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Tony Ramirez

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  • New medication not working as good now
    Walking home from the gym after spotting the seventh person wearing a mask I yelled at him to take it off and the eight woman I yelled to get out of my face.
    I had a professor during the pandemic yelling at me to take off the mask; I told her I don't take things off unless she starts throwing dollars.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I like your professor since she is right to yell at you.
    @Tony Ramirez just because you're having a bad day doesn't entitle you to make the rest of the world bow & scrape before an irrational fear of yours. For the record, Prof., the inventor of the pro-life license plate and the victim of a number of scams, had a hard time letting people mind their own business due to her delusion of telling other people what to do. Mind you don't end up like her.
    My back pain is coming back no matter how much yoga, and gym exercises I do. I hate it.
    There are probably some yoga moves and some gym exercise that will make your back pain worse, and then others that will make it feel better. Maybe you can figure out which exercises to avoid and which ones to do more of. Hopefully as you get stronger and continue to lose weight, your back issues will actually get better, even though it might take some time.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I still think it's those bad pillows I sleep on those pillows that's are a combo of old pillows lumped together.
    What's preventing you from getting some better pillows?
    Is it rude to call a woman a stuck-up snob if they ignore me and don't talk to me?
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    The general rule is to answer an agression with the same or less agression level. Insult is more agressive than ignore, thus is rude.
    stuck-up (definition)
    If you have an exaggerated opinion of yourself, believing you're smarter, more attractive, or just generally better than everyone else, you're stuck-up.
    If you talk about nothing but the awards you've won, and your friends might think you're stuck-up.
    Technically, you are jumping to conclusions because you don’t know that they are not speaking to you because they think they are better than you.
    It could be fear, like you said in another comment, or a bunch of other things including just not knowing what to say.
    New medication doctor put me on because of my latest meltdown seeing face masks made me sleep today until 3 pm. Still made it to the gym but I am always tired.
    @Tony Ramirez

    Is the person you refer to a "this quack doctor" also your therapist?
    Or is your therapist someone else?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No he is my medical doctor.
    He can hardly be expected to be doing psychotherapy with you then, can he.

    Work on this with your therapist.
    Medical doctors administer to the physical; psychotherapists to the mental/emotional aspect of a person.
    This is my third day at the gym. I could not do as much of a workout today. I hope I am not overdoing it. I have yoga tomorrow morning but I am going to the park in the afternoon instead tomorrow.
    I weight myself when I got home. I am now 308 lbs. I lost 4 lbs since I started to working out besides yoga last week.
    Have you changed anything about what you eat?
    I had a violent outburst at the clinic and I broke the glass window.

    I was thinking about Kyle and how he has what I want without trying while I been going for four years. The face masks amplified my pain.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I went to the elevators but then there were two people getting off wearing masks then I broke the glass.
    I’m glad you didn’t hurt the people. Do you think there was a risk of that?

    Also, do you feel calm now or not yet?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Did yoga tonight. I did feel stressed at first as the class was packed all women but they kept to the self's and left fast. I talked to my yoga teacher after.
    My conversations with single woman last about 10 seconds. Taken woman they can go on over 5 minutes.
    Have you tried finding a group that focuses on your interests? Like say if you were into photography, finding a group that meets to share their enthusiasm? I'd imagine you could talk for hours to women who share your interests! Even if they are in a relationship, they will likely have single friends. Having a reason to talk at length, I suspect, is the thing you are lacking here.
    @Tony Ramirez
    It sounds like you have different expectations for conversations.
    You aren't as concerned with making an impression on the females
    who are in relationships, so you aren't as anxious talking with them.
    Can't wait to do yoga this morning again.
    Mary Terry
    I bet you're getting into good shape. Being physically fit feels great, is healthy, lifts your mood and can extend your life. Keep it up, Tony!
    Even men who can barely speak English can talk to woman for a conversation why I can't even last more than 10 seconds.
    I embarrassed myself again trying to talk to a woman from church I barely know. What do I bother? Autism ruins everything.
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