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Big Bang Eviscerated

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Maelstrom, reading your posts makes my head spin. I'm very interested in this stuff and was wondering what is your take on singularities. I haven't been able to determine that from previous posts on the thread.

BTW is your name just simply the english meaning of 'vortex' or a more sinister combination of french/german words Maël Strom meaning prince of electricity :)
Love this Maelstrom , have to go out but will read through it properly later.

How would something like this fit in (if it does at all)?

View attachment 18425

Mysterious Structures Balloon From Milky Way's Core

There are allot of strange things out there, my super nova ladder may not complete, as I am unsure how many rare classes there are total, their presence is controled by age and volume. Also the % of each class or absense due to (-) division could effect a supernova shape. What you are looking at there is likely large scale polar emission of base particles or small particle dark energy from a,(for lack of a better term old iron star), meaning a major pulsar or black hole. The reason it is polar is a sustained dark sunspot/coronal eruptions are usually forced away from the equator where regular gravity is stronger. I will say and this is a little shaky but seems to hold in my model, eruptions on north and south poles may not be the same class of dark energies...I'm sure I will get mocked on this, but I have reason to believe it may not be just two axis separation...I can not guaruntee that is always the case. Your picture of the milkyway looks different from the ones I looked at...perhaps my 3 pole assignment is wrong?..Your picture shows traces of a unseparated 4 pole super nova...I never found one of those before....there is Irony for you, it is always the piece sitting right under you nose that you never look at.
Thank you for the nice Milky Way photo Harrison very interesting...I hope we are not looking at a prelude to a galactic super nova.... my ladder indicates 5 or 6 super novas in a stars life or more.
Maelstrom, reading your posts makes my head spin. I'm very interested in this stuff and was wondering what is your take on singularities. I haven't been able to determine that from previous posts on the thread.

BTW is your name just simply the english meaning of 'vortex' or a more sinister combination of french/german words Maël Strom meaning prince of electricity :)
You will need to give me more details on what you mean by singularities, there is more than one thing that could cover. Are you referring to seed stars...I like to call them jelly stars? I have a earlier post on them.

My screen name is taken from the story where the 2 brothers sailboat is eaten by a tidal whirlpool in Norway I think..written by Edgar Alen Poe??? I think (Mael) means evil and (strom) means stream of water, (or evil whirlpool). But mostly I see the universe as powered by (local circular storms...whirlpools) of particles moving up and down the fusion ladder, and fighting with eachother over who gets to sit in which chair.
THE ETERNAL MAELSTROM.... says a deep narrators voice.:D
We are such fragile, short lived creatures in a universe of ancient wonder. I would guess the build up time for a GSN would be beyond our stay here.

I am trying to visualise a quadrupole field in three dimensions to little success. I can see it in two, but if the core is a quadrupole wouldn't that prevent the flat disc spin we see in most galaxies? Or is the effect 'localised' around the core.
We are such fragile, short lived creatures in a universe of ancient wonder. I would guess the build up time for a GSN would be beyond our stay here.

I am trying to visualise a quadrupole field in three dimensions to little success. I can see it in two, but if the core is a quadrupole wouldn't that prevent the flat disc spin we see in most galaxies? Or is the effect 'localised' around the core.

Yes my modeling on that one is a little more shaky, I originally thought double disk, or 6 stick but never could find them. So I figured maybe early in the explosion you get 1 disk sandwiched between 2 half domes of dark energy, of 2 dark energis each. But in the final compression moments the matter disk is herded into spokes along the 4 field edge creases of the half domes facing eachother. Think of it as cutting a orange in half middle wise, then cut each half in two top down, then put the orange back together, and twist it 90 degrees along the middle to get 4 verticle cut lines hitting the oranges middle, (material), plain.
Does that help? it is hard to show a 3 dimensional thing with words.
Yes my modeling on that one is a little more shaky, I originally thought double disk, or 6 stick but never could find them. So I figured maybe early in the explosion you get 1 disk sandwiched between 2 half domes of dark energy, of 2 dark energis each. But in the final compression moments the matter disk is herded into spokes along the 4 field edge creases of the half domes facing eachother. Think of it as cutting a orange in half middle wise, then cut each half in two top down, then put the orange back together, and twist it 90 degrees along the middle to get 4 verticle cut lines hitting the oranges middle, (material), plain.
Does that help? it is hard to show a 3 dimensional thing with words.

