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  • The more I trudge through my life, with all my struggles, the more it seems to play out like some kind of twisted graphic adventure.
    You identify elements of your experience due to their being recognizable in works of fiction? @UberScout
    @tree I understand it sounds VERY convoluted but there are times when I just end up seeing something that just happened to me IRL happen in a game. I can't stop seeing it happen.
    There's only so much material to work with. It's understandable that some elements are similar.
    Aloe: "Haha... Herb's making you nice and relaxed, yeah? (chuckle)"
    If you play Resident Evil, you learn that the Green Herb heals you.
    Somebody understands! At long last, somebody was able to decode my cryptic dialect! Truly, I am not alone in this world... Perhaps there is hope for me after all!
    In my point and click adventure phase again, this time experimenting with Adventure Game Studio. How bout a puzzle with a stick and gum?
    Mmf... Tired... Spent all day at the pool. I'm really about to pass out, so lemme just get off he--*BANG THUD*
    lol, you recieved "1823 karma" and gave back "4 karma", very generous : D no critic, just an asertainment.
    I did? Huh. I don't usually pay attention to karma systems on forum sites LOL
    Aloe: "Err... I think you've had a little too much Bang...Hehe..."
    0,473 l, which is nearly 0,5 liter, but 300 mg caffeine., which means nearly 60 mg per 100 ml. in germany only 32 mg per 100 ml are allowed. so one of your american energy drinks is nearly double as strong as our energy drinks. world healthy organisation said that 400 mg caffeine per day are harmless.
    there is a "rainbow unicorn" and "Birthday Cake Bash" flavor lol. it would be interesting to taste one of these energy drinks, but not than one per day lol.
    My personal favorite is blue razz. It's really sweet.
    Celeste: "It sleeps on the ocean floor cradled by marble walls, and those who breath its water are held by the betta dragon's warm empathy."
    I'm back from the hospital! New me!
    LOL! Nah, more like "purified". I'm not violent or aggressive anymore! Plus, I had every negative blockage of energy removed, and I'm once again my old, positive happy self! I did it! I actually did it, tree!
    what happened?
    Suicide attempt, went to SC to stay at hospital, guided meditation was really powerful, all energy blockages removed, Golden!Tyler was born.
    [Dialogue box] "Somehow, for whatever insane reason, you have found the courage to keep going. Morale is increased by %50 and fortified."
    Even through all the relaxation techniques, which are working, I still find myself to be totally exhausted on a mental level.
    I can join you there. I fight my battles everyday. I too look for freedom from people. Lol
    Pretending I'm a ghost and that nobody can actually see or hear me but everyone pretends I'm still here because they haven't gotten over it
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