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Princess Viola

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  • why does windows 11 have a gif search built-in, this is dumb

    thank you windows i really needed the ability to post this gif at any time i want (i didn't)
    wait, it has a what now?
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    If you press the Windows key plus period, it opens up a whole ass thing where you can add emoji, regular emoticons, special characters, and a built-in GIF search.

    I get the first three things but why do we need a GIF search lol.
    Hello from Linux Mint.
    Congratulations. :cool:

    I've tried a number of Linux Distros and still manage to always come back to Mint 21.2. Though I still use Pop!OS 22.04 on occasion.
    Mint Cinnamon is probably my favorite desktop experience so far. Somehow apps and GUI-based stuff just runs the best on it
    Trying to become more active here once again, it's just difficult when you're still stuck using a tablet lol.
    That would be difficult.
    I don't think I cd do it.

    Had only a tablet for a while ten years ago.
    Was awkward.
    Better than nothing, but I felt like my messages
    indicated I'd lost 30 I.Q. points recently.
    This Sharp QT-242 radio cassette recorder I got still works!

    Or at least it still works when plugged in, I don't have six C Cell batteries on hand to check if it still functions on battery power.


    • IMG_20231129_182559142_HDR.jpg
      851.7 KB · Views: 45
    Magnetic tape (cassette, 8-track, VHS, beta, etc.) wears out over time due to their physical contact with their respective reading heads.
    That’s awesome! I love looking at vintage items from the past. I love the color too.
    I used to love making mixtapes for new girlfriends.
    Tried Vegemite for the first time today. It's totally fine.
    I tried pumpkin pie for the first time today. Yesterday I tried cherry pie, but I didn’t like it. Pumpkin pie tastes like banana bread.
    I saw my grandpa in the hospital yesterday, turns out he fractured his hip. Ouch. I think they're going to release him soon but he's not coming home, he needs to go to physical therapy for a bit.
    My grandpa just went to the hospital y'all. He fell in the kitchen and hurt his hip. He didn't wanna go but I couldn't get him up and it's better safe than sorry, y'know?
    Falls can be deadly for the very old. It's best that he went to the hospital and got checked out by doctors.
    Sadly that's a common exposure for us elderly. Not so much that I know as an old man, but as a former casualty insurance underwriter. When the elderly trip and fall, you just get out your checkbook to pay.
    Praying for you and your Grandpa!!!
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