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  • I find the binds that have held me, shattered.
    Nothing is as it was.
    Free to breath without pain.
    The days and nights have a different flow to them.
    The perspective has shifted.
    No longer fearing the non-existent boogie man.
    No longer feeling damned by the voices.
    Just at ease with myself.

    Free of the cycles that haunt my every moment.
    The nightmare is dead.
    I have no idea why but "pee turkey" is a combination of words that makes me lose it in laughter.

    I really shouldn't be watching clips of 'Home Movies' on youtube, late at night.
    That show was so hilarious, if that's what you're referencing!
    It is actually.

    "This sandwich tastes like pee turkey. Everything tastes like pee now." Coach McGirk after unexpectedly drinking pee. 🤣
    I am a creature of the night.
    Born from the darkness of one who's heart was never beating for anyone.
    My passion follows the steps of entities who are not of humans.
    Yet I walk in a body that is as frail.
    I see and feel things that humans scoff at in disbelief.
    A world without them.
    My delight.
    Drenched in darkness.

    "I live among the creatures of the night.."
    I am starting to realize more and more, how bothersome sunlight is to me. I feel safer at night. Frolicking in the shadows. Unseen by all.
    I like the darkness and the shadows, too. So soothing.
    I think I now finally understand something that stumped me for a long time. The presence of my internal torment, verses the reality of the world around me. Maybe it's psychosis. Maybe it's because I was taught nothing. But I see that nothing that my anxiety addled mind was creating, was ever true. I cannot run from that which doesn't exist.
    I've had a day today. On three different occasions. I've had issues. But hopefully after what I've learned today. I can keep better tabs on it.
    Being twice as old as you, these days do more than anything else to make you think on your life and grow for the better.

    I read a study once that our perception of a "long life" is proportional to the uncomfortable experiences our brains create.

    You can cater to yourself and be 60 years old in a flash.

    Or you can experience these uncomfortable events, and they serve to "de-age" you.

    If that makes sense?
    It's better to face things you are unfamiliar with, than staying where it's safe.
    Feeling particularly tired today. Not from anything overwhelming, nessissarily. I did two walks. My typical morning walk and then a afternoon walk. The afternoon one was more a means to release my excess nervous energy.

    Behind the mask.

    There are two masks we use. One is a half-truth. The other is denial. The half-truth is the person that can funtion in the world but cannot grasp thier true goal. The denial is believing your individuality doesn't exist. That the only safety is among the herd. A herd you were never meant to be apart of.

    A blessing.

    A weapon bound by the spirit. In the bite of winter, it bites back. The cold winds howl this day. Find your heart in the world. Hear the call that drives all creatures to the truth of nature.

    May the spirits guide your feet and your blade arm. That nothing stands between it's wielder and the fate written.

    This is an old OC from the character creation days of Soul Calibur 3. She goes by the alias of Fox. I've created new versions on her in every new Soul Calibur game since.

    Though I had a strong urge to draw her today. Something about how I made her, resonates with my psychi.
    Sometimes we need to let darkest parts of ourself bleed out. A sense of self requires knowledge of the full self, after all.
    And by doing so, you've honestly been helping me understand myself better, too, because I'm going through virtually the same sets of realizations at the moment. I never chime in about this because I haven't wanted to make your threads about myself.
    I'm glad to hear that my journey in understanding myself, has helped you alot.

    But you don't need to worry yourself about posting. I won't take offense. Honestly, I've always found that help is a two way road. Though I am not going to force you into anything. Do what's comfortable for you.

    This is song is something I've felt a long time. Suppressing my emotions for as long as I have. It's left everything confused. While I have had improvements in this, in recent times. I still remain confused about alot. This, in some odd way, proves my Alexithyma.

    I have this book at home, it's amazing to read how all the cows, pigs, chickens etc behave just like cats and dogs, and sometimes they're much smarter or cuter. After all every animal is a person of its own, with its own character, likes and dislikes.

    This song reminds me of myself in a worse state. Not so much out of a need to go back to it. But more of a reflection on what use to be. See how far I've come from the mindless, emotionless, creature I once was.

    It follows.

    Steps of a non-existent being. A voice that calls my name. The hallow shadow, always in my periphery. Darkness feeds it. A mind rife with misery. A heart beating with pain. A body without a soul to claim. Lost. Judged. Hated. Always lingering in the dark corners of my mind.
    A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.

    I haven't heard this in a long time. This song and Inner Universe are two that have stuck with me for a long time. This one has lyrics that have meaning to me. Especially since I am learning to stand up for myself.
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