it’s okay you didn’t make me feel guilty. i can only assume he wants to sleep around because he said the desire and thoughts cloud his mind too heavily and that he doesn’t trust that in the moment he wouldn’t do it. it is not personal what he’s going through but definitely hearing that hurt a lot
I understand, but maybe with him being young he is being completely honest with you . In my experience Nt partners have said to me right to my face that they would never cheat . But they did anyhow . I would have rather someone been completely up front .
And that would have set a limit or meter how much I would want to invest in that person. Also in my experience trust is something that grows maybe… and also the whole concept of love maybe…. I don’t think it is completely setting parameters for barriers right from the start . At least people say that they do . But in reality is that true ? From what I have observed and from my own experience it seems to be based on the individuals and where they possibly are in their current objectives in life . 2 peoples objectives have to line up for a foundation to be built properly. In my opinion.