The Roll SUPER-NOVAS play in galaxy formations, this by the way is how I backed into the zero mass field, (disjunction field), thing. I started out to prove black holes couldn't eat the universe but it was quickly obvious that pulsar stars were showing how matter escaped from black holes, some kind of gravity cancelation effect was permitting at least base particles to escape from the poles allowing the loop on the universes fusion ladder to function. Then about 2 days later I just happened to catch a bit on nova showing a butterfly nebula, also something on solar system formation and I said Ooooh! I had found the first thread to unravel the universe. What I had seen in the butterfly hubble photo was matter compression or herding by dark energy. And on the solar system thing I realized all the planetary orbits were too flat, flat, flat, not right, with a small super-nova that made a solar system it should be round like ball. Not only that it should have all disapeared into space at (escape velocity) as gravity would have rapidly (declined) as the matter moved farther and farther apart from eachother. So regular laws would never make our solar system or our galaxy, never ever, wrong shape, wrong gravity pattern. So that began my search for a reason why dark energy could cancel out gravity and I zigzagged my way down through the stars using a unholy combination of emperical law against natural law and any strange photos from hubble to show those kinds of conflicts. The number of possible explinations was so great that I resorted to using the raw modeling power of my mind to build emperical laws to kill off any thing that didn't work in a effort to simplify things. This accidentally lead me to the key just as I was finishing my first paper on material survival by escape, meaning white holes. So I threw that paper away and started over, i wasn't certain my atomic model functioned I looked and looked for patterns in the stars and atomics that would match its structure. One year later in the middle of finishing my second paper I finally spotted my missing piece super-nova 4 to go with the Kessler super nova 5 I already had 1,2, and 3.
So tonight you will get to see how the Milky way was born, I do not know if this stuff is known anywhere else. As a jelly star ages the variety of particles increases complex atoms are born gravitational fields start pulling things together more and things start to get interesting in a star. in a class 0 super nova this would be a like cluster galaxy explosion sort of, there is not enough diversity in run away failed fusion so everything just goes out in a big ball some of it manages to reform a points on the bubble,(stars). In a 1 pole super nova, a fountain of matter and gravity comes out of a compressing ball of dark energy created by run away failed fusion (atom shreading). A 2 pole super nova 2 distinct classes of dark energy, (produced by shattered atoms), squash the matter etcetera... into a donut disc.
In the MILKY WAY, (our galaxy), 3 classes of dark energy form a ball divided like a orange the matter and regular gravity is squeezed into a stick shape from the stem hole to the orange navel. During the outward explosion the level of outward force, (matter consumed), apparently often produces a great enough volume of dark energy to create a condition I call over pressure. This over pressure of the dark energy field crushes the connecting line structures of the solid matter momentarely, both generating a state of super gravity by squashing all the gravity together into the sticks, and possibly causing cancelation of intertial gravities by disruption. This means it goes like this BANG 3 air bags pop out around a broom stick, and the whole thing freezes like a big marshmallow in space, and some faint echo of the explosions vortex gives you the slow rotation of the Milky Ways arms afterwards? The 4 pole super nova is the so called colliding galaxies, apparently the matters are diverse enough at that level to separate into two hostile galaxies sometimes. The 5 pole is Kessler but it may be high enough the center is matter being reduced to dust..base particles, and the cycle for jelly stars is started all over again. So the circle is complete, stars are born, they die, they return, galaxies divide and hate eachother for a time, gravities war with eachother like sumo wrestlers. So I ask you does this sound like anything that wants to collapse into a giant dead ball, (Big Bang). I think the universe is what you see, strange chaotic circular patterns, matter getting bigger than small again, stars getting bigger than small again, stuff going out stuff flowing back in to replace it, circles within circles, just like the rain coming up from the ocean and flowing back again. Mael bows and leaves the stage...checkmate game over.

and the crowd roars!