I generally date homologously, socio-culturally speaking, preferring Caucasic British men of approximately my own age [59]. Reasoning is, I have the easiest time understanding others most like myself. [I’m not even sure my homosexual interest is natural...I’ve deliberately turned to men in older age for practical reasons, the aforementioned included.]
So, this said, imagine my surprise when I fell into a small affair with a 26-years-old lad, whilst on my most recent run abroad. He’s Canadian, as well. Handsome, fit, and intelligent. A special educational needs teacher, working internationally through a Lutheran missionary programme. What started as a platonic dinner out became a lovely week of full-time companionship. I didn’t seem to mind his relative youth whatsoever. It’s true to say, there were aspects of it that I rather enjoyed. We exchanged our details before I left town, and he made it clear he’s interested in carrying on with me long-distance, to meet again when we can manage it. We already did manage, actually, as he flew up to see me in another city on my itinerary for a two-day rendezvous.
Now that I’ve gone on my way, I’m wondering whether I should indeed pursue this relationship. It could be ideal for its lack of routine obligations, but I’m concerned about things I don’t know to anticipate, which makes me a bit nervous. I do find myself missing him.
What experiences have you had of partners with significant age differences? What related problems did you find, if any? When and how did those problems come into play? Would you consider another partner with a gap?
It's hard for me to bring in what i consider my relevant experience here- because I feel like it's all relevant.
I think that if you find yourself missing someone, it's a sign you should see where it leads.
If you miss someone and don't pursue a relationship- you still end up where you could be if you did pursue it and it didn't work out.
The fact that HE expressed the desire to continue to see you as able may be important- but only you can really suss that out.
What I find relevant in my personal experience here is that in my current relationship, we don't see each other all that often. We live not that far away, maybe a 45 minute public transit ride- but between health and sleep and all sorts of issues, there are weeks and weeks where we don't see each other.
For US- yeah physical presence and touch is imperative, but it can be put off. For a long time. This is seen as almost insane by some of our friends who boggle at the fact that we might not have seen each other for near on two months, for example.
I guess I bring all of that up because I wonder- what the "limit" might be for you two? At what point is there too much of a radio silence? You don't often know until it happens, right?
When I was younger I always kind of considered that unless you completely block off a person- if you are already missing them, you are already "in it" with them.
From what I read- there are a lot of reasons to pursue this: he has a position where he needs to be reliable and responsible. He has "his own thing" going on. He is used to traveling internationally, and as already evidenced, doesn't have a problem jumping on a plane- that seems pretty important.
I wouldn't ever say "age is just a number" because it's not. It's also a mentality and amounts to all of our experiences stacked upon each other. Some of the things you might run into here might be amounted to cultural differences, as Tom has mentioned. It is hard to say.
I can't really add more- but having been in a... confusion, I suppose with a man about 20+ years my senior I will say that the age wasn't really the issue in my case. The issue for me was that I had recently had my heart broken. When i say recently I mean about 6-8 months prior. It was still kind of hurting- but I didn't realize that until way beyond the confusion.
I would reiterate:
Somehow I don't think you'd have a lot of problems with this guy. He's apparently got your adventurous spirit, something akin to your unusual lifestyle, and your love of teaching.
Nadador my advice would be enjoy the experience but don't invest in it. Then see what happens. Keep an eye on social media too to make sure it doesn't appear there.
Right now, you are in the beginning stages of your crush. This is the time for looking at things rationally. Because things can get much stickier later on, when attachment has deepened and commitments have been made.
What do you really WANT to do? Do that haha.