It does, cheers Mael.

The 'sandwich' idea got me thinking.

What if the two domes represented two membranes touching, the difference in energy would then be manifest as the galactic plane with matter forming from the energy of two opposing points. Wouldn't that create the type of GSN that you envisaged?
Perhaps the galactic plane is then the event horizon.

If the physics inherent in each 'brane is different then the 'crumple zone' where they touch could produce the physics 'we' have in this reality. Your physics (which I enjoy immensely by the way) may be reaching 'beyond' and extrapolating from the other two.

Would that then present the quadrupole as two distinct bipolar forces? Perhaps the resulting energy is predominately dark matter.

Just pondering ;)
It does, cheers Mael.

The 'sandwich' idea got me thinking.

What if the two domes represented two membranes touching, the difference in energy would then be manifest as the galactic plane with matter forming from the energy of two opposing points. Wouldn't that create the type of GSN that you envisaged?
Perhaps the galactic plane is then the event horizon.

If the physics inherent in each 'brane is different then the 'crumple zone' where they touch could produce the physics 'we' have in this reality. Your physics (which I enjoy immensely by the way) may be reaching 'beyond' and extrapolating from the other two.

Would that then present the quadrupole as two distinct bipolar forces? Perhaps the resulting energy is predominately dark matter.

Just pondering ;)

On the post above the 90 degree twist comes from the north pair of dark energies round faces slipping off the peaks of the south pair and locking into the vallies like a ripple clutch. If you hold 4 oranges together you can see you get 4 triangular seams between the 2 pairs of oranges. I you imagine the oranges are balloons and you mash the 2 pairs together those triangular seams become more like lines and you get your 4 matter spokes anchored to the exploding stars core.

I am using primarily over pressure from a type bonded connectivity field, meaning active gravity may not be needed from the dark energy fields just raw pressure by inflation anchored to the star. However solid matter compressed super gravity maybe holding the matter spokes together to the star during the explosion. It is hard for me to say how much mass cancellation happens where hostile energy fields collide with solid matter. But setting super gravity aside, halting such a horrendous exodus of matter from a exploding star in just a few seconds is a massive task. And if you look at the delicate extremely slow orbits of stars on the outer edge of a galaxy everything must be almost frozen like giant marshmallow in the final moments, even the super gravity must be canceled or snap back would destroy galactic arms at the end. So full cancellation of mass inertia and gravity likely occurs in the field conflict zones in the last seconds of the super nova blast.

You are correct 2 Bipolar pairs of dark energy, dark matter it self is a unknown quantity, I can not say whether it is generated in high volume during the super nova.

You have made a very interesting point I missed, separation by type in a super nova explosion may indeed facilitate large scale exotic matter fusion. A very interesting thought... stars also can produce exotic matter as they age. The reason we don't see it much is anything with more than 51% hostility flees our solar system.
On the post above the 90 degree twist comes from the north pair of dark energies round faces slipping off the peaks of the south pair and locking into the vallies like a ripple clutch. If you hold 4 oranges together you can see you get 4 triangular seams between the 2 pairs of oranges. I you imagine the oranges are balloons and you mash the 2 pairs together those triangular seams become more like lines and you get your 4 matter spokes anchored to the exploding stars core.

I get the imagery, nicely put.

So are we looking at an overall external force encompassing all four spheres and compressing them, or is there an internal force caused by the twist that 'winds' them in?

I did see a reference that galaxies appear to be constrained within a globe of energy. Can't find an exact match but this is close.


Here the galaxy exists within the borders of the 'torus', the bubbles occupying the top and bottom with the GSN in the centre.

I am using primarily over pressure from a type bonded connectivity field, meaning active gravity may not be needed from the dark energy fields just raw pressure by inflation anchored to the star. However solid matter compressed super gravity maybe holding the matter spokes together to the star during the explosion. It is hard for me to say how much mass cancellation happens where hostile energy fields collide with solid matter. But setting super gravity aside, halting such a horrendous exodus of matter from a exploding star in just a few seconds is a massive task.

