowledge isn't the best. I just really like watching and reading about all the cool stuff they do. Like all the amazing images from the James Webb telescope. They seem to be really stirring things up!
    Oh forgot to mention! That's also really cool that you have a connection to a pioneer in space travel! That's just a smidge better than my admittedly pretty awesome new hoodie! ;)
    Super busy day! But I've almost got everything ready. Wrapping to my usual dismal standard but I don't think anyone will be too bothered :-) Hopefully my girlfriend will enjoy the day :-)
    Just got some awful news after having a pretty nice day :-( My girlfriend just found out that her grandad died :-( I feel so bad for her :-( This was the last thing she needed so close to Christmas :-( I feel pretty useless. I'm trying to help, but it doesn't feel like enough :-(
    I really think my cat should have his own theme song :-)
    A while back I re-lyriced a few songs. One of them was about a cat. Do you think this would suit? Re-lyric a song....
    That was inspired @maycontainthunder ! @Luca I would love to see your dogs dancing to their song if you can get a video! I know how difficult it can be when cats or dogs are excited, getting the camera ready seems to influence matters lol! My cat usually stops doing the cute thing and focuses all his attention on my phone lol! :-)
    I did kinda relyric the Difters song "Saturday Night at the Movies" to "Having a Dance With My Kitty" I don't know if it would work as his theme song but he seemed to like it lol! :)
    In quite a bit of pain tonight :-( But it's so nice to have this place where I can talk with you lovely people! This forum really lifts my spirits! :-) Thanks to all of you! :-)
    In York city centre. It's waaaaay too peopley! :-(
    All those Yorkies yapping at once. That's gotta be tough. :D
    Tried to reply to everyone earlier but York apparently doesn't like my phone either! No 4G :-( But oh wow, that really pushed me beyond my limit. It will be a long while before I go there again and definitely not on a weekend. Though there was a silver lining, I took back two faulty RAM sticks back to the store as they had a branch there.
    Turned out they switched them for two 8gig ones so double what I had expected so now my MacBook feels like a bit of a beast with 16gigs of RAM. I feel absolutely exhausted though. I'm quite sure some humans evolved from bees at this point!
    It's turned out to be a rather long day. After some stress, I think it turned out a little better than I had worried it would do. Thank goodness for small victories.
    Phew, feeling better today! But unfortunately back to that erratic sleep pattern again.
    I'm coming to the conclusion that I live on the wrong planet, the days are the wrong length. :)
    Well if you figure out which planet it is please let me know, I'm pretty sure I'm from there too! :-) I'm pretty sure about 36 hours per day is about right for me! :)
    Uhhh why do I feel so sick all of a sudden? :-(
    Oh no! :( I hope you're okay!
    Thanks Luca! I'm feeling a little better. I was told to try taking a fizzy vitamin C tablet. It seems to have helped a bit. I was quite relieved to find them hiding in the kitchen drawer! :)
    I'm glad you're feeling better!
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