I think that most on the spectrum tend to not be spiritual, but that is because of what is consituted as spiritual for most faiths tend to flout common rules in the scientific field and so, because science is real, then conversily, spiritual aspect ie a higher being has to be unreal.
However, I was shown, because I allowed myself to be shown, the truth held in the bible and for one thing: our universe is millions of years old; not what is taught of a literal 6 day worth of creation. No where in the bible does it mention how old our planet it is.
The history of how the human race came to be about and how old IS clearly recorded.
I love what I read not so long ago. Many people believe without even thinking about it, past historial figures and yet, refuse to believe in Jesus yet at the same time, most will celebrate which is commonly known as his birth date, which lol is not even mentioned in the bible.
In fact, if it were not for MY Creator ( I say MY, because I know if I say: OUR, that I will be called up on that, since not everyone does believe), then there would be no science.
In the book of Job, which I am currently reading, it is written how our planet is situated and says: hanging upon nothing and guess what? It was year's later, after much theories on what our planet was hanging upon, that science "discovered" that it hangs upon nothing.
I believe in my Creator, because it makes absolute sense to me; full of common sense and logic ( I am a logical person). If something does not make sense to me, I cannot get it in to my head.
I love my Creator so much, so I guess I would be called a very spiritual person