My security alarms are going nuts again something in the neighborhood is triggering them.
So here is my last dream I don't why I bother, as no one is commenting, but at least there will be a record floating out here after I'm gone. I miss spoke it is more pieces but 2 seem to be about North Korea if my brother was right on his history, I haven't been able to successfully cross check it yet.
So the first part was strange it was deeply grooved farm fields all dry dirt not a blade of grass any where. It looked like some sort of potato farm maybe in south africa but I got the impression it was in the north for some reason.
I later mentioned how odd this feeling was on the farm to my brother who had lived in south Korea and he said one of the first north Korean leaders had a dream about a great drought coming and to plant sweet potatoes, also this leader dreamed of 2 boys waring one with lighting bolts like the American planes had on them sometimes later in the war.
So anyways back to the dream, so in the dream I went into the big barn?/building and there were piles of old un-used machines eveyware covered in dust, dusty empty wooden bins etcetera, everything dusty and dark, and one old feeble security guard in a tiny back room.
I had this overwhelming impression of sadness, of lost dreams, maybe a lost wife or both? Than the picture changed and I was looking up at shiny white new silo tanks in side the building, maybe 20 or 30 more feet high? and the words sweet potato, and soup came to mind, which made no sense at all. Later my brother told me sweet potato soup is common in Korea I had never heard of such a thing.
Then the dream jumped to a picture of 2 young boys playing with toy cars and such. One boy had a lime green axe painted acrossed his bare chest and he would wave his hand through the air and a toy car would magically move towards the other boys toys. The other boy had lime green lighting bolts on the sides of his face and chest, like a bear had clawed him, and he would wave his hand through the air and a toy would move towards the other boy, I got the impression they were playing war.
My brother has said that some North Korean leader had a similar dream leading up to the war and a famine and that he saved his people from starving by telling them to plant sweet potatoes. Also with boys waring with toys and the lightning bolt thing too. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can confirm this for me and tell me how to get text of his dream.
the next piece of dream was two middle eastern men who looked scared to death and were stealing potatoes from the farm warehouse with a big dump truck, one or more were caught and were thrown to their deaths under the trucks wheels but, a man came out of the farm house and said they could continue to raid the potato warehouse for 2 more days.
My interpitation which may be wrong is 2 middle eastern nations are betrayed in a war? perhaps in the Anti-christs army which will go up against Israel, and maybe the world will believe for 2 years God is dead, if man raids Zion in Orion before the end. A day generally = a year in bible prophecy
I could be wrong on my interpitations

it is the best I can do for now.
The other piece clearly was about my Dark Matter space ship thing, it showed a yellow road grader that morphed into a hour glass wasp like spaceship dark energy field frame. And some one tried to pull a pin from the center unbuckling the 2 frame halves unsuccessfully. My interpitation is some one is going to make some sort of major attempt to sabotage the Air Forces dark matter space program, hidden under a road or construction or mining program, to stop the US from achieving total military supremacy with a class 2 dark energy battleship, a almost unbeatable weapon system.
I have seen pictures of a enormous heavy tonnage flat bed trailer out side the gate to area 51 where the stage 1 zero mass prototype would most likely land away from prying eyes. That trailer had a endless number of wheels and I think it is hauling huge rock lathed boulders coated in ablative armor for the ship to test fire with bombing runs. I checked Americas fire ball meteorite records after that russain hit, I thought the timing of that meteorite hitting a big building near the russian nuclear bomb factories, just as the NASA guys were walking to the podium to brag they could track any asteroid in the solar system was too cute. The Air force space program guys and NASA are natural enemies, and the NASA boys were pretty red faced at a meteorite catching them napping, the meteorite came perfectly out of the suns radar blind spot, they almost never come from that direction. And I found numerous severe warnings on the Air forces space defence site for no more big cowboy stunts to be pulled to get funding. I suspect the hit on the building in Russia was to prove accuracy to congress to get a more funding, and humiliating NASA and Putin was a little bonus.
The Meteorite records showed a large sustained up tic in 2 graphs of major fire ball meteors that don't burn up quickly, (ablative armor would produce that effect), from shortly after I sent in my second paper with directions on how to charge, anchor and arrange a dark energy Zero Mass field. Both of those graphs were yanked 2 days later when I when back to print them to prove to one of my brothers, after a dispute over the phone with him on whether the spike in sightings correlated to my paper submission date. And the DOD has a ban now on all information on fireball meteors coming out of their bases.
I suspect that because a zero mass ship takes off more like a hot air balloon, they were able to cobble up a crude remote control prototype from old rocket parts, and I conveniently told them what already built machines to use to get it to work, etcetera...not one of my more shining moments.
You should note I'm not pretending to be any super Christian here, I'm at best a rotten little Jonah, and I consider all this stuff most likely to be really bad luck for me.

I hope you are at least entertained I have already suffered a fair amount from this stupid stuff.