Perhaps the bordering torus is composed of the fleeing dark matter?

And if you look at the delicate extremely slow orbits of stars on the outer edge of a galaxy everything must be almost frozen like giant marshmallow in the final moments, even the super gravity must be canceled or snap back would destroy galactic arms at the end. So full cancellation of mass inertia and gravity likely occurs in the field conflict zones in the last seconds of the super nova blast.

You are correct 2 Bipolar pairs of dark energy, dark matter it self is a unknown quantity, I can not say whether it is generated in high volume during the super nova.

You have made a very interesting point I missed, separation by type in a super nova explosion may indeed facilitate large scale exotic matter fusion. A very interesting thought... stars also can produce exotic matter as they age. The reason we don't see it much is anything with more than 51% hostility flees our solar system.

I like that, fascinating way to look at the process.
I get the imagery, nicely put.

So are we looking at an overall external force encompassing all four spheres and compressing them, or is there an internal force caused by the twist that 'winds' them in?

I did see a reference that galaxies appear to be constrained within a globe of energy. Can't find an exact match but this is close.

View attachment 18476
Here the galaxy exists within the borders of the 'torus', the bubbles occupying the top and bottom with the GSN in the centre.

Perhaps the bordering torus is composed of the fleeing dark matter?

I like that, fascinating way to look at the process.

I should have explained the dark energy field thing better, the star core anchors everything providing the point of leverage. If you tie 4 balloons together (before) inflating them, then you inflate them you get the crushing action I described, the fields anchored by the star squeeze against eachother and the solid matter all at the same time. So the pressure comes from the 4 dark energy fields them selves, think of them as 4 inflating air bags coming out of the steering wheel, and the steering wheel is the stars core.

I can not answer the fleeing dark matter thing without doing a full atomic model blow by blow on a specific super nova with all particles identified...I maybe able to come close to that if I really tried, but that is stretching my mental powers a bit. You can spot dark energy possibly attached to dark matter in Huble photos of butterfly nebulas and such...just look for cloud compression.

Torus action is more a active gravity or electro-magnetism thing, but it could appear anywhere conditions were right. A torus would appear after the explosion, conflict may suppress torus actions some during the super nova, I do not know how much?
By the way my radiation warnings are based on fairly specific knowledge of a specific danger...I can not guarantee any bases world wide that are under US airforce use, do not have severe radiation risk down wind paticularly at highnoon. I may put more detail on this soon.
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So with a Zero Mass Field you use a dark energy not dominant, (present), in local space, to cut as many strings tied to the local star and space web as you can. this basically makes your spaceship light as a feather by being super slippery detached from the local space fabric. It translates into a soft white glowing field bubble with static lightning crackling acrossed, it with snowflakes and a cold wind, I'm not sure if the wind goes up or down normal rules don't apply. The bubble is firmed up by local hostility, I should note that traveling to the wrong star could get you killed, as fields need to offset eachother or you will run out of fuel and drift through space forever. A true class 2 Zero Mass fields ship can break the speed of light without even breaking a sweat. The list of associated Zero Mass and dark matter weaponry is staggering, earth quakes, tidal waves, and volcanos can generated, lightning as well. Meteorites large and small can vaporize or mow down cities like grass...and there are even more horrible things like the sword of the lord that can slice a continent in two with nuclear fire...fortunately very difficult to build, and piles of new kinds of nukes, which even I can't predict the end number on, some are truly horrible on the power levels.

The simplest and most dreadful thing in the end tho is Zero Mass tug boats. 6 large tug boats can move the moon into close orbit, (the plague of darkness), and you will starve to death in blackness while being cooked and shaken to bits by earth quakes and volcanos.
Happy times ahead for everyone, sorry there is nothing to be done to stop it, I tried to destroy my stuff was too late...some one stole it. hopefully it will be years before they develop this stuff, real dark matter still needs to be rounded up, I am a little worried tho, things seem to be moving 10 times faster than I expected.

I can take general questions on Zero Mass space ships...some of this stuff can get me in trouble so I may edit or shorten answers.

