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Princess Viola

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  • Grandpa's in hospital again. We knew he had to go though, they called us yesterday about it. He's getting an IV antibiotic because of a UTI.
    Is he diabetic?
    Princess Viola
    People who have high blood sugar are particularly susceptible to yeast infections or UTIs,
    is why I asked.
    My grandpa is in the hospital again.
    Something contagious?
    Complications from the hip ?
    Or do you know what?
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    he couldn't pee (or do the other thing) and was in genuine pain for hours because of it
    That sounds very painful.
    Yesterday I got a bootleg of the old 1/55 scale Takatoku Toys Macross Valkyrie because getting a legit one (including one of the Bandai reissues) is way out of my price range and this bootleg was like $30. It's honestly pretty good, all-plastic (unlike the real one) but it's good plastic quality, 1:1 in size to the legit toy, fully transformable, and has all the same articulation and features too.
    I like bootlegs! :-) Particularly when I can get something I lost when I was a kid. I used to have a cool Corgi Diecast Batmobile from the 60s show. I guess it got given away. But I found a pretty awesome bootleg that looks the part for sure :-) All hail bootlegs! :D
    I got my new microwave, hahaha.
    What’s the first thing you plan on making with your microwave?
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    idk if i hadn't eaten them last night i would've made the last of the fries in them (it's an air fryer too so i wouldn't be microwaving fries lol)
    I had fries last night for dinner. They were awesome. I’m happy you were able to replace your microwave.
    my microwave died yesterday morning (while i was using it to make instant oatmeal for breakfast lmao) but i just ordered a new one that's also an air fryer too.
    It's kind of lame how arguably the 'best' version of Robotech to watch is the DVDs from the early 2000s lol.
    The best version is to watch the original subtitled Macross series.
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    Yes I am aware and I have the OG Macross downloaded to rewatch it (haven't seen it since I was like 14-ish years old so I'm more than overdue for a rewatch lol). Plus this time it's the BD and not watching it on some garbage anime piracy website lol.
    I'm going to the comic book store today, got a couple specific things I need to grab there and IDK I might grab some other things too, they always got cool stuff there.
    I pulled a Pokémon card out of some booster packs yesterday that sells for about $20 online loose. Not too shabby, even though I'm not into these cards to make money off them lol.
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