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  • My seedling is healthier than I thought! She's grown over half an inch since yesterday, when she sprouted! Won't be long and I'll be
    @Forest Cat Well, the pot I have it in is not very big, and I've already determined that it's a girl, no grape clusters. I'm not going to let it grow too tall, just enough to start producing smokable flower. When it starts popping, I'm going to research how to clone, and just keep doing that so I got myself a little farm.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    If it sprouted recently, you won't see any grape clusters for three weeks, it too soon to tell the gender, just so you know.
    I am not going to give up on this.
    ...but I REALLY wish he'd stop staying up past 3 in the morning!!! WOLVES IN THE DARK IS NOT A SONG FOR THAT TIME OF DAY, DUDE!!
    Aloe's keeping me nice and relaxed through all of Maddog's urgencies... He's getting much much better with his new medicine, thank god...
    I think valium dose for a walrus would be a good medicine for him.
    Obtaining that is the easy part. What's not would be getting him to actually take it.
    It rained hard today, thunder and lightning with it, and yet somehow my little seedling of Dragon's Breath survived. I am grateful.
    I am equally thankful that ants are roaming around near my product without even looking in its direction. That's right, you filthy little six legged bandits keep your mandibles off my medicine!
    Aloe: "I'm so proud of you! You gave life to a lowly seed that will soon grow into medicine for you..."
    I planted some cannabis seeds in a pot on the front porch, and one of them sprouted today!!! I'm so proud of myself! IT'S ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!!
    Maddog let me get super stoned with him this morning. I feel all my familiar's energies...
    sry I don´t want to be mean, but that´s how I think. but sure, I´m no therapist.
    If i had my own apartment, I wouldn't even allow him to so much as look through the peephole of my door. And he probably wouldn't want to move in anyway because he'd most likely tell me it's time for me to grow up and be on my own anyway, which is very unlikely to take place because my SSI will not cover the periodic costs of my own living arrangements.

    It's not that I don't want to. It's that I literally cannot.
    Replying to your first comment: Maddog is actually struggling very badly with his medications right now, his ACT team nurse messed up a whole bunch of stuff for him and it's pressured him into some bad bipolar/manic episodes. The truth is I'm really making a mountain out of a molehill with him sometimes because he *does* come to me and apologize and make up for everything that happens.
    I am now willing to pay for assisted suicide.
    I don´t know why tree is making a joke about that.
    It's not a joke. Who's going to pay once the job is done? Person who requests the service is the one to pay. If the job is complete, then there's nobody left to pay the person who did the job. If somebody else pays, that turns it into a Hit/homicide.
    the moment when I think tree said something wrong and realize that it makes sense. : D that is a proof for "perception is different" and you can percept things different than others.

    I think when uberscout would live without maddog, his condition would increase much. so it´s a temporary thing and not forever. and I don´t get why he can´t move out.
    Maddog is selling our washer and dryer to compensate for his poker losses. I should have killed myself when I was about to. This is no
    I thought he was going to jail soon. Apparently, not soon enough.
    “I should have killed myself when I was about to.” Sounds like the common theme of life. But the thing is, you didn’t. Do you remember what stopped you before?
    why you don´t move out? is there no way?
    Got my adderall today, gonna run a GURPS Discworld campaign! Currently negotiating with a hooded man brandishing an ice wand.
    Yesterday was actually a good holiday! Maybe there is hope for special occasions after all!
    July 4th? Nope, normal day over here. Not falling for that again.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    You dont celebrate the defeat of the' evil british empire'? Actually , if you're a conspiracy buff like me, you might believe that the british purposeful lost the war. You know, to set up America, to develop independently, and that it was all a part of a greater plan. But that's just me, I always tend to be suspicious of any official narrative.
    Actually no, i'm saying this because my family fights like gods and titans on every holiday, so I'm not even acknowledging nor observing this day or any holiday.
    0.5hz binaural beats, discovered it works and feels like local anaesthetic! Found a new sedative!
    I need cannabis legalized in Florida, so l can buy gummies. When l was younger, l took risks, but now l don't mess around. Lol
    If that's how it's going to be in this family then so be it. Every man for themselves from now on.
    To. Maddog already said he wasn't going to do anything to try anymore, and so did my mom, and even my sister said i'm on my own.
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