I need a favor from some one out there, does anyone have the text of a dream, one of the first north Korean leaders had. It was about 2 boys warring one with lightning bolts?? and something about a famine and sweet potatoes. My brother won't round up the text for me.
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Silence? Okay well, Mael is getting tired of this game too. My passport is way over due, I'm tired of these stupid people games, and in a bad mood. I have given fair warning to the US government on my dark matter nuclear stuff repeatedly numerous ways for 2 years, anything that happens from now on, is on you.

So a LEGAL, WITNESSED, PUBLIC NOTICE to the US GOVERNMENT: I Maelstrom hold you to be in FULL BREACH of MAINTENANCE of NATIONAL INTERESTS on my theoretical nuclear knowledge.

We will see in the coming years, how this turns out. Mael is a real auspie. maybe imaging savant :D Bad luck for you.

So the government may have a dark energy early prototype operating out of area 51 likely. And if my information is correct it is painted yellow and hidden under a mining or road construction program. It is likely hourglass in shape with 3 main tubing beams for and aft that articulate on both ends to some degree. A liquid fuel rocket engine just aft of the center of the hour glass. there may be sheet metal features in addition to the beams I am uncertian on this point. The main field is larger and soft white in color, the smaller fields aft may turn yellow during rocket firing. It is likely remote controlled and, (extremely), radio active. Don't ask why I know this..:D it's not what you would guess..:D

Perhaps I'm a idiot and wrong on everything, but in cross checking likely related things on the internet to see if their program was up and running, I spotted major deletions of information happening that would only apply to this specific type of space craft, no others. I am referring to 2 large graph charts showing a very large sustained spike in large fireball meteors starting shortly after my directions on constructing a disjunction field ship were sent to a major science essay contest. Man made meteors with ablative armor being test fired for perfecting atmospheric penetration and accuracy, would look just like regular fireball meteors, other than unusually long burn out and breakup rates for their diameter. Also the DOD has a new lockdown on any information on fireball meteors coming out of their military bases.
So there you have it decide for your self if Mael is right. :D or not o_O even he won't know for sure for a little while..;)
The simplest and most dreadful thing in the end tho is Zero Mass tug boats. 6 large tug boats can move the moon into close orbit, (the plague of darkness), and you will starve to death in blackness while being cooked and shaken to bits by earth quakes and volcanos.

I guess you know there's a theory that the Moon was put into orbit that way to start with?

I did see the increase in fireball activity recently and the fact that the media stopped reporting on it, although it's hard to stop camera phones from taking shots.

So with a Zero Mass Field you use a dark energy not dominant, (present), in local space, to cut as many strings tied to the local star and space web as you can. this basically makes your spaceship light as a feather by being super slippery detached from the local space fabric. It translates into a soft white glowing field bubble with static lightning crackling acrossed, it with snowflakes and a cold wind, I'm not sure if the wind goes up or down normal rules don't apply. The bubble is firmed up by local hostility, I should note that traveling to the wrong star could get you killed, as fields need to offset eachother or you will run out of fuel and drift through space forever. A true class 2 Zero Mass fields ship can break the speed of light without even breaking a sweat.

How are you pulling the zero point energy through in a ship, a star I can get, but what is driving the intial power to open up space?

Plus, how do you stabilise the molecular structure of the people on board?

Not time to quit yet buddy ;)
I guess you know there's a theory that the Moon was put into orbit that way to start with?

I did see the increase in fireball activity recently and the fact that the media stopped reporting on it, although it's hard to stop camera phones from taking shots.

How are you pulling the zero point energy through in a ship, a star I can get, but what is driving the intial power to open up space?

Plus, how do you stabilise the molecular structure of the people on board?

Not time to quit yet buddy ;)

Harrison You are too smart, you are closing in on what got me into this mess. I will answer what I can but I may have every major intel. service watching every word I write, my little town could turn into okay corral any day now. My guess is it's standing room only up here, but perhaps I over estimate their competence. I'm fairly sure MI 6 is in play don't know if it's as hired guns or not.:D
I have a evil sense of humor:p. Well enough of this nonsense back to physics.:)

Yes the moon is in a almost too perfect a escape orbit just enough extra to account for any long term space fabric friction, almost like someone planed it. :D

Yes NBC made up a stupid story for $$$ likely from the government trying to say the fireball meteor spike was just sky divers using flares. This was so utterly rediculous it resembled tragic comedy, its like saying a sparkler falling strait down resembles a thermal nuclear war head going sideways.:p Which by the way just lends more confermation, what does payed government disinformation always say...the opposite of whats true.. :rolleyes: at least most of the time anyways.

