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Tony Ramirez

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  • Sorry I been a negative nanny again. The yoga studio has been closed so I have not done yoga in three days. It's hard.
    I made an arse out of myself trying to talk to a woman I don't know well last night.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It just that that ugly guy I will call Ky and his new close girlfriend I will call B only met two weeks ago while I been going for 4 years sat behind me. This woman I will call her K use to be in J's life group, so I tried to talk to her but embarrassed myself after.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes, you're right. I hate stuck up snobs. The problem is they are the only few that are single while the nice girls are all taken.
    I went to a park event this morning at church. I was literally the only single person there. It was full of couples and kids. I left after a half hour for the two-hour event.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    So true. Especially when I thought I meet a single woman at group just to find out she is married, and her husband is so annoying. He talks so much interrupting you that I get a headache after a while.
    I feel like listening to Gammadrone but the big 80s countdown is on now.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I listened to the album twice last night after the countdown and I fell asleep while still in my clothes.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It's two parts. The first part is short, about 7 minutes, while the second part is over 30 minutes.

    How do people who only go to a place for a few months then form a relationship while I been going for 4 years and I can't even get a coffee date.
    That sucks! I understand. My own family don't even include me
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I talked to my mother. She says it's not my autism but she is wrong. I either talk to much or not at all and still only attract taken women.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I thought I connected to a woman until I found out she is married yet ugly man connects with a single woman. Life sucks.
    Anyone like EDM? The kind I like is epic trance, progressive, melodic progressive and ambient. I don't like the harder stuff.
    Some tracks I like others not so much. Not quite sure if this is one that fits with what you like.
    Should I stop taking my prescription medication because of all the side effects and instead do more yoga, or is that a bad idea and I should stay on both?
    When I was 14 I had no phobias. Then I got one at 15 that were life threatening. In my 20's I developed the last one. Now I suffer from three major phobias the last one that started 3 years ago. All the meds did crap. Yoga helps much better.
    I am bummed the yoga studio is closed the next three days for passover. I plan on utilize the gym.
    Great that you have an alternative, now!
    My wellness meeting with my yoga teacher went good today. I can talk to her like I talk to my therapist.
    Too bad next week is the end of Passover so our last meetup will be the following week. I will still have restorative class with her.
    I gave up diet soda for filtered water.
    I tried four ounces of diet pop a couple weeks ago,
    after years of not drinking it. blech
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I have not drank diet soda in over a month. My yoga teacher says it's bad for me.
    I had a good workout at the gym after doing yoga restorative earlier. I did the bike for 30 minutes, the treadmill for 30 minutes and then the bike again for 30 minutes.
    I don't watch horror movies or horror tv shows anymore because then I develop a life changing phobia for the worst.
    Same here.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I nearly got a fear of being burned alive phobia from phantasm 2.

    The Freddy movies made me afraid to sleep.

    Everyone knows what supernatural did as did the Friday the 13th movies. It also made me lose faith thinking angels were cruel.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Also don't Google fear of being burned alive as you get vulgar toxic reddit profanity with the useless Safe search turned on which blocks nothing.
    I weight my self after a month. I am still 312 pounds. I have not gained any weight but I also have not lost any.
    I don’t like weighing myself. I feel dread whenever I gain back weight instead of losing it.
    @Tony Ramirez

    That's good, not gaining any weight.

    What about measurements?
    Are any of them different from a month ago?
    A guy uglier than me but slim only attended church for about 8 months and is already close friends with a woman he only meet last week who is new, they sit together. Meanwhile I been attending for 4 years and I still mainly have more like acquaintances as couples and married women.

    Having autism sucks. Not one good thing came out if it for me.
    Tony dear, a lot Bout dating is personality and I'm telling you this is truth. A sense of humour is a good quality, being able to just talk to someone. I'm thinking of going back to my bipolar support group because the people are more interactive and I feel often I'm too talkative for this place, to change subjects, more expressive even with bad language. Anyway blame autism, don't blame Tony as I doubt it's personsl
    When you approach this with a negative mindset, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. My mom married at 39. Have you tried dating apps? You need to go to a place where other single people look for a partner.
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