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Tony Ramirez

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  • Prediction for tomorrow October 20th.
    1 IE -R P IR
    If you don't understand look here.
    What a very interesting system you have here...
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    The best therapist I had recommended I do a scale and she helped me with it. Been modifying it since.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Came true.
    I wish I was dead might as well be being alone.
    See a therapist. A certified professional can help. It does not mean you are certifiably insane. If you seriously wished you were dead, seeing a therapist would not hurt.

    "I think someone needs a hug..."
    Because of only being insulted and rubbed in by couples I am listening to this.
    I listen to this when I get very depressed.
    I hate it when women go on and on about their boyfriends. Enough already you are taken no need to rub it in.
    You'd be surprised to know that they probably aren't rubbing it in.
    They aren't thinking that you resent them for being out of your grasp.
    They are just talking about their life experiences.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Still annoying.
    That's an interesting way you have of describing a woman being in a relationship.
    "...you are taken", as if she were an object up for grabs, not a person capable of
    making decisions for herself.
    I dread life group tomorrow with all couples talking about their relationships and one single guy.
    Yeah. There's nothing you could learn from them.
    After all, it's not as if they were ever single themselves, right?

    Oh wait.
    Yeah they were.
    Why the hell are people still wearing masks outside and why the hell do I still have to wear it at my therapist? I am going to continue doing my therapist by phone.
    Did you ask your therapist?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes she said they required it which is a made up rule as the CDC said it was no longer required in medical field. Until they lift their made up rules I will be doing therapy by phone.
    I hate the word boyfriend.
    I thought being one was a major goal of yours.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Rubbing it in by going on and on about having one. If I talk to a girl who might not have one that is a sign she might be single by not going on and on about having one.
    It's difficult to impossible for you to believe that people aren't deliberately mentioning
    things they are happy about just to put you down, to make you feel bad.
    For those who keep bugging me saying couples might know single girls one couples sister has a boyfriend so there I am right. It's a dead end.
    All the morons who still wear face masks in their YouTube videos need to have their channels shut down.
    Just as soon as the world realizes that the universe revolves around Tony Ramirez,
    that will happen.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    If I owned a video streaming site I would ban any video with face masks posted. The same goes for crossdresser videos.
    Yes, I believe you.
    I had another woman I don't know yesterday at Church approach me for a conversation. That's twice earlier in the year, four last month. Why all of a sudden it's this happening which is a good thing?
    You've found your charm, boyo. Somebody found something they liked about you, and so is everyone else.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    The thing is they all saw me around but now they are finally approaching me.
    Perhaps your body language is more open.
    No life group today. Thank God I don't have to be around all couples and one single guy.
    If he keeps going (circulating) and you don't, he will probably be married before you are. Haven't you seen that already?
    You also need to realize that going to your group is a choice you make, and the simplest way to avoid contact with it is to never go there at all.

    If something triggers you, the best way to avoid being triggered by it is to eliminate the source of it.
    What's up with so many morons wearing face masks on YouTube videos?
    I see a lot of them like Memeulous do it, I think the reason you see so many with custom designs and such is just cause it's part of the uniform they chose for their channel. I'm trying to think one up myself believe it or not.
    I use to listen to the grand old opry until the performers go on about there spouse and kids. I rather listen to my favorite songs on repeat or listen to EDM progressive house or epic Trance.
    It takes so much of your energy to be so bitterly jealous.
    Imagine how different it would feel to be able to direct
    pleasant thoughts toward & about them instead.
    This is why I hate live TV. I put it on for 2 seconds and I spot a moron dancing wearing a face mask. Stupid idiot.
    People have a choice to be able to wear a mask or not. For some, they may be wearing it because they’re immune compromised or know someone who is. Don’t lose your temper over the fact that you see someone wearing a mask. they are not being moronic.
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