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  • I deliberately put too many blankets on me last night so I could sweat out the residual poisons left in my body from eating too much refined sugar last summer when I was in Sacramento. Last week I used citrate to cleanse my digestive system. I feel tired but less sick.
    First real rainstorm of the season here. 1 inch of rain at my property according to the cheap rain gauge I found at a garage sale over the summer.

    One of the few redeeming qualities of "the most horrible time of the year" is maple candy from Vermont!


    Costs a fortune but well worth it. Yum! Buy it on Ebay since Amazon forces you to have it shipped from an Amazon warehouse.
    My freezer takes too much electricity so I plan to use it as a "cool box" instead. I am going to learn how to preserve meat without freezing. I have a book on preserving food. People preserved food for thousands of years without electricity, but now the default is throw it in the freezer?
    Salted meat and some people lived in places where it got COLD so they didn't really need a freezer

    Smoking is another good way to preserve meat!

    Good luck!
    Is your freezer running constantly? In other words can you hear the sound of the mild rattle and buzzing coming from the compressor? Does it produce a lot of frost? A lot of freezers use around 100 Watts of electricity when going full tilt. Often it's because the thermostatic switch is faulty. Ours had this problem and I used a thermostatic smart switch to regulate it instead.
    The idea of eating thousands-years-old meat...I dunno, sounds dicey. Should I try that mastodon jerky? Or the 'dactyl delight?
    One of the guy ropes on my wind turbine broke yesterday and now it is chunks of plastic on the ground. My mom is EXTREMELY angry, it was a $600 wind turbine. and the thing is, it never outputted very much power anyway, nowhere near my solar panels.
    Might be time to repair it.
    It's too smashed up, sadly. Most of it was just plastic anyway. Also, recycling electric motors is illegal in California unless you have a certain business license such as a HVAC license, due to drug addicts ripping apart air conditioners, tearing out all the copper, then selling it to recyclers and using the money for their addictions.
    The wind shifted and all the smoke from the fires along the northwest CA border poured into the Shasta Valley today. Visibility was about two miles. I had to go to the dump today, and the drive back on Interstate 5 over Anderson Summit is usually beautiful, but today it was just a featureless white smog.
    is hoping that I will be able to go at least 7 days without interacting with another human being in person! Yay!
    That does sound nice. I am burnt out on humans.
    I'm gonna have to go into Yreka on Tuesday to refill my Adderall, it turns out. But 4 days will be nice anyway.
    is packing up for the drive back to Jefferson on 19 September. Finally out of here.

    Out from ruins once possessed / Fallen city, living death! -Metallica
    I discovered the PERFECT place to watch the 14 October annular solar eclipse. Almost guaranteed to have zero crowds. Klamath Falls is gonna have 60,000 people (the town has around 15,000 residents). I will be in a place that is on nobody's radar. hehehe
    Bought a pair of solar viewer glasses on ebay for the 14 October "annular" eclipse. The eclipse will pass almost directly over Roseburg, Oregon, which is only a couple hours drive from my home.
    I got out of jury duty by signing an affidavit saying I no longer live in Sacramento County.
    Return To Jefferson: T -14 days. Can't wait. I have a backup generator for my air conditioner, finally.
    I have to report to the Sacramento County Superior (Criminal) Courthouse on Tuesday at 8am for jury duty. California makes it VERY difficult to get an excuse, so I will have to tell the judge that he probably doesn't want an autistic paranoid schizophrenic in the jury box.
    The idea behind jury duty originally sprang from King George 3's vow to drag the Colonial revolutionaries back to England to be tried by a military tribunal, where the outcome was guaranteed, as was the punishment. The victorious rebels felt that criminals should be tried by a representative panel of local citizens, thus ensuring a fair trial and punishment.
    In today's world, the old system is badly in need of an overhaul. Most people absolutely refuse to put their lives on hold to be on a jury, and will do anything to get out of it. I was reading just a couple days ago about how jurors tend to be older, whiter, and more affluent than their communities, and certainly the defendants, who in criminal court are usually Black/Brown and poor.
    Farmers could put their labors on hold to stay in the town hotel to judge a fellow farmer. Today, people work in offices under managers who would rather fire them rather than accommodate jury service. The reaction to a summons today is more fear than pride or patriotic duty. Legislatures could go a ways towards a fix, but the companies finance their campaigns.
    Return To Jefferson: T -20 days. The weather is already getting a little more tolerable up there, and my uncle got my small backup generator running.
    Hopefully, I am halfway through my penitence period. I plan to return to Jefferson on 19 September, by which time the worst heat of summer should be over.
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