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  • group of men outside cutting trees. Cubby wags, anxious to meet them. He's no watch dog. When they get loud he'll just go hide in shower.
    I'm sorry, but when something big and hairy with eight legs goes creeping across my floor - I've got a shoe with his name on it
    "Her" name on it. (Usually it's a her; males are way smaller.)
    Interesting fact. It was definitely a she then. But she or he would get the shoe. lol
    National siblings day - siblings are friends given by nature but I'd rather pick my own.
    Karma is when daughter in law buys my son gift of sky diving and he says he's taking his sons with him. Will never forget her "WHAT???"
    I wrapped all my son's underwear and socks, remotes and computers in saran wrap.
    I've not had a good couple of days.
    Yes, I seen that. We do all make mistakes - and you did sent a retraction. I'm not up on ham radio so most of what you were saying was a bit over my head.
    As for me - I've been trying to do things that have really aggravated my neck. End up with head zaps and balance is off, louder ringing in my ears, numbness and tingling and pain in my arms and so on. It gets frustrating. It has been worse, but still frustrating to not be able to do anything.
    Sorry to hear that. I hope the next couple of days are better.
    Set my clock to get up at 7 Thur. Didn't go off because I accidently set it for Saturday. That's why I'm up early on a Saturday. lol
    I move. Dog's tail starts wagging. I have to go give him a hug - can't ignore that happy tail wag.
    I move. Dog's tail starts wagging. I have to go give him a hug - can't ignore that happy tail wag.
    Face recognition or oblivion? I had no idea my SIL was in same hot dog joint I had lunch in. That's how I was 'busted' Friday. oops :)
    Daughter texted me that I was busted. Had lunch with sister near them and didn't stop by to see them. Darn it!! LOL
    Meeting my sister from Tennessee today for lunch as she drives through. She's the good one. :)
    Anyone know where or live near Thirsk, England?
    Like are you ever IN Thirsk? My ex is a Thirsk and that's where his family comes from - and our kids, I guess. I thought it would be neat, if possible, to have something from there. May be a silly thought.
    Oh - and I never know what near means to others. lol I told my sister I was moving again once and she asked - short move or long move? To me, short move is within the same state (even a big state). lol
    Have been to Thirsk, once went gliding above it - look up the white horse/Yorkshire gliding club. Do occasionally walks there, not sure when I'll be back. Quaint type of market town.
    At Lowes with son and DIL. I want to look at wood. Why? Coz I want to make something. DIL - you're just like your son - no details.
    An hour in home depot just looking around at stuff.
    There's a store in California called Frys Electronics. Most of it is the usual stuff such as TVs and appliances, but they also have a huge electronics components section. I like browsing around thinking of all the cool stuff I could make. Of course there are big bags of electronics stuff in my closet.
    Made special, different shaped grilled cheese sandwiches for grandkids - but I forgot the cheese. LOL
    I once wheeled an elderly patient on a stretcher to ICU, and he continued to sing a happy tune - literally.
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