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  • The great thing about being an adult is that occasionally, you can buy yourself the things you weren't allowed as a child :-)
    Omg, how adorable!! :)
    I see almost every day as a time to have a “re-do” of my (deprived) childhood, and I don’t care at all that I’m having these experiences almost in my 30s, or what anyone thinks about it :) Keep being you, Mildred, you’re an inspiration!
    Thanks @Luca :-) I'm glad that you are also enjoying opportunities to have a "re-do" of your childhood too! :-) You definitely shouldn't allow any mean spirited people to stop you from enjoying what makes you happy! :-) Always keep being you too! :-)
    Calico critters!
    I did not have these growing up either as I was a boy and did not play with dolls. But they are ADORABLE. Have fun with them!
    Had a review with my Mental Health Specialist on Friday. She upped my dosage of Propranolol to 20mg 3 times a day (thought it was 4 but my new prescription says 3 oh well) and, yup, it's definitely helping a lot more now. I can concentrate much better and I'm starting to find more motivation too. Feels good to be a bit more like my self at long last :-)
    I take propranolol alongside dextroamphetamine (Adderall). The two together really help my ADHD.
    So annoyed! Heard a ping sound from the guitar I built and went to have a look and discovered that the set neck had started to detach from the body :-( I used gorilla wood glue as quite a few people recommended it. It's been fine for 6 or so months tuned to pitch and spontaneously decides to disintegrate. I've tried to add some glue and clamp it back together but my hopes aren't high :-(
    Silly me got the dates wrong and I missed my appointment to talk about my new meds :-( I have to wait until the 14th. At least it's helping a little and I'm noticing some improvement still :)
    Ooops! I ordered some soldering flux. I don't know how I've managed to never encounter it before, but it's just a solid brick of rosin lol! I have ground some up and combined it with Isopropyl alcohol and it seems to work quite well. I learned something new today! :-)
    It comes in liquid and paste forms. For the paste we just used a small stiff brush to apply it to where we would be removing or applying solder.
    Yeah, I thought it was paste! Lol! :flushed: I do have paste and liquid at my other desk but I wanted to keep a full compliment of tools available at both desks so I ordered another can. Ironically I had been considering using some of the rosin for my violin bow to make my own flux but I felt that would be rude to my violin!
    It's been over a week on my new meds now. They are still having a mild effect. I guess my body has adjusted and the effects are less pronounced. I guess its a good sign that a higher dose might do the trick. I have an appointment on Monday (thought it was Friday) so hopefully I can talk about adjusting the dose :-)
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I hope you get your meds situation worked out. If it helps at all, when I first started my meds it took them about 4 months to get my doses right. I had to be increased twice. It can take some time but it's worth it. I hope it doesn't take them too long to get yours right! Best of luck!
    Thanks @Kisa the tea :-) That's actually very encouraging. I'm glad that they managed to get your meds right :-) I think that the right dose will make quite a big difference, it feels like the right medication for my situation so that feels like half the puzzle solved! :-)
    Not had the best couple of days :-( I feel bad that I haven't posted in a while. I hope everyone is doing well :-)
    Thank you! I think perhaps my new meds have tapered off a bit, so I feel a bit rubbish again and I just discovered for perhaps the 5th time that something I'd been assured had been resolved still hasn't been. Feels like I climb a mountain only to find myself at the bottom again. I'm going to try to cheer myself up by having a look round town :-)
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I hope you have a good trip around town. Remember, we're all here and rooting for you! Hopefully that situation finally gets resolved soon.
