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  • I feel like it was my mistake to try and share an interest. I won't try again. Just stick to blogs and maybe profile posts for those things, I guess.
    I'd be happy to share the thing with you, if you'd like to see it. I've got the concept sheet and everything written out for it at my desk here. The thing is kinda scribbly, but still.
    I would be glad to see it~
    Misery has some deep insight that I noticed in few threads I struggled like you for years because of my family...not raised properly. Ye, so had my years of trying to heal and build myself up. that I ever opened up this way as on forum, I never trusted and locked everything inside. how others bring up the demon and is based on my recent discovery that when people treat you right, it's cognitive therapy to roots.
    There is always talk of hope. Of good. But it's hard to believe, when all you see is negativity and pure evil.

    But maybe that's the core of human nature. Evil. And the path to betterment is accquiring what we don't naturally have.

    But if that were true, we'd walk the path of demons. Because no one would care to fix themselves.
    Ye, invited to tai chi to stretch, no blonds at this class. the ferns growing in pesticides and so I tried to swirl my waters, stretched fern leaves growing/healing energy. I opened up.... Something against my grain....we did prayers to release Crown Chakra for another broken soul...
    Is it asd or neglect that I shy away...want to be alone. If she opens her Chakra for forgiveness and life force....first time a Japanese was in our class. The only other misfit in broken unpublished place is me. A Darwin moth confused by 2 worlds
    Expendable (echo echoloation)I suppose I left before having episode....don't have echoloation in class....don't repeat word expendable I know drill deal with demons, don't bring them to class or sound wind chime busser til demon leaves
    Freezing rain sucks. Though I guess not needing to go outside is a plus. But I can't imagine driving in it is fun if you have to go somewhere.

    Thank goodness it'll get warm enough to melt it. Doesn't change the wet rainy day it's going to be regardless.

    I always tend to feel some kind of resonance with Silent Hill 2 and 3 sound tracks, particularly. But this one hits me in a special way. It feels to define my general emotional state if being a majority of the time. Even the name of the song, in some way, describes the self-torment I put myself through.



    A new character I made. No name for her yet.
    Reminds me a bit of Morrigan from Dragon age :)
    Oh my god XD

    I can totally see that. I actually didn't think about initially. I guess I know where I got a little of influence from in making this one.
    Just want to say a thought of a name.

    Feeling okay mentality today. Just unmotivated to do much due to waking up with a headache and feeling generally groggy this morning.
    Sound like you either had a bad sleep, or you are going down with something - I hope you will feel better as the day progresses...
    No. I don't feel sick, nor do I think I am. Though I think I know what happened to put it on. A mix of Dehydration, Sleep being not great lately, and the fact that I had a beer two hours before bedtime.
    Sounds like that could explain it :)
    I'm starting to really hate my own brain. Once negative thoughts start, it just never stops. I feel trapped by my own self-doubt and self-loathing.
    I know it's hard to break out of a spiral like that - I hope your brain will find a new topic soon, one that isn't being unfair to itself :)
    I understand and i am here if you want to talk.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    I've hated my brain since I was 8 years old
    Ever since I watched a video on 'Slay the Princess', a game. I have been thinking about little else but that, and the existential journey I went through as I watched it. That sounds weird, I know.
    Not weird at all. I have also experienced something like this
    I guess I should clarify. I didn't expect a game about killing a princess would turn into a existential journey. With a number of interactions and ways to determine the direction of the story.

    My favorite is the one that results in the path that involves the Nightmare Princess. From aesthetics, to the greater meaning of that path.
    I only perceive poison in everything. But it's not bitterness in the world. It's bitterness in myself for accepting these lies, as truth. I, long ago, shackled myself in selfishness. Yet was blind to it all, like a ignorant bug willingly flying into the web of a spider. As time marched on, so past by my chances to be a person. It's a distant flicker now. An abyss between us.
    If I understand this correctly, I think learning from past mistakes means growth is taking place, and that can never be a bad thing :)
    If there is a still a flicker,
    there is hope for a flame.

    I do recognize the changes happening. Though I still feel trapped in someway yet. It's strange though that the only way I can express how I actually feel is only in this poetic wording, if you could call it poetic.

    It doesn't help though that I had a beer 30 minutes before bed and stayed up till 2:00am practically.
    I've updated the look of Azeth. This is a bit more fitting.

    In some sense Azeth is me, yes. Though it's strictly in spirit. My physical is obviously different.
    To put it another way. Azeth is a fantasized/idealized version of myself. I may share a similar physique with my OC, but not much else. I guess they are my feeling of gender fluidity.
    Even if you don't celebrate, find something that makes you happy. Find something that brings you hope. If you hold on to that. The new year can bring new life to your desires.
    I'm considering getting rid of my videogames entirely, along with any game consoles I've held on to. I feeling like fully removing that component from my life will maybe help with everything else. I am still trying to convince myself to do it.
    What problem is it that you have identified?
    It involves my self-loathing, which tossing out or playing videogames will not fix.

    I've got deeper problems which involve preconceived notions from childhood. The short version is that my want for a mother evolved into resentment and hate after living with my stepmother. Letting go is the issue.
    So easy to say but hard to do. I suffer from that and l am way old,(meteorite old). I bought a huge sticker that says *Let that Go. And it came with a Buddha sticker also. I have to look at this everyday.
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