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  • deathfire..jpg

    When the giant Park Fire near Chico, California, first blew up, a remote camera was one of the first things in its way. This is the final image the camera took before the fire incinerated it. I'm thinking that something like this will be the last thing I myself see before burning to death in a wildfire. I just hope that the view won't last longer, like an eternity.
    My Hammarlund HQ-110A radio can attract a real ham at times.


    He is holding down the fort while the cow grazes. I call him Ham Marlund. I have several pig plushies around my "shack" or radio operating setup, because ham radio needs some real hams.
    Flies like to fly into my house whenever I open the door, then they won't fly out. So they fly around and around, and any screen light attracts them, so it's buzzbuzzbuzz whenever I am online, phone or laptop. One is spinning around my head right now and won't stop.
    At my aunt's place there are a lot of flies going in through the doors because they're always open and they can't go and won't go out. My uncle tries to smack them but is very unsuccessful, they're so annoying, their little wings are very effective.
    One day I saw one squat and stick a clear liquid on the table, I wonder if it was eggs because fly poop is dark colored. Maybe I shouldn't of looked, it's just incredible.

    Maybe they should make plug in defense for flies like they make for mosquitoes. I have a lot of itchy mosquito bites as they haven't put up any.
    So glad I live in a place where every woman either has a partner or has a very good reason not to. It helps bring me back to reality whenever I get wistful. Dating apps only work in ginormous cities anyway.
    The night before last a wildfire started up near my home, and I was awake all night in case I had to flee. Fortunately it wound up burning in the opposite direction from where I am. I could see a hill burning all night.
    Anyone can circumvent all the state laws pertaining to purchasing fireworks here simply by going north to the federal reservations where they can legally purchase all the fireworks they want. Completely outside Nevada law with no recourse. Conversely, the DEA doesn't loiter outside of legal pot shops or brothels to arrest people either.
    The Paiutes are prohibited from opening casinos, so I suppose they've gotta make money somehow. Nevada doesn't have very many Indigenous reservations due to its history of Whites chasing ore strikes, so I didn't think of it.
    Yep..the Paiutes. But no one wants to make trouble with the res...so they do what they please. Keeping the peace and restricting gambling.
    Wildfire season has arrived. Everything is hazy around here from the Shelly Fire in the Marble Mountains about 60 miles southwest of me. It's burning in mostly unpopulated areas but the smoke is being pushed northeast.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    Quite the opposite here in the UK - we got nonstop rain and floods.
    A large bird likes my ham radio antenna for some reason. Every 15min or so all night he tries to land on it. I wish I could immediately pump 1500 watts of signal into it and cook him instantly.
    I have a fly circling my head as I write this. He just keeps going around and around and around. Buzz buzz buzz.
    finally got to sleep last night,. Slept a total of 11 hours or so. Feeling better today, Ate a beef roast from the local butcher for Independence Day holiday. That helped too.
    is sick from heat and driving. My car has an all black interior and a gray exterior (not including dirt and bird poo). I am sick and can't fall asleep.
    You probably know this but fatigue is right up there with speeding when you're behind the wheel.
    will have to stay inside with generator powering AC for the next 2 weeks. Generator runs 8 hours on a tank of gas (petrol).
    Above 100 F here for the entire 7 day forecast. 102 tomorrow, then at least 105 for the rest of the forecast. San Francisco Chronicle says excessive heat through 16 July, and possibly even longer than that.
    I was complaining about 93 degrees. 105 is ridiculous.
    Heat dome has arrived further south, it will be here by Thursday. High temps of 105+ F starting Friday and thru at least Monday. I run my AC off a generator so lots of gasoline runs to Hornbrook in the heat to keep myself from getting heatstroke.
    @Xinyta my ancestors were from Arkansas and Oklahoma, those people take any excuse to fire up a barbeque. They also know heat, here heat means 10% humidity but there it means 90% humidity, which makes their heat so much worse. It takes a lot more than that to affect them tho.
    My avatar is the cover of Under The Dome by Stephen King, the plot is that a magic impenetrable dome suddenly walls off a stereotypical Maine town of the type always in his novels, and the imprisoned face a lack of food and air.
    @Xinyta , and giant monster freezers to step inside for 10 mins to cool down, sounds like a good event. :)
    A package of electronics parts arrived for me at the post office on Wednesday, but I decided to wait until after my chiropractor appointment on Monday (1 July) to get them so I don't waste gas and wear and tear on my car. A 50 mile round trip just for one package is stupid.
    Official high was 98 yesterday. I couldn't cool off enough to sleep until nearly midnight, then I woke up around 5:30am. I still feel a little heatsick, but I ate corn chips & salsa and feel a little better. Probably going to be around 100 F today & tomorrow.
    I have to run my air conditioner off a generator (yes, the Cummins) and the fuel tank lasts around 4 or 5 hours, then I have to wait around 90min to restart it. If I lived in a regular RV it would be much worse, they have no insulation and get to be over 100 F inside in the summer. My home is well insulated.
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