    Thanks @Kisa the tea :-) It was nice to get out. I picked up a few things and got my cat some soup, he loves soup! :-) I have an appointment on Friday so I can at least discuss things and maybe talk about getting my meds adjusted, then hopefully things will look a little more positive, or at least I will feel a bit more able to deal with things. Fingers crossed :)
    Day 4 on these new meds. I'd definitely still describe the effect as mild. Overall though the anxiety seems less disruptive to my concentration. So that's good :-) I do still think a stronger dose might be best in the long term but I think this has real potential to make a big difference to the way things have been. :-) The mild headaches seem to have stopped so that's good too :-)
    Ok, third day on my new meds. Still getting a mild headache when I take them but compared to the migraine, it's no big deal. I feel generally a bit less stressed and anxious and can focus and concentrate a little better. I still think there's room for improvement but I'm happy they are helping. Feels like I'm finally on the right track :-)
    Uh, setup a mini desk with a little computer to do some projects on. Can't seem to sign in to Trimble to download SketchUp .STL Export. Its just a blank screen every way I try. So irritating. I can at least transfer models to my iMac and convert that way. I really need to learn Blender.

    I want to check out prompt engineering, this youtube explains it.
    That's interesting @Aspychata :-) I guess AI might help make everyone able to write useful code etc. It would be cool if you could make that sort of money from this prompt engineering thing. I think metacognition will be key to this sort of thing :-)
    Well day 2 on my new meds. They seem to still be having a mild effect. I'm certainly grateful for that. I seem to be getting a mild headache too but so far the dizziness and migraines seem to have stopped so hopefully it's helping with that. I will see the specialist again in a couple of weeks so may ask about a slightly higher dose :-)
    Well! After years and years of miserable stress and anxiety, I finally have been prescribed some meds to help! :-) I hope they work, I've never had them before but they should also help with several other issues too! Fingers crossed :-)
    Wishing you a good experience with this new medication. You deserve relief from the burdens you have carried so long.
    Thanks @Rodafina :-) I think so far I'm noticing a mild difference. I expect that may improve with time, but so far it's nice to feel an improvement at long last! :-)
    I take propranolol as a "booster" to my Adderall. It helps enhance the calming feeling from the Adderall. Amphetamine drugs are VERY tightly controlled in California so the propranolol means that my doctor and I don't have to justify a higher Adderall dose to bureaucrats.
    I'm really enjoying using my SodaStream again. I really like soda. I avoid stuff with sugar in generally. I like Zero Suga Coca Cola but I can't get the syrup easily. Pepsi is too sweet for me. I've just been making fizzy orange, but it's just nice to have something bubbly to drink without it costing a fortune :-)
    It's really cool to be able to make your own! :-) If there's a (we call it squash here) cordial you like, basically the sort of thing you dilute with water, you can make the water fizzy and then slowly add the cordial. The cool thing is that you can control the amount of fizz. So if you don't like the usual amount of fizz you just add it to taste :-)
    I like my soda stream to mix with juices. Haven't used it in forever. Good reminder :)
    @AdamG I can highly recommend using it again :-) It's great to have soda on tap :-) It also gives some nice variety to your favourite juices :) I quite like a strawberry juice we got with some fizz in it, it's very nice :-)
    Oh wow! I got a Retinoid serum from eBay to try and fix the effects of 4 years of sleep debt on my eyes. I didn't have much hope but hot damn! It seems to be almost working instantly! (Sorry not yet brave enough to post pics) I hope that I haven't got some crazy nerve agent or something in an innocent looking bottle! Lol! :-)
    I just logged into YouTube to see that one of my favourite YouTubers- Planarwalk has come out as Trans! It wasn't a total surprise to me I guess but I feel so proud of them! Gender Eurphoria does indeed go "brrrrrrr!" :-)
    I found out one of my coworkers is trans/enby/something like that, and neurodivergent. I should have sent an invite to this site.
    Cool :-) I hope more people feel able to come out and be themselves without fear :)
    I've been to my appointment. Wow what a difference! The lady I saw was really kind and supportive. A real breath of fresh air compared to what I had before. Looks like I will be getting some meds for the anxiety at long last :-) Fingers crossed at any rate! Its put a rather different complexion on things!
    I have an appointment tomorrow with the "Mental Health Specialist" at my GP surgery. I've tried to write everything down that I wish to discuss. Hopefully I will be able to make my case and I will get some help finally. I'm hoping I can try the old version of my meds and get something ultimately for this awful anxiety. I'm also going to ask to see the therapist again. That may be a long shot. It may all be :-/
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