I can't answer the health risk question, but the bible if you believe it, indicates considerable time spent in theses fields by angels and humans. But there are indications of frost bite risk still working on how and why. I should point out that meteorite collision risk in space is almost totally negated by a dark energy field. There is maybe dangerous a hidden risk I will not go into.

On your last Question::rolleyes: Mael has to do a little hide the Elephant in the room dance sorry. Your short answer is simply displacement, no magic just displacement. I have 3 special things that are done in concert to achieve this state and I likely know the exact atomic shapes involved. There is actually more than one way to reach this goal some may be better than others. I will say I stumbled by accident on the internet on the very machine likely needed, being used for something else, along with another need machine, and I may have some even nicer ways of building machines for this kind of stuff. Sorry Harris Mael is still worried about starving to death under a bridge, wish I could say more, I love talking about this stuff.
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Harrison You are too smart, you are closing in on what got me into this mess. I will answer what I can but I may have every major intel. service watching every word I write, my little town could turn into okay corral any day now. My guess is it's standing room only up here, but perhaps I over estimate their competence. I'm fairly sure MI 6 is in play don't know if it's as hired guns or not.:D
I have a evil sense of humor:p. Well enough of this nonsense back to physics.:)

Not to worry, you can stop whenever you want to. No waterboards here buddy.

Yes the moon is in a almost too perfect escape orbit just enough extra to account for any long term space fabric friction, almost like someone planed it. :D

Indeed. Given the Moons size it would be more correct referring to it as a dwarf planet and our relationship as 'binary'. I know the Moon gravitational effect causes Earths centre of gravity to be a few thousand kilometres off centre. Would that stop portals being directly opened on the surface of the Earth?

My reason for asking is that the Tibetans identified several portals that were in use prior to the biblical flood. Interestingly, they also refer to times 'before the moon appeared'. They are not the only cultures to do so. If, however, the Moon has been our companion for billions of years how does mankind have a record of there being no Moon.

Could it be that the displacement of the gravitational centre stopped the ability to lock onto the zero point energy needed for the portals?

Yes NBC made up a stupid story for $$$ likely from the government trying to say the fireball meteor spike was just sky divers using flares. This was so utterly rediculous it resembled tragic comedy, its like saying a sparkler falling strait down resembles a thermal nuclear war head going sideways.:p Which by the way just lends more confermation, what does payed government disinformation always say...the opposite of whats true.. :rolleyes: at least most of the time anyways.

I'm well with you on this one as I followed the money from a few different angles.

I can't answer the health risk question, but the bible if you believe it, indicates considerable time spent in theses fields by angels and humans. But there are indications of frost bite risk still working on how and why. I should point out that meteorite collision risk in space is almost totally negated by a dark energy field. There is maybe dangerous a hidden risk I will not go into.

Agreed, there are plenty of accounts both in the Bible and in other scriptures like the Mahabarata that describe those journeys. Also the fact that humans survived them too.

On your last Question::rolleyes: Mael has to do a little hide the Elephant in the room dance sorry. Your short answer is simply displacement, no magic just displacement. I have 3 special things that are done in concert to achieve this state and I likely know the exact atomic shapes involved. There is actually more than one way to reach this goal some may be better than others. I will say I stumbled by accident on the internet on the very machine likely needed, being used for something else, along with another need machine, and I may have some even nicer ways of building machines for this kind of stuff. Sorry Harris Mael is still worried about starving to death under a bridge, wish I could say more, I love talking about this stuff.

Here's an interesting experiment that might have a bearing.

