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Tony Ramirez

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  • I regret not going to Church today. My back hurts and my uncle said it was going to rain. It ended up raining much later. The weather on the news is wrong more than its right.
    A pretty woman asked if I am okay while sitting on a stoop most likely working at the restaurant. She was very friendly. I am starting to realize all woman are not snobs.
    Uplifting Trance music sometimes makes me cry.
    The sign of a good song. Or a sorrowful state of mind. I cry whilst listening to music fairly regularly, and it's because of both of those reasons.
    Music really is powerful like that. I think it's magic
    All woman have boyfriends or are married in Brooklyn, NYC well at least in my neighborhood. :mad:
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Also it would be embarrassing to talk to a woman then get rejected because she is married or has a boyfriend.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Reading the comments here from the same people I think many of you don't really have autism.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Why do you expect the world to gift you a woman? You need to bring value to a relationship as well as advocating for yourself by approaching them. That is the way the world works and you are no exception.
    I have blurred vision. Glasses are not helping much. Hope it's temporary.
    See your eye doctor, but allergies do that to me from time-to-time.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I was out today so it's probably allergies.
    I just got a call from a friend at Church after reaching out. She says that I am not cursed. I also reached out to another friend, and she said the same thing and gave me support. These were not from my couple friends. So I am not lonely I guess people with ASD feel lonely when they are not.
    Tired of hearing from the same people why it's all my fault I am single and only have couples as friends.
    Female here. People point out that I don't have girlfriends. They tout their friendships they have, most of which are actually fair weather, walk on eggshells, or superficial at best. I have male friends, but they say that doesn't count. Geeze give me a break. I am choosy in friendships, and expect to be myself without masking. Some accept that, and some do not. PS Being married is not the end all.
    God is cruel. He makes me suffer physical pain and mental pain. He also does not want me to be in a relationship.
    He is.
    I really hope things get better for you. Stay strong!
    Blaming someone else for your problems doesn't excuse you from dealing with your problems. If you want things to change - that's on you.
    I am tired of seeing couples with baby carriages everywhere but I am lonely for life but according to many on this forum it's all my fault.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    And because I know you'll misinterpret this vague wall stuff: No, the wall is not a metaphor for your attempts at getting a relationship and this isn't me telling you to give up on finding a partner or some "just accept being lonely forever" talk. Think deeper.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Even though it's tiny for me I keep hoping for something different positive to happen.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Also I don't go to all the events, meetings and park as passionate years ago because I am still single and all I did was make more friends that are couples.
    Couples at church need to learn to leave me alone like single girls there do.
    When you think about it though, that's like 2 potential friends instead of 1
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    That bother me and rub in how they meet their spouse. Its even worse when they have an infant or young kids.
    I hate having couples as friends, It just shows how successful they are, and I am a big loser.
    Why not consider that belief that you're a "loser" to be wrong. Allow yourself to challenge your beliefs, assume they're incorrect and allow yourself to try and experience new things. From what I've read in your previous posts - it seems like your values are what is holding you back, and until you challenge those and consider they might be incorrect - you'll keep experiencing the same time and again.
    "It just shows how successful they are, and I am a big loser."

    I think that it reveals your jealousy more than anything else.
    "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:15 NKJV
    I'm a 45 year old single for life loser with major back pain.
    But it's opposite day!
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No it's not. Maybe for you it is.
    If it makes you feel any better, a lot of people think I'm a loser. There's no way I'm letting them get me down, of course, but people can be really judgy.

    Did you get your back looked at? That's pretty serious
    I am 45 years old but physically feel like I am in my 90s.
    Sounds like volunteering at a nursing home might be a good fit for you since you'll have something in common with the residents.
    I hate stuck up snob girls who ignore me no matter how polite I am.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Any counties where woman make the first move?
    None that I know of but I think working to overcome your anxiety would be easier than moving to another country and learning a new culture which usually causes anxiety for many people.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I looked it up and it showed the United States as number one. Maybe in fantasy Hallmark world but in the real world that is a bunch of crap.
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