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Princess Viola

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  • Officially taking a break from all big frivolous purposes until Christmas because I spent $330 today. (The stuff I'm gonna get for my laptop obviously doesn't count as 'frivolous' even though it'll be over $100)
    I got ear drops at the pharmacy today, they cost me like $33, discounted from $250. (Prescription ear drops, not regular ones)
    Good news: I got my ears unclogged (but still got a prescription for ear drops)

    Bad news: Guess who has high-blood pressure and should plan on going to the ER soon because of it?
    Good that you had a checkup though, because high blood is pretty dangerous.
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    YEAH. Makes me a bit annoyed because I've put effort into trying to lose weight but apparently that wasn't good enough.
    High blood pressure can just happen, my friend has always had to deal with it. Don't stop the weight loss, because you will have less medical issues. Great news there. I dropped some weight because you think less about weight as you age. Then you think what happened? What, l can't eat a donut everyday. :(
    My left ear is blocked and it's annoying
    Water? Wax? Fluid in the ear?
    Can you get to an urgent care clinic to get your ear flushed out? I have earwax issues and I have to get my ears flushed every so often.
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    @oregano We were gonna go to the clinic today but it was raining like mad, so we're gonna go tomorrow instead lol.
    I took the train yesterday and went to the mall. Went to the third biggest mall in the US and technically had French for lunch (I had a sandwich, salad, and tea at Ladurée, which is literally a French pâtisserie founded in the 1860s in Paris, so it counts)
    Have been less active here because I still don't have my laptop and while I have a keyboard attachment for my tablet (so I'm not stuck trying to type using the touchscreen), it's still annoying.
    Got my teeth cleaned today. Need to go back in 5 weeks to see how my gums are healing up.
    Healing from what? The cleaning? Or some pre-existing condition or extraction?
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    gums are swollen from all the tarter and plaque buildup that got cleaned today lol
    Are you going to be rinsing your mouth with anything in particular
    after brushing, for the next month?
    I opened 23 packs of Pokémon cards today. I may have spent too much money on them (I spent like $70 on them, it's not a big deal and that $70 only got me like 15 packs, I already had 8 packs at home).
    My daughter loved these packs. Congrats on your purchases.
    If anyone cares, what was going on with me is I thought I'd broken a tooth/it was falling out and it turns out it was literally just a big buildup of tartar on my tooth and next week, I'm going in for a deep cleaning of my teeth.
    So apparently I'm into Pokémon cards now lol. (I bought a few packs on a whim cuz I like the art, might download the TCG Live game on my tablet to play the game casually)
    I'm going to be taking my first Uber tomorrow (weather permitting, I won't go if it's like pouring rain or something - I'll bring an umbrella just in case it starts to rain after I get where I'm going) and I'm a bit nervous but I wanna do this.
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