Get a CAT scan done and within two hours get a Kirlian photograph taken. Obviously, you will need a Kirlian photograph of the 'before' moment. The difference in the energetic field is startling, up that effect a million fold for zero point fields and I guess we are not strictly human whilst in the field. ;)[/QUOTE]
"Harrison Indeed. Given the Moons size it would be more correct referring to it as a dwarf planet and our relationship as 'binary'. I know the Moon gravitational effect causes Earths centre of gravity to be a few thousand kilometres off centre. Would that stop portals being directly opened on the surface of the Earth?
My reason for asking is that the Tibetans identified several portals that were in use prior to the biblical flood. Interestingly, they also refer to times 'before the moon appeared'. They are not the only cultures to do so. If, however, the Moon has been our companion for billions of years how does mankind have a record of there being no Moon.
Could it be that the displacement of the gravitational centre stopped the ability to lock onto the zero point energy needed for the portals?
Here's an interesting experiment that might have a bearing.
Get a CAT scan done and within two hours get a Kirlian photograph taken. Obviously, you will need a Kirlian photograph of the 'before' moment. The difference in the energetic field is startling, up that effect a million fold for zero point fields and I guess we are not strictly human whilst in the field. ;)

Hi Harrison don't worry too much about me I've got everyone balanced against eachother, and it would be pointless to do anything extreme to me as this stuff is so complex it takes maximum concentration for me to build these whirling models in my head and I'm a hard core Irish mule when bullied.

I am not familiar with your Zero point references at all, sorry you will need to explain them more. My phrase Zero mass fields refers to how many total of the locally dominant gravity and mass lines are cut. The Holy Grail in faster than light travel is to achieve 0% uncut...translation to achieve a state of 0 gravity 0 mass and 0 inertia. This means is you would have a rocket engine pushing thousands of pounds of thrust against basically nothing, in space which provides little friction, so continuous acceleration levels would be horrendous. Travel time would be divided by 1/2 acceleration burn time plus 1/2 deceleration burn time. In principle the other side of the Milky Way could be reachable with a large enough rocket engine and enough fuel, barring a sub-atomic bow wave wall, which could exist. I'm saying speeds could be reached that generate a solid shock wave in space like the super sonic sound barrier, needless to say that would be very very very fast, far above the speed of light. And there is no speed of light barrier, who came up with stupid idea? when Henry Ford made the first car that went 35 MPH people said it would fly of the face of the earth... same thing.
[QUOTE="Maelstrom, Everthing is getting so quiet I hope I'm not scaring everyone to death. I'm fine down here this stupid game has been going on for 2 years nothing has happened to me yet. I may exagerate a little for effect, but in the end things will sort them selves out. It will end in a big bunch of nothing, or me in the papers grinning like the cheshire cat. You have to risk a little to win big, that's just how it works. I really don't have much to lose, option A starve to death trying to pay rent working at wal mart or B face of against the DOD for a big pay check, what would you do? If I lose I'm most likely back to option A again anyways, big deal.:rolleyes: Of course there is always option C :D:rocket: (Mael isn't completely dumb) and if one side is already cheating, them crying foul from the rule book doesn't go over to well.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
My father used to say in the 80s no team could wrestle defeat from the jaws of victory better than the Greenbay Packers. If you always spend your money on worn out super stars, you just end up broke and at the bottom of the league. If you take the time to find and develop promising new talent the angels will sing. In other words the long path to victory usually works better, but everyone is short timing it now grab grab grab, then lose for 2 decades...Boohoo! :rolleyes:
So Harrison I don't have much left to discuss that doesn't involve nuclear bombs somehow. Didn't get much interest on general discussion of conflict dark matter tech. (zero mass fields). I can't remember if I went into detail on electron structure I will have to go back through my posts. There are still a few unresolved issues I need to work out on the structure of Ati-matter, my mental picture seems more complex than the nuclear models shown, I'm unsure who is more wrong at this point. My system is stronger on the lower end of things, there are limits to how many pieces I can put together in my head without a 3d program.
Hey Mael, side topic question, everything is always in motion right, the earths daily rotation is moving us all faster then the speed of sound all the time, its orbit around the sun faster still, do you have any idea how fast our sun might be clipping along at?

Or is figuring out what velocity our solar system is moving at improbably hard to do without a stationary point of reference? I mean in theory the sun could be moving at any speed up to nearly that of light and towing us all along without any of us knowing as long as it was moving at a set speed since we only feel accelerations and decelerations.
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