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  • I guess my routine for the next 6 months (possibly 2 years) is going to be work, coding, sleep, repeat. I don't mind warehouse work, but it isn't something I want to be doing for the rest of my life.. It is quite motivating.
    @Outdated I was surprised at how many older people were there. Definitely agree with you, not worth breaking myself physically for a job. To be fair, a lot of them looked sort of healthy on the outside, but I bet many were dealing with pains in joints and their backs.
    @Outdated Like my trainer, he dislocated his knee by simply kneeling and rising whilst turning. Poor guy. He's in his 60s and called himself healthy...
    I was very active when I was your age and ended up with a lot of spots injuries, they come back to haunt you when you get older. I have no regrets though, you can't live your life like the boy in the bubble.
    No thoughts on my new job. People are there to clock in then clock out. Good for me I suppose. :D
    I think I just got my first job. I start Wednesday after Tuesday training. How contrary.
    I've started changing my behaviours so that they can be deemed as me investing into my future.
    How do you figure out what the source of your problems are? Intellect, self-esteem, good judgement, etc.. how'd do you know what you're missing? Obviously they all overlap, but how do you accurately judge what your weaknesses are?
    I would also add thinking about solutions and following through rather than ruminating on problems will achieve quick improvements. Men thrive through action and problem solving.
    A lot of that stuff comes with age. If you want more wisdom, just live longer :D
    Also, sometimes you've got to make some mistakes in order to figure out what your weaknesses are. They don't call it 'growing pains' for nothing!
    Some people are just born to be losers, and losers don't stand a chance at life. Not even had my first kiss. Not even held a girl's hand. Not only that, previous experience of bullying and ostracism could lead to me not entering somewhere I really want to be. I bet they're prospering. Brutal.
    I reckon I'm not going to go through with having ASD on my medical record and cancel my appointment. World's only getting worse. How long can I last on social welfare? Which women wants to be with a guy on welfare? And I think career progression would be good for the mind and will open more opportunities. I think I can become independent. I hope the army sees it that way.
    @Misty Avich that's appalling, the most important thing to a kid or adolescent is fitting in. I don't think they'd do that nowadays with data protection and such.
    @Zain re: not getting a diagnosis, if you want a career in the army that's the right call
    @FilterFreq Not as likely to happen.
    @kriss72 I'd assume that they have abilities that compensate.
    @thejuice I agree. But the issue is my request and reasons for that request are on my medical history. So I either have to go through with it and show that I can be 'independent' or prove that that was a momentary period.
    Have a lot of important ongoing things all of a sudden. Hate this feeling I have.

    I rarely open this app, and this decided to appear when I did. It's unsettling how apt things can be or look. Almost like it's intentional. Usually, my timeline is filled with news.
    Oh, trust me, I did and am still doing that now... But guess what good it's doing me?!?!
    Christmas is near. Each time makes me reminisce of hymns I sung in primary school. It was the only time in my life I felt peace and joy at the same time. I don't know why. I never had a particularly strong connection with any of them.
    Merry Christmas, Zain, even earlier than usual. We should have a forum Christmas party online when the time comes.
    First time I've been wished a Merry Christmas in a while. Thanks very much.
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