Well-Known Member
I reference above thread because it describes a guy perspective on being turned off due to thinking too much
Female a-sexual view: well half those cartoon/porn styles are degrading and half those positions and no way I'm going to do it.
Generalised female point: we get more headaches than men, not in the mood, ye if men had babies they'd also loose bit of sex drive n stop being unreasonable, of course don't feel like it.
Masking in sex: trying to dump boyfriend because I'm tired of doing things that I actually not interested but struggling to word this to him. A-sexual
Absolutely not relating to porn and will physically slap n leave if he tries to stick his finger there, again. I have difficulty removing condoms and French kissing die to germs. Ecoli is just really pushing mark, on renal dysfunction, seems lot of porn thinks they want this
Reaching puberty never affected my brain, but sexism did limit opportunities. No, I don't suffer severe PM's....generally affected by sensory more (a-sexual) having constricts to sex ways my symptoms for perimenopause are not hormonal disruptions and I object to any suggestion that all women have periods together in same boat.
Feeling akward and not spontaneous in bed, lacking sexuality and oh, yes, that's why he decided to put on porn, and at time difficult due to silence to find compatible partner. I think article that defines what's normal
I reference above thread because it describes a guy perspective on being turned off due to thinking too much
Female a-sexual view: well half those cartoon/porn styles are degrading and half those positions and no way I'm going to do it.
Generalised female point: we get more headaches than men, not in the mood, ye if men had babies they'd also loose bit of sex drive n stop being unreasonable, of course don't feel like it.
Masking in sex: trying to dump boyfriend because I'm tired of doing things that I actually not interested but struggling to word this to him. A-sexual
Absolutely not relating to porn and will physically slap n leave if he tries to stick his finger there, again. I have difficulty removing condoms and French kissing die to germs. Ecoli is just really pushing mark, on renal dysfunction, seems lot of porn thinks they want this
Reaching puberty never affected my brain, but sexism did limit opportunities. No, I don't suffer severe PM's....generally affected by sensory more (a-sexual) having constricts to sex ways my symptoms for perimenopause are not hormonal disruptions and I object to any suggestion that all women have periods together in same boat.
Feeling akward and not spontaneous in bed, lacking sexuality and oh, yes, that's why he decided to put on porn, and at time difficult due to silence to find compatible partner. I think article that defines what's normal