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  • I find each day is a struggle to smaller or larger extents. For either similar reasons to before, or for different reasons all together.

    Either way. I aim to overcome them.
    Having a bit of a difficult time with my anxiety again. I'm glad my call with my psychologist is this Friday. I have alot of things to go over with her.
    I feel I cannot ignore aspects of myself anymore. I cannot ignore myself. I cannot ignore the world in my head, which brings me happiness. Truthfully. I feel my anxieties overshadow my inner world, more often than not.
    I've started using the Hallow app. It's a really great app for practicing prayer and focusing on God. It's helped me find a semblance of peace and silence, in the loud and distracting evil of my psychosis.
    I find myself questioning who this productive me is and how I can be that more. Instead of the mess of the humanbeing I normally am.
    The world is full of madness. It's not my job to match it, nor feed into it.
    Don’t feed the trolls. I wish I learned that lesson earlier in life but better late than never.
    I am strange. I like strange. I like myself.

    I am not alone. I was never alone. Not when there are others that are like me. That have thier own fun things about them.

    Let us all be our best, strange, selves.
    If you feel nothing is worth it. Feel alone. Feel that nothing good will happen.

    Pray. Reconcile these inner negativities.

    Hiding does nothing.
    This past day has been a interesting day. To say the least. A busy one too.

    Each day I learn more about my mental problems. In hopes to overcome the delusions, once and for all.

    Happy Halloween, Autism Forums~

    A little Symphony of the Night music to close out October, on the eve of Halloween.
    Hope everyone is enjoying thier Halloween so far.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    I'm at work but I don't celebrate Halloween anyway. It's just another day to me, oh unless I'm invited to a Halloween party lol
    @Aspychata I wish my inner demons were like that. Then they can scare the heck out of the childern roaming the streets.

    @Misty Avich Fair enough. It is just another day. Though for some. It's more than 'just another day'.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    Yes, I'm like that with Christmas, it's a very special day to me and I hate when people tell me that "Christmas is for children" and that I shouldn't care what I do on Christmas day because I'm an adult.
    Halloween isn't so big in the UK as Christmas is but I still respect that Halloween is a special time for some people
    I find myself asking myself where my passion is. What is my heart's desire? I do not have a answer. Yet I somehow feel like I know. I just need to find it.
    It's a slippery slope when in comes to things on the internet. There are little traps that affect the best of us. But it takes noticing those traps, and avoiding them in the future.
    I have been spending time today to reflect on myself. I realize that even with my progress. I've not been fully honest with myself. But I have started questioning the core problems. And all I can hope is that I'll find the answers.
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