camerartus , your comment pretty much sums up my situation. I'm not a poser, no one here knows who I really am, and may never know, so what is the point to that. I can deliver on what I say, everything is now heavily confirmed and the applications will be a full order above what we know of presently. Whether I ever actually agree to help make them for anyone remains to be seen, I will consult God first on that.
I hope
camerartus , you find entertaining my following comments on science, and to some other parties in science who are likely causing me a fair amount of personal damage, and massive financial losses in my real life. If not? then I apologize to you
camerartus and wish you well. I'm sort of doing my swan song here in aspie land things are getting hot for me in real life and I don't know how much time I have left.
So I just saw a article on two scientists getting Nobel prizes on neutrino states and mass for Sub-Atomics! They may have no clue what they are talking about as they miss stated basically everything in the press release. So once again maybe yet another easter bunny guess, gets money and praise thrown at it, because said person has a white coat, job, and diploma from the right university

and of course the right Godless friends.

And they probably found some stupid way to stick the words Global Warming or Climate Change in their paper on neutrinos as well even tho it was totally inappropriate.
And one of the said Noble prize winning scientists made a point of saying that only REAL SCIENTISTS with lots of SCIENTIST FRIENDS can discover the nature of the universe. Okay? having the right friends now determines ones intellect in science, that sounds very scientific to me

. I'm sure he is entirely correct as his Godless scientist friends likely fully intend to mock me, suppress me, and steal my work, (I'm already being hacked and my house broken into on a regular basis). And they likely plan to do everything they can to keep me off the stage, a wise move, as it would take me about 15 minutes to crush their house of cards utterly on any front, (Atomics, Darwin, the nature of the universe), in a fair debate. And no I wouldn't wave the Bible at them and claim God does everything with a magic wand. I'm a deadly little solid state believer, (eternal matter), and I'd strip their blarney stone Theories as naked as the Emperor with no clothes in short order, (showing the utter contempt they have for the general publics intellect), as they make almost no attempt at all to follow their own solid state laws in their theories.
So to the Nobel Prize winner who claims Sub-Atomic particles have mass

I say you are unscientific with your language assignments or have no clue what you are talking about.
Firstly there is no such thing as mass in a particle, it is not a little rock that sits inside a particle...seriously some of you so called scientists write some really stupid stuff.
Secondly Mass is lent by relational states to other particles, (string connections). And mass is not constant, I can pull a lovely file from NASA to prove this if you wish to dispute me.
Thirdly the law of material preservation requires at least some of the lower Sub-Atomic particles to have little to no operational mass, or True Matter destruction could occur, (by velocity) leading to a empty universe.
Also your descriptions of matter compression in Black Holes and your idiotic Big Bang theory are stupid beyond belief, as they thoroughly violate the law of True matter preservation. And any blind monkey could see your recorded pulsar polar emissions prove you all wrong on this totally.
So here we sit in a stand off, you all want to pretend I'm a retarded autistic poser because I'm a outsider who believes in God.
And I say my honest work and autistic talents have given me the skeleton key to generate and see any nuclear shape, movement, law, and state in the universe....and I do mean any!
So you Godless scientists who don't like me, can keep trying to steal my work and ridicule me into obscurity in the years to come. But I still have a big fat (new) nuclear weapon counter sitting out here, that says I should have been payed and given proper credit. And it's real, and it's a full order stronger than anything you all ever made, and I grow stronger and stronger on the applied nuclear front daily (and I'm barely even trying)....you should take note on that last remark...it speaks volumes.
So how long do you think you can hold me off...either I get to prove I'm right on a platform...or maybe someday with a red sky?

Maybe you all should convert and pray every day that I stay a good Christian and wander off into the mists of history saving people for God...as I may choose to do? How is that for irony.

It doesn't mean you all escape me tho

. I still say you will give into your evil natures and step in my End Time trap even tho I posted a giant warning sign on it for all to see.
I have all the angles covered, even as a Martyr I can do a horrendous amount of damage to the Blarney Stone science club, (I'm being polite by not naming you all directly, but we all know who you are). Look behind you there is a even bigger wolf coming for you than me, and it is already moving in for the Kill.
Mael isn't joking, or quoting Bible on that last comment, (all tho it is listed in it), I don't need to, my auti eye can see plainly what is coming in real life.
Fun times are coming for everyone?
Natural law, is Gods law, and it never rests when hunting its prey.