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Tony Ramirez

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  • It's all my fault according to people on this forum why single woman ignore me.
    It sounds like the problem isn't that women in your neighborhood are mean because they don't like men but just aren't interested in you in particular. Is there anything you could change about yourself to increase your appeal to single women you like? Do you come across as a friendly guy who is easy to talk to?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I tried clean shave and tried growing a beard but I still only attract couples and guys.
    Personality and how you act around other people is very important. When single women see other people approach you, do they see you responding with a smile and having a friendly conversation?
    No matter what I do or where I go I can't find that special someone. Just guys and couples everywhere.
    Since you're able to talk to couples, why can't you approach single women?
    Sounds like you have PTSD from talking to couples.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I do. I left the church back then in 2004 when all my so-called friends coupled up and abandoned me. When I came back after my sister nearly died in 2019, I was expecting to be friends with single girls. When it was couples who I became friends with I brushed it off until that is all that was talking to me. Got to the point that I stopped attending church events because it was the same people that showed up.
    Every morning I wake up with major back pain. I deal with it as its God cursing me with yet another problem.
    Did you try going to the doctor? I had crippling back pain for over a year and it turned out to be an organ. Might want to make extra sure everything is cool
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    If it still in pain by next month I will go to my local doctor.
    We live in the age of Grace. God doesn't curse anyone. Chill.
    So many hairy men with hairy legs with shorts wearing flip flops out today. Ewe what a turn off.
    They probably aren't dressing themselves with you in mind.
    Don't most men have hairy legs tho?? I actually think I have only ever met ONE man who shaved his legs.
    And people always used to tell me not to wear shorts because I have big legs and cellulite. I don't give a crap, I still wear shorts and leggings, because I'm not dressing to impress the fashion police. People can wear whatever they're comfortable in.
    Sick and tired of only men I do or don't including male strangers who is or isn't an couple ask me how I am doing. Annoying.
    People who are married should not give advice to ASD.
    Even married people with ASD...?
    There are a lot of autistic people who are married. You don’t want their advice either, I guess.
    @Luca is correct. It's difficult, and there's bound to be a lot of problems caused by ASD, but it's still doable. I guess, maybe that's proof there is a god? I don't know.
    Everytime I see a woman with a wedding ring on her left hand I cringe.
    Don't you want a woman to wear your ring one day...?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    How can that be when they are all married or have boyfriends.
    WOW. That is news I have missed. Every female on earth is married, or has a boyfriend.
    And here I thought some females were single, not to mention those who are in relationships
    with other females.
    My weekdays are so boring and uneventful.
    But the weekends are different? Because they are full of irritating encounters with
    couples, some of whom have had the audacity to bear children.
    Just found a secret room his living room where the ladies are hanging out. It is also cooler in here.
    After being ignored and rejected by three women and bothered by two husband's at Church I am at Justin for the last hang. What a waste. It is literally one couple and three single guys. So much worse than last week.
    Church was a mixed bag today. I was depressed hearing about the visiting pastor brag about his wife and kids. I had a meltdown and yelled at someone wearing a face mask.

    I then went to Justins where I felt out of place with a couple and infant. There was a girl possibly single who ignored me but wait for it when I went to the park hang after sitting next to her she started to talk to me. Then she left.
    I am at Church and the visiting pastor is going on and on about his wife and kids. If I knew that I would have stayed in bed.
    It takes all my mental strength and control not to have a meltdown when I hear someone use the f word or see it.
    Having been molested as a young teen, I believe that is because it stokes the guilt & the shame that you keep trying to bury.
    Your porn habits just make it worse.
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