Wow. You're right. I don't get it at all. I think it's endearing, to be honest. The closest I think I can understand is the mode I go into when I'm helping troubled kids. I was a respite care foster mother and I worked with violent, troubled kids. I had to go into a certain mode that was both compassionate, but methodical.
I get that, yes, except that for Aspies, we don't have a switch of different modes. It doesn't apply to us all, but we are typically logical, rational and analytical and these are hard-wired thought processes, because we are wired differently. So they dominate. I am fortunate that I have fairly good emotional control, and no fear of expressing it, but many aren't so lucky, and stumble with emotive content, and can't readily process it. Many (very many) years ago, my first girlfriend told me she loved me, and I knew what that meant, but it was an overwhelming concept, so I just stood there looking at her trying to process. She got upset because I didn't reply. Actually, I was trying to process it.
This is how it can seem difficult, particularly given that I am comfortable emotionally, where your Aspie isn't so much.
You have nothing to apologize for. I appreciate blunt. And if I'm doing something, call me out on it, please. I appreciate that. You're right, if it doesn't match what I think I assert my POV in order to be understood so that I can understand. Maybe that's not a useful way to go about it.
There's nothing wrong in how you set about this, just that you're dealing with Aspies here, and we're used to being told that no, we don't know ourselves, that we're wrong. I can appreciate your process, it just needed a different angle to see it.
Well, that's hopeful! Thanks. I have started to find him more and more endearing in the last few days. I just laugh.
That's the attitude thing again. If you decide there is hope, there is hope. And something as minor as one tell, should make clear that it is possible.
Wow. I don't think most people see it this way and your perspective is refreshing. People seem to think there's a magic chemistry and all is taken care of on its own. I've rarely found this to be the case.
There's no magic chemistry that I know of, but there is a something that brings people together and binds them. We might call it friendship at one level, or love at another, but we don't have a clue what it really is. And it is the choice of what attitude you take to your partner which is binary. Positive, negative. If positive, you can make, build, maintain compatibility as long as you're both heading the same way, and are honest with each other. If negative, no matter the feelings, nothing